Onimusha (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster


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The Only Faithful Capcom IP Adaptation.
Sahil473 November 2023
I am beyond surprised that Capcom actually gave Onimusha to a team that cares about the source material that they are adapting. This, in my opinion, is an amazing adaptation with superbly choreographed fight scenes and plenty of likable character moments.

The only shred of hope I had for this adaptation came from the fact that Takashi Miike was at the helm of the production as director and he is most likely the reason why action scenes look as amazing as they do. I think on its own, the show is still good, but as an adaptation of Onimusha, it is great.

Animation: To start it off I don't think a lot of people will be fond of the CGI. I had no problem with it because the hand-drawn backgrounds looked amazing and so did all of the fights. There are so many genuinely epic shots and camera angles used here, both in and out of action sequences.

Also, the art style is just super on point, there are some areas where the color grading straight made me feel like I was watching a video of one of the games, especially when it comes to the backgrounds. If they were given a bigger budget I am sure the animation quality would've been 10/10, but it is still great imo.

Story: The story is fairly basic, it just follows Musashi and his companions while they go on an adventure and face various foes along the way. I think many people would rather love to see an adaptation focusing on Samanosuke or Jubei, but what we have here is genuinely good and can be treated as its own "game" because it perfectly fits into the Onimusha franchise.

Character: As I briefly mentioned earlier, the anime focuses on Musashi traveling with a bunch of other characters as they go on an adventure. All of these characters get a lot of time to shine and akin to most of the games all of these are very memorable; I would argue that the show even has some of the best characters in the series.

Conclusion: Amazing action sequences, really likable characters, respect for the source material, & stellar choreography all make this an easy 8/10 for me and as a Capcom adaptation this is like a 9/10 lol, because they never give their IPs to people who care. I hope that this means we might be getting another Onimusha game sometimes in the future.
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One of the best Netflix shows this year
John946 November 2023
I have played hundreds of single player games but never touched the Onimusha games. So i can't compare this adaptation on how faithful it is to the Capcom games. So coming unfamiliar to the lore and story i am generally pleasantly surprised about how good the anime turned out with just a few minor flaws.

Overall i liked this show way more than Castlevania Nocturne which i watched recently too. And the reasons are many. This show had extremely well written dialogues, the pacing was right and the protagonist was very intriguing and grounded. The art style was also fine to me. Nothing spectacular but i didn't have a problem with it at all. It felt unique on its own. It was like watching different sets of paintings. Like it was hand drawn art style and animation. Different doesn't mean bad. The rest of the characters besides Musashi were also quite good, with each one having different personality, motive and skills. The fantasy elements in the show was also done in a way that it didn't feel bloated and it balanced the realistic action fights very well. The action felt 90% on point with only in a few occasions becoming over the top. But i also have to point out some flaws too.

First flaw for me was that the villains were not interesting. The reason is that half of them either didn't have clear motives and backstories for them to care about, or their characters were simply very straightforward and one dimensional. Second flaw for me was that the show didn't took the time to explain some of the lore and mythical elements such as the gauntlet's origins, who made it and when, how Musashi knows about it to begin with and wanted it so badly that he fought countless men risking his life to obtain it and how the monks gave it so easily based on how valuable it was. I would also have liked to see the history and the conflict from flashbacks of the gods of this universe (Oni Vs Genma) and what each one represents with their different powers. A backstory through flashbacks of Musashi when he was young fighting through duels and wars, his training and upbringing and how he became the best swordsman would have been cool to see too, even if it was for a couple of minutes. This would be such a cool idea for a prequel series without having to rely on fantasy elements and the show would work just as good or better in my opinion because Musashi was a very well written character with a great voice actor.

Overall i am satisfied with the show, because it had most of the things i asked for. Great action, art style, voice acting, writing and pacing all amazing with only flaws being the villains and the very little explanation of the fantasy elements, powers and gods of this world. Feudal Japan is such a cool concept to adapt into live action, anime or games that i really hope the trend continues. I look forward to the Shogun live action Remake TV show, Ghost of Tsusima movie but most above all i look forward for the Sekiro anime adaptation that was announced just a couple of months ago. It is very similar in concept to Onimusha . If it has that kind of passion like these creators showed in this show with just higher production values it can easily be one of the greatest animes of all time. The Fromsoftware game that won Game of the year 2019 is still considered one of the greatest action games of all time and one of my favorite games.
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Epic Lovecraftian Anime, with a Japanese Mythological Theme
andrewrx-221858 November 2023
I was really looking forward to watching this Anime and I am so happy I was not disappointed... I would even go so far as to say blown away by how good it was.

The artwork was amazing; even if CGI was used, it somehow added to the wonderful style, rather than take anything away; which we all know is not easy to do!

Charactures were well created, powerful, or loveable and cheery, or of course, loathsome depending on how you should feel about them.

Voices and music were fantastic... did not skip a single line of credits.

Story was a bit short, meaning I want MORE! But what was there was well paced and exciting. I could totally see myself easily delving into several more seasons and see some of the charactures grow a little more than they did.

Basically a wonderful stand alone with minor similarities to another mind blowing Korean series, Kingdom; but with its own soul and personality.

I definitely recommend this series, with a total score of 8.8.
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I like Miyamoto Musashi
keikoyoshikawa5 November 2023
Another alternate history anime that came out in late 2023. Unlike "Blue Eye Samurai", however, "Onimusha" is not as well-polished though it is still entertaining but limited in its very Japanese-style of storytelling, such as too much exposition.

The Good: I do like this version of MIyamoto Musashi in anime. He's flawed, but he's got skill and determination, and he's smart and honorable (in his own way), which makes him the best samurai for his time - and in all of Japanese history and even fantasy versions.

The Bad: It's not a bad anime, but it falls far short of being excellent due to some major technical issues that cannot be overlooked. Chiefly, the story and plot are a bit disjointed and nonsensical, characters are not that well developed, and the dialogue not all that great either. And then there's an annoying kid.

Overall, it's a serviceable anime and a lot better than most that are out there. But compared to the very best ones, such as "Blue Eye Samurai" its flaws become very evident. Still worth a watch.
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Starts of strong, falls apart by the end
moorieman-563-5423171 September 2024
As a fan of the games I was at least hoping for this to be decent. And while half of the season is enjoyable with interesting characters and good looking fights, when it gets close to the end, something is missing.

The villain and his minions are very clichéd and predictable, so are their motivations. I also didn't like the setting at the end, although it's a bit reminiscent of Onimusha 3 style wise.

I think if this would have been a game, I wouldn't mind the mediocre storytelling. I mean seriously, did any of the games have serious writing? It was all about the fights with the oni gauntlet which is also underused here. But as a show I would have wanted a bit more depth. Just a bit. Or at least consistent writing.

All in all the show is worth one watch and then I forget about the it and await the arrival of a reboot/new game!
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If you go into it expecting some cool fights, you'll be satisfied.
zackplog25 November 2023
I'm not 100% certain his to accurately articulate everything I'm feeling and thinking.

I'm glad I finished it before writing a review, however. Though not as bad as I was originally thinking, it isn't exactly awe-inspiring. There definitely are benefits to have the pseudo-cgi anime style Netflix has been developing for quite some time now. I did make the mistake of watching Blue-Eye Samurai first, which just set the bar so high it would have been impossible for anything other than Arcane to surpass it.

If you're an anime fan (meaning accustomed to anime tropes), and are fine with the cgi anime style thing, I imagine you'll probably enjoy it. Go into it with the expectation to see some cool fights and you'll be good.
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moviefest-907573 November 2023
Netflix's "Onimusha" brilliantly melds lovecraftian horror with jaw-dropping samurai action, through a marvellously bloody journey which follows an aging samurai whose on a quest to put an end to the demon scourge that plagues Japan. Whilst grappling with his physical decline, legendary samurai Musashi Miyamoto must harness the power of dark forces to combat the evil wreaking havoc against the backdrop of the Sengoku period. Under the guidance of supervising director Takashi Miike, known for audacious and bloody work, the series goes above and beyond in delivering brutal violence, but in beautiful fashion. What sets "Onimusha" apart is its exceptional animation, seamlessly blending 2D and 3D, creating a visual masterpiece that shatters preconceptions and elevates the series to a calibre of the highest level. It offers a gripping and multi-dimensional experience, particularly for those who appreciate the beauty and ferocity of samurai stories and animated horror, "Onimusha" stands as a triumphant must-watch, and another top notch animated game adaptation to add to Netflix's rapidly growing collection.
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Loved the animation, the gore, and a slightly different take on Japanese cartoons
vitalymakievsky19 September 2024
I ran into this cartoon by accident and really enjoyed the animation. I have never seen an Anime movie that used a lot of videogame like CGI and combined well with the drawings. I do like some Japanese animated movies, like Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, etc. So I'm used to watching only the best anime.

The story line is quite similar to a lot of generic anime. Where our hero seeks out new powers and slings balls of energy and the like. But Onimusha had a slightly different take on leveling up his samurai super powers. I loved the idea of the magic gauntlet, which is a character on its own, and its constant desire for the the souls of vanquished enemies.

The main villain, is very interesting, and for me he really stole the show when he appears in the storyline. He, is completely mad, but his madness is consistent with an end goal. The good guys unfortunately are rather prototypical, but that's usually expected in any action driven story.

As far as dislikes. There are some seriously stupid scenes...yet somehow it didn't come of as bad to me unlike a movie. If I saw some of the idiotic like scenes in Onimusha, but in a film, I would be throwing popcorn at the screen...yet when you watch a cartoon, I seem to give more leeway on nonsensical parts. I think this is because animation is a lot more about beautiful magical scenes wich defy all laws of physics, and more about feeling rather than logic, as in a modern work of art.

If it wasn't for the stupid stupid few scenes, I would have rated this an 8. I should disclose that I'm not into cartoons, and rarely watch one. So,if you're like me Onimusha is really well made for all ages. The gore scenes are just fantastic, and somehow come of more visceral and terrifying than in a movie. There is absolutely zero sexual content, which is a big miss, so in the end Onimusha is still a tale for children.

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Onimusha in the eyes of someone unfamiliar
lubokolev4 November 2023
Onimusha caught my attention in late September when it appeared on my Twitter timeline via the Netflix Anime account. I was impressed by the trailer, particularly the stunning visuals and well-chosen music, which piqued my interest in the show. I went into it with no prior knowledge of the franchise, having never played the games or shown any prior interest in them.

Having now watched the show twice, I'm grateful that I stumbled upon that initial trailer. While the story's premise starts out simple, it becomes increasingly intriguing as the series progresses. The combination of compelling characters and sufficient exposition in the latter episodes makes the narrative the strongest aspect of the show. My main complaint revolves around the pacing, which is heavily action-oriented in the first half of the season and shifts towards a more narrative focus in the second half. Additionally, a couple of plot twists towards the end do little to enhance the story and raise questions about their inclusion.

The anime's visuals are another standout feature. Over the past few years, 3D animation has become far more impressive, with films like "Puss In Boots" and the two Spider-Man movies ("Into the Spider-Verse" and "Across the Spider-Verse") setting the standard. Despite a potentially smaller budget, Onimusha manages to maintain a high level of quality, almost on par with recent stylized 3D animations. It is a bit jarring to see it mixed up with some 2D animation in certain scenes, but I would guess that was due to budget limitations.

The action sequences are also impressive, showcasing remarkable choreography, with just a single exception in an episode that serves as a means to provide exposition. The exceptional music and visual effects contribute significantly to the fights, enhancing their sense of speed and power and distinguishing them with different color schemes. The designs of the Genma creatures are impressive and align well with the overall theme of the show.

Regarding the connection between the anime and the games, I can't provide personal input. However, from what I've read, the adaptation appears faithful to the original IP. As a standalone show, I would easily recommend Onimusha for those seeking action-packed entertainment with inventive fights and a light yet effective narrative, despite a few minor flaws.
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Remind me of the Playstation games
taipan-749173 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show and the animations are really good made. Never seen sharp animations like this in anime movies before. I watched all episodes in two days

I'm not so much into anime movies but loved this show instantly. It reminds me of the classic Playstation 2 games I loved so much in my childhood. But this time the main character is the famous Japanese swordsman musashi miyamoto who is fighting against demons. Would actually be a good idea for a new onimusha game. Maybe this is capcoms goal. To bring onimusha back from the oblivion. Yeah it worked, the nostalgia got me and I started playing the remastered onimusha.

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Not bad, but not as good as the games deserved
newark-610863 November 2023
To be honest, I feel conflicted about this show. I loved the games, so I really wanted to like this show and parts of it do feel very close to the games. Some of the characters and dialogue are well done.

The fighting in particular, however, was a letdown. The games delivered such aesthetic and spectacular fights, but this show fails to capture both the aesthetics and the feeling of those fights. The fights are over stylized and movements depicted so abstract, that it loses any resemblance to actual sword fighting. They end up feeling generic and became the least favourite part of this show for me... and that is a problem for a show that is supposed to be based on sword fighting games.

That is not to say the other parts all hit the mark. The style is somewhat "hit or miss", with parts of it being very atmospheric and well done, while certain scenes lack detail in a major way (waterfalls/strong currents for example look hideous in multiple scenes).

Overall not a must watch. A fan of the games might find some enjoyment in this series. Everyone else is probably better off watching Blue Eye Samurai.
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Totally generic
greiscorreia8 November 2023
Good graphics, but sometimes lazy detailed. History is fine, but predictable and simple, characters really comuns, even the final is totally cliche. Fights and animation are more of the same, and power progression is expected. Also conflict are very repetitive for this type of story.

There is nothing wrong with the design (despite for those who didn't get used to this style), no big mistake at the text or character development, and all, but lack a soul. I missed something original, exciting, involving, I missed anything.

It's so generic, that despite the gauntlet, could be about any samurai story and without it you would not even recognized it as onimusha. Actually, the title is the closest connection to the game.

I really got a feeling that the serie was written to avoid making mistakes or tarnishing the game's legacy, and this lack of auspice actually impacts the experience, making it irrelevant.

It's like a old movie of the 80s or 90s that you already watched several times, but without the nostalgia.
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tonyord8 November 2023
This was all over the place. Absolutely ridiculous even by anime standards. None of these characters are likeable. I kept waiting for one of them to become interesting, but it never happened. There are far better anime shows out there than this. The highlight of this series is the main theme. Some of the animation is really good, but that's about where it ends. Don't waste your time. I watched this and Blue Eye Samurai back to back and there is no comparison. Watch BES if you want some good Tarantino-esque action and story. Watch this one if you want to be bored and confused. If you don't like yourself then I would recommend watching this show. In fact, this is the first show / movie that I've ever left a review on because it was that bad.
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simbiat25 December 2023
I found this one boring. I have not played the games, but my understanding was that they were largely about fighting, and a bit about somewhat creepy atmosphere. There were 2 fights in the 1st episode and none of the creepy atmosphere.

Fights did look pretty good, although I've seen way better, especially in more modern anime. But the atmosphere was just plain boring without much of a hint of mysticism until the very end of the episode. And when it did show the demonic nature of the show, it just did not grab onto me. I mean, there were people right there for whom this would have looked ridiculous, but they did not seem that fazed about a demon. Or at least I did not feel anything from how they were portrayed.

The animation is not bad, by the way. I am still mostly on the fence in regards to how CGI is used in modern anime (since it's usually done poorly), but Onimusha is probably one of the better ones. Of course, you can tell that it's CGI, since it's not as fluid in some cases, but I think animators knew about limitations of the technology and were able to work around them nicely.
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zakdbrown7 November 2023
Not a fan of the CGI used this way, I don't mind it being used but all of these studios are being cheap with it which leads to very stiff animation. That really takes away from the art's medium; it's an insult to the very meaning of the word to cheap out on the art of animation in this way. As some who's loved to consume animation all my life and a bit of a 3d artist it really tares me up to see studio's doing this, there are so many amazing artist out there who can take steps forward in the evolution of animation utilizing cgi instead it's used to cheapen the medium. To do so in a story that uses Musashi as it's main character is just insulting, a figure who's the embodiment of perfecting a skill/craft/art.

I give it 3 stars because of the character design, early on I was hopeful that this was a Vagabond adaptation because the character design was reminiscent of that masterpiece of a manga.

There are also some signs of Musashi in the series at times showing a keen understanding of his environment, sizing up enemies and party members, at times fine fight sequences, mentioning his historic battles/enemies.

Possible spoilers beyond... I don't consider anything said beyond here as spoilers but just incase I'll label it as such.

Looks like the story maybe from an old game I haven't played which explains a bit so maybe that would bring nostalgia and understanding to the fans of that game but as someone who hasn't played it.. Sure introduce demons take the story in an odd mythical direction.. Sure bring in some powerup for him.. Sure bring back his old enemies.. But then why.. so much why..

"I can't rely on the oni gauntlet too much it's draining"; I'd also think it would be an insult to Musashi and all of his training; but then he proceeds to use it in every single battle even before sizing up his enemies or trying to fight without it. The Yoshika women? Really? Again use the gauntlet immediately to merc them before they even move. Around that point Musashi stopped being Musashi, he didn't care about mindfulness his environment or the art of swordsmanship his character could be any mindless avatar. The teleporting of lemon at the end then the girl.. sudden change of personalities in key people. Kojiro's magical bird powers 'legend was he was so skilled he could clip the wings of birds flying near by' so they make him summon some magical bird powers?! The gold is corrupting.. no it's a curse.. no it's demons.. no it's the undead.. no it's future tech.. no it's to give samurai a role.. no it's to rule and defend the nation.. no it's some Frankenstein thing.. so much of the story is garbage near the end. The breaking of the oar.. omg my mind snapped on that one, the whole purpose of the ****n oar was the extra length.

Anyway, had promise but man what a miss.
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Traumatised by death, but she's got a sassy, condescending attitude 5 minutes later...
stevenonstage9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm a huge fan of the games. Resident Evil in the Edo period with samurai swords instead of guns? Sheer heaven.

The story and characters from the games were pretty cool with a surprising amount of depth.

I got halfway through episode 2 of this show and switched off in disgust.

The main character (modelled on the legendary Toshiro Mifune) and his companions find a lone survivor of a massacre (reminiscent of Newt from Aliens), she's understandably Shellshocked and traumatised but our heroes get her to safety in impressive fashion.

She then immediately becomes a condescending, obnoxious know-it-all who constantly insults the men who saved her life.

I've seen this crap a thousand times before and I'm not putting up with it ever again.

I don't know what happens next and I never will, I'll play the awesome games instead.
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Not Japanese at all.
thodorosgaming14 November 2023
Give them Japanese theme, setting and characters and still feels American.

Okay the story starts forced and with a showdown. We then learn of a mission and how the story progresses.

We have Toshiro Mifune scratch himself like he did in Seven Samurai with a very good likeness of him. The graphics are okay we have seen better. The little girl is a total disaster for the story. As for all the characters they do not make feel the era or get to care for them.

The music is not involving at any part of the episodes except the end credits.

In other words don't expect Onimusha story or anything close to Ninja Scroll.
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A Lackluster Portrayal of Miyamoto Musashi
heshankolitha7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Onimusha anime serves as an extension of the well-known Onimusha game series, although this review focuses exclusively on the anime and does not delve into the game's storyline.

The following text contains spoilers for the Onimusha anime.


The main character of this anime is the Japanese historical "MIYAMOTO MUSASHI", who is considered a legendary Japanese swordsman, philosopher, strategist, writer and ronin, who became renowned through stories of his unique double-bladed swordsmanship and undefeated record in his 61 duels.

STORY: The story revolves around how Musashi defeats the evil demon lord 'LEMON' (they could have come up with a better name) with the help of an ONi gauntlet that absorbs demon souls. They introduced a Monk a child and 4 samurai henchmen of the Daimio to accompany Musashi on this journey. The timeline for the whole story doesn't give us any info about the Oni gauntlet or the Legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi. His story can be fleshed out and articulated in a more serene and captivating way to capture the audience. The villain was poorly designed and written into the story. And bring Western aesthetics and design out of nowhere to the whole story. The story as a whole comes off as bland, with an ending that feels rushed, notably in Musashi's lacklustre demise.

CHARACTER DESIGN: Masterfully crafted by the renowned illustrator Kim Jung Gi, the character designs for the show generated significant anticipation among fans. Regrettably, the execution by Studios Sublimation and director Miike Takashi, along with art director Sugai Shinya, diverged from Master Kim Jung Gi's original work. The 3D CG visuals failed to capture the essence of Master Jung Gi's brushwork and intricate character details. The end credits, however, feature the authentic character designs created by Master Kim Jung Gi. This discrepancy was particularly evident with the monk and child characters, as they deviated significantly from the original character design.

ANIMATION: As a CG-based anime, the animation delivers moments of quality but falls short during fight sequences and character movements and expressions. While the fight choreography initially impresses, it loses its smoothness as the series progresses. The final fight scene is notably choppy, failing to do justice to the character Miyamoto Musashi.

CONCLUSION: The Onimusha anime, while potentially serving as promotional content for the game, does not do justice to the iconic figure of Miyamoto Musashi or the renowned illustrator Kim Jung Gi. It is unfortunate to witness the portrayal of such a legendary character in a manner that falls short of expectations. Furthermore, it is regrettable that Master Kim Jung Gi's final project was executed with shortcomings by the Sublimation Studio.


If you are a devoted fan of Onimusha, you might find elements to appreciate. However, for a wider audience, it's a rather unengaging series with visuals that do not stand out and a narrative lacking in excitement.
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An Attempt to Appeal to Western Dogmatic Liberalism Ruined It For Me
jscage10 June 2024
"The women aren't three-dimensional characters - in fact, they're actually insufferably annoying. At every turn, they're almost all the same character: they're purposely written as better, smarter; and unnecessarily snarky and sarcastic, but only to men. They're mostly superior in attitude; they're super-brilliant, they're ALWAYS right; they're hostile to male support, and yet ungrateful when it's useful. And they even double-up and make fun of men right in front of them." --As spoken by Dr. T. H. Johnson

Heroes are great in stories when they're written with a sense of realism, and grace - the same applies for the Heroines.

Too often in modern story-telling are narratives pushed that unfortunately sabotages characters that could otherwise be likeable, relatable, and Heroic.

This sabotage occurs - for instance - when a character that required saving from a very capable ensemble, suddenly (and I mean SUDDENLY) becomes the arrogant, all-powerful leader of the very capable ensemble that JUST saved their life.... Literally, IMMEDIATELY after saving their life.

This kind of gratuitous pandering kills stories, as it renders them fractured and unbelievable.

But I get it.... The narrative must be pushed.

Oh well.

I was really enjoying this series until the 3rd Episode.... I stopped watching.
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Poor writing and left hanging nowhere to guess
KenzoMagaro11 November 2023
"Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."

-E. L. Doctorow

"You can fix anything but a blank page."

-Nora Roberts

"You don't start out writing the good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence."

-Octavia E. Butler

"Good writing is rewriting."

-Truman Capote

"To write something you have to risk making a fool of yourself."

-Anne Rice

"The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt."

-Sylvia Plath

"Don't just plan to write-write. It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style."

-PD James

"I never wait for inspiration to strike. That would be a long, sad wait. Successful writing is one part inspiration and two parts sheer stubbornness."

-Gillian Flynn

"A writer never finds the time to write. A writer makes it. If you don't have the drive, the discipline, and the desire, then you can have all the talent in the world and you aren't going to finish a book."

-Nora Roberts

"First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is persistence in practice."

-Octavia E. Butler

"Bad writing precedes good writing. This is an infallible rule, so don't waste time trying to avoid bad writing. (That just slows down the process.) Anything committed to paper can be changed. The idea is to start, and then go from there."

-Janet Hulstrand

"Write. Write. Write. Don't worry so much about being published or discovered. Worry about writing what you have to write-what you need to say, and how you're going to say it. The rest will come."

-Uzodinma Iweala.
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Not much to do with the games
thatwrestlingfan23 September 2024
If you want something with action and dont care if it follows the games then youd probably rate this higher. As a fan of the games this just didnt hold much for me. Theres no Samonsuke no jubei, hell no jach from part 3 either. Sorry miss spelling of the names. Let me be clear the reason im rating this so low is because for something based off a beloved video game this has only 2 connections the gauntlent and demons doesnt follow the games at all so for me its a disapointment. For folks who didnt play the games they might rate it much higher. Thats totally fine its gona hit people different. For me its a miss as it didnt follow source material very well other then fighting demons so i wasnt invested in it as i wanted to be.
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