859 Reviews
The breakfast club meets zombies
jazcroteau-3714320 January 2023
South Korea can make damn good zombie shows.

Overall, this was a fun, intense, and emotional watch. I binged it and couldn't stop, which I normally get bored of doing with most shows.

The characters were greatly developed and the story was compelling. You'll find yourself shocked with grief, laughing at well executed jokes, or intensely watching the screen wondering what will happen. Literally anyone can die in this, which adds to the anticipation. If you aren't into reading subtitles the English dubbing was also well done.

A couple quirks here and there, like the constant replaying of old scenes during "aha" or reminiscing moments. It's a bit overdone but not a problem really.

I don't want to give it a 10 because it's not like it's the best show ever made, but I would give it a 10/10 for entertainment alone. Definitely worth the watch.
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Holy s***t!
diescobarmdq28 January 2022
Koreans really know how to make a zombie flick!

Great character building and introduction of the different plotlines.

Two episodes in and it's mayhen and chaos all over the school!

As you go on more characters and different situations are presented and it all unfolds perfectly.

It is really well paced and non-stop action. A dramatic scene here and there but not too much to get you bored.

Freaky zombie outbreak like I've never seen before (only in Train to Busan).

I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
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It's nothing like High school of the Dead. Stop making assumptions
Snownoise28 January 2022
I've read webtoon "All of us are dead (Now at our school)" right after watching the trailer of this show. It wasn't a lengthy comic with a heavy conversation, so it was easy to turn to the next chapters. I'm not a fan of the style of the comic, but it was still fun and intense. I'm in the 5th episode right now, and so far I've felt the show adapted the original webtoon quiet well which is why I wanted to write a review about it. However, I get to see these assumptions of promoting High school of the dead from the comments which is not okay seriously. I also watched High school of the Dead long time ago. All I can remember is that the anime was more about female body images rather than zombies and stuff. Plots and characters in both shows, there's no any similarity between the two. The only similar aspect is they both use high school students as main characters. Honestly, Is there anime that doesn't use high school students as main characters? Seriously, google High school of the dead anime, and watch it on youtube, you'll get the idea within 2 minutes. I would not recommend to watch it with female companions or friends though. Back to the show, All of us are dead, it's well made, and it adopted the original story very well.

Update: I ended up watching the whole series for 2 days. It's worth it just as other positive reviewers say. It's well paced, and mixed with good actions. Also it created a different type of zombie.
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Leofwine_draca27 February 2022
When I heard of this Korean high school zombie series I was interested, despite the subject matter being done to death over the years. Then I saw the trailer and thought it looked amazing. Having just finished up the show, I can confirm that this is one of the most entertaining shows out there, and far surpasses the likes of THE WALKING DEAD. The small scale works a treat and somehow they manage to eke out the momentum over the whole 12-episode arc. It never feels too small and it never feels dull, packed as it is with expertly directed action and tense mayhem. The Koreans excel in this one and I loved every minute of it.
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An exercise in frustration
darri_h1 February 2023
There is a lot to say about this zombie teenage drama.

The zombie portion is done very well, the only reason I bumped it up to 7 stars instead of 6 is how all of the constituent parts come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts, but this series is not without its flaws.

If you can appreciate good acting, a nice score, great cinematography, and a decent story (and love zombies) then this is for you.

However, if you're a logically minded person then this will be a trial of frustration in which characters will continually make the worst decisions possible.

Whatever you imagine you would do in the character's situation you can almost bet that they will go about things in the worst way imaginable. This is a compounding problem. There is no salvation from idiocy here, only bad decision after bad decision. This can be tolerated to an extent but the frustration only continues to rise.

Despite this glaring problem, everything else balances it out. It's worth watching if only because the dumb decisions benefit from the suspension of disbelief. You will find yourself rooting for the cast and get caught up in their emotional drama. You will find both high points and low points worth celebrating and mourning, all of the braindead decision-making be damned, you'll still be forced to feel something.

It's not the best zombie flick, but it's a damn good addition and a worthy addition to the Z-roster. Don't let this one escape you, just be prepared for the frustration that will inevitably rise.
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andrewchristianjr1 February 2022
The action of the zombies in this show is very realistic. It is interesting to watch the relationship between friends. Well executed until the middle of the series. From the ridiculous lines, to the moronic "decisions" to the horrible way they treated some characters. The typical Netflix-style ending was a bit disappointing, but I really enjoyed this show.
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A cure for bullying at Hyosan High
aarpcats29 January 2022
George Romero, the movie god who invented the modern zombie, always cast ordinary people as the characters in his films. He wanted zombies to represent us in a world of problems so relentless, so savage and so violent that they threaten to literally eat us alive. He wanted a world without death, with no end to our suffering, where we become the monsters when we die. He wanted the brutality to be banal, familiar and up close, where a world isn't saved by handsome Brad Pitt in three hours of pointless CGI.

Everyone has problems, and that is why every country has zombie movies. In Romero's US, the zombies represent a population so self absorbed that they have lost track of what is important to them. Both the surviving humans and the zombies themselves seek refuge in a shopping center because consumerism has replaced idealism in this country, In Venezuela, the zombies represent the rapid disintegration after the madman who ruled the country dies. The Venezuelans who try to escape are killed by their own friends and neighbors. In Africa, the zombies are what happens when nature takes the land back from the humans who are trying to change it. In the UK, zombies make England's island isolation into a prison where escape seems impossible.

You all know the movies. If you are reading this review, you like zombies.

In Korea, zombies are about young people. Train to Busan is the story of a young girl who survives, but to what end? #Alive is about a young gamer. The Wailing is about the disintegration of a village.

Korea is rapidly changing. It becomes more Westernized and industrial every day. The generation that lives through the Korean War is dying, and the ancient culture that sustained the country for centuries is being replaced by a First World country with cutting edge technology. However, Korea still sits between China and Japan, and the threat of annihilation from the crazy man in North Korea is ever present.

To that end, this series is both the same old zombie by virus plot, but embedded in the daily horror of high school everyone faces. The bullies are nearly as awful as the zombies, the principal is an idiot, the teachers are a mix of caring and stupid, and the pressure to succeed is painful.

Zombies invade a high school through the idiocy of a teacher. There are massive casualties as the kids fight for their lives, Only when it is obvious to everyone that all hope is lost does a teacher admit what has happened and tell the kids to leave. Then it is still every person trying to save himself. The virus that causes the zombie infection is stronger than human connection.

Young Koreans face a world in which, no matter how hard they work or how much they care, they are not safe from monsters. Teachers don't care if they are bullied. Friends turn against them. And, everyday, they face oblivion.

But they are teenagers, and they try.

Romero would like this series.
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Exciting from start to finish
phd_travel4 February 2022
I can't begin to praise this superbly entertaining zombie thriller enough. The direction is superb clear even though lots is going on. Some of the scenes are truly memorable and epic. There is such a variety of scenarios and action sequences that it is exciting throughout. The stunt work is seamless so that it looks like the actors are doing them. Some epic scenes feel like a big budget movie.

The show doesn't fall short in the more intimate quiet scenes either. Characters both heroes and villains are involving and sympathetic and the relationships are interesting enough. The emotional scenes are good too - not overwrought but moving enough when a character you like gets bitten.

Cast members do a good job. The older cast has some familiar faces especially if you have seen the excellent but different pandemic show Happiness. The young cast isn't very famous and that's good since you don't associate them with other roles that much.

The 12 episodes just sped by. Of the recent worldwide topping Netflix shows I enjoyed this more than Hellbound and Squid Game.
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I had high expectations but it fell flat... not terrible tho
cathey-12730 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Train to Busan so when they said that a new Korean zombie show was coming out I was really excited. The trailer looked good and I'm for TV series over movies to tell a big story all day any day. I thought it was cool that they had some scientific explanations for the zombie outbreak and not just "it started". It was also cool to have 12 hours to cover surviving a zombie apocalypse rather than 2 in a movie. But the show really fell flat.

For starters, the plot was really ridiculous at times. The virus origin story was just "what"? So the teacher's son was bullied, and instead of protecting him, moving him to another school, finding ways to prove the bullies' guilt, using his status as a teacher to push for punishment, signing him up for self defense classes and basically everything rational... he injects his son with a new virus he just created? I'm impressed he was able to contain his son and wife at home without getting hurt himself btw. Then when the virus broke out his actions were really inconsistent. He was agitated at first when finding out that the student he chained up was released. But then he took centuries to explain everything. Also he sent the cop to his computer to retrieve the solution when it was just "burn them all"? I was really hoping this character would be developed and utilized more, since the scientific side of a zombie virus is pretty interesting and would've separated this series from other zombie shows.

Moving on, the characters that we follow are mostly not very likable. There were some actors that were horendous at acting too. Zombie in your face and these kids just poker face... I get that these kids are just teenagers, but it's a zombie apocalypse, one of the kids actually mentioned Train to Busan in episode 1 or sth, lets get to work with building up defenses, armoring up, finding resources, figuring out what's going on outside... can we save the meaningless squabbles and love triangle drama for later? The kids also act very dumb at times. Can we throw an infected person out of the room before they actually become a zombie and get another person bitten? Yes I can imagine it being tough when it's a friend or family, but sometimes they really go over the top with it and just makes the characters seem stupid and irrational. Neither the protagonists nor the antagonists were particularly well written, and I can't help feeling that the writer had something against women in general. I get that Asia's gender expectations are more traditional, but most of the females just cowered behind while the guys did all the work. Like seriously? You need the guys to tell you to help them push and not just sit behind and watch?

Half way through the series become more about the conscious "half zombies" than the rabid thrashing ones, which is okay, but the subplots were quite underwhelming too. The bully's obsessed with the male lead. The bullied girl decides that the person she wants to avenge the most is... the guy that tried to comfort her at the rooftop? Class president gained these super powers and couldn't die anymore... and she couldn't do anything to help? Like go out, find a safe path, find food & water? It's like having Spiderman with an invisibility buff on your team and he does almost nothing. They spent half an episode on making toilets, a much more mundane matter that nobody asked for.

I wanted to like the series. I really did. I watched it as soon as it came out, but in the end it was kind of underwhelming. It wasn't terrible, it was a thrill to watch people run away from the zombies, but many of the times when they weren't actively fighting or escaping the zombies ended up pretty frustrating.
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rupalipawar-8206329 January 2022
I am enjoying the show. I think Koreans know how to make a zombie movie or a show. I binge watched it entire Saturday and watched 9 episodes in a row. But since I need to sleep, I will watch the rest (3 episodes the next day, Sunday 30th Jan)
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Stylish, competent, repetitive, uneven and conflicting
RogerBorg5 February 2022
There's a lot to unpack here, but the core problem is that there are maybe 6 great episodes worth of content in this 12 episode series.

When it gets it right, it gets it very right. Love, loss, longing, poignancy, savagery and pathos, it's all there. The writing, acting and production are strong enough to get you engaged, so as the cast get chowed on, you'll feel it.

However, it suffers from uneven tone, with too many cliched tropes and characters. Big-awkward guy, punky-girl, straight-laced nerd hottie, alpha and beta heroes, coward, and generic thug villain. You've seen them all before, many times.

Some scenes eschew peril for jarring slapstick, which breaks you right out of immersion. There's far, far too much shrieking, repetition, indecision, repetition, pointless sacrifice, and repetition.

Still, the effects, both practical, makeup and subtle CGI are top notch, the overall story arc is well conceived, and there are a few touching character developments.

It's not amazing, but it's solid, and it ends strongly and credibly without pushing the To Be Continued too hard. Just about worth your time.
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How many times are they just going to stand there...
captain_astronaut31 January 2022
...watching someone turn into a zombie before they take action? You take action before they get off the floor and try to bite you. It can be forgiven the first time (maybe even the second time), but every time? And it seems all the kids know zombie lore (one of them even mentions Train to Busan), yet don't act accordingly to defend themselves?

I've been watching a lot of Korean shows, and there's a trend where people don't do the right thing so they don't embarrass themselves or the job. And everyone always seems to be up for a job review, and it's better to let people die rather than speak up to avoid a negative review. Is it a narrative staple in Korea, or is that actually the culture (like the incessant crying in Korean tv and movies)?

I'll still watch the shows because they're still a hell of a lot better than the American crap.
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cile-chan29 January 2022
All of us are dead is extremely graphic and disturbing than you may expect. Squeamish people... don't even try. People who want an edge-of-the-seat entertainment and can handle lavish gore... you guys are in for a ride.

Each episode delivers and even though they're a bit longer than usual, they don't feel tedious. When there's no mayhem, there are the character conflicts, thus making every episode as gripping as possible.

The characters are horror flick typical but they're smart and resourceful- okay maybe some foolish decisions here and there but hey they're still high school students! Seeing them come up with clever escape gimmicks is always the most fun part, as well as seeing them build trust between each other.

Cinematography is fine with some striking and ominous frame shots. Sound effects are impressive and detailed (with lots and lots of squelching lol). And the zombie transformation scenes - no matter how repetitive they get - always look pretty insane!

The cast are fantastic and everyone shines. I love that they're actually young actors cast as high schoolers (Hollywood take some notes!).

Overall, All of us are dead succeeds at being grim, comedic, and emotional all at the same time. Definitely a neat addition to the zombie/survival genre. Looks like another Netflix hit from South Korea.

8/10 worth the 12 hours.

TW: Bullying / Sexual harassment / Suicide.
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Please tell me I did not just hear people in the reviews saying Happiness is better than this
Zephrey28 January 2022
Happiness (2021) is also a Zombie Kdrama, except it's not. It focuses on the human aspect of survival in a way to try and present itself as unique. It tries to show us that humans are worse than zombies, except the writing is absolute garbage because the basis of each episode is a character making a dumb decision and then the two main protagonists having to fix that dumb decision. That is not how you create plot! That show falls into every zombie pitfall trope possible.

Now All os Us are dead on the other hand is amazing. If you want to see how cruel humans can actually be to one another, this is the show, especially after episode 3. Good cast of characters, great action, great plot, great sfx makeup and average cinematography. However if you're watching this show for film making techniques you've come to the wrong place.
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Who cares about food and water, as long as we have each other
zed-0438530 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's definitely one of the better zombie flicks. The acting is great, the story is good. I would have given it a 7 or 8 if it weren't for two very annoying things, that I couldn't get past:

1. They had literally nothing to eat or drink for what seemed more than two days, while half the time running, fighting zombies, climbing up and down buildings, and parkouring. Non of them seemed pretty fazed about that and apart from a few comments, the lack of vital sustenance in a zombie apocalypse, was considered pretty much like an insignificant detail, rather than the difference between life and death.

2. Decision making and reactions were at points absurdity itself. Someone is bitten, turning, and will kill us all - let's stare and see what will happen - that, on more than one occasion. Zombies are attacking my friends - let me stare for a while and then hit them with a book. We have to make other split second decisions - again let's stare. There's a lot of staring going on.

Overall, however it's a good movie if you get past this and some other annoying details.
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Zombiecalypse Nightmare
pranayjalvi29 January 2022
All of Us Are Dead is South Korea's latest entry into its esscalating body of undead mayhem (Train to Busan, #Alive, Happiness).

All of Us Are Dead pulls no punches and unleashes a savage and seemingly never-ending assault of fast-running zombies on an unfortunate squad of students who've managed to survive the first wave of a zombiecalypse. With 12 episodes running 1 hr long each, it gets a bit exhausting at times due to continuous gore and violence, yet it sticks to the basics and delivers a positive outcome, although there's nothing new.

All of Us Are Dead's zombie action is never not impressive. Whether it's giant chaotic crowd shots, massive ensemble brawls, or tricky "oners," this is massively kinetic storytelling that will drain you as emotionally as it drains our heroes physically. Likewise, there are dozens of instances involving astounding body acting.

All of Us Are Dead may not offer up anything exactly new in the realm of zombie carnage other than its somewhat cruel and unrelenting nature, but sometimes that's enough to pull off some damn effective survival horror.

My Rating : 7.5/10.
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A real Netflix / South Korean Zombie drama
fajarsantoso29 January 2022
The serie is quite fun to watch but it doesn't bring anything new or special, unfortunately because sometimes these kind of movies from South Korean production companies can be a hidden gem (i.e. Train to Busan). However, it is really a South Korean zombie production so if you don't like that, don't bother to watch it. However, it doesn't meet the level of TWD but it definitely is much better than FTWD.

For those who love South Korean zombie production, All of Us are Dead is worth to watch. Sometimes it is a bit annoying and slow that you start to wonder whether you are watching a highschool serie. However, I binged it in a weekend and I kinda got into the main characters of the serie. I just hope that Netflix won't kill this serie and that it will order a 2nd season as the story got potential for another interesting zombie season.
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vignesh-av244 February 2022
Who greenlit this to be a 12 episode series? It's so dragged. No story just talking talking and more talking for 12+ hrs. It should have been just 6 or 8 episodes. Wasted potential.
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A zombie series with bite
Pairic31 January 2022
All of Us Are Dead: Zombie outbreak at a high school in Hyosan. South Korea. Most of characters are meant to be 16-17 but this is really an adult drama, when the students turn Zombie they bite out throats, take chunks out of people. Victims and Zombies alike jump and fall out of windows, frantic boys and girls barricade themselves in classrooms, battle against the Zombies. Fast moving action just like the Zombies who sprint about. Subplots about bullying and teen romance help the narrative along while the school principal wants to pretend everything is ok. A horror series which shocks but the terror is leavened by the teen love stories. The outbreak spreads. Zombie hordes charging at lines of riot police, even 3 deep they struggle to hold them back. Zombies munching on intestines. The dranas between the still human students becoming more intense. Refugees fleeing Hyosan are "othered", feared, even attacked. As so ften happens the authorities abandon the inhabitants of Hyosan while pretending to help them. It's an old trope but is given new life (or death) here due to the editing, acting and direction. How the Zombie virus was created is gradually revealed, it's root cause tied in with events which transpired at the school, you'll have to watch the series to put everything together, no spoilers here! Really convincing acting and effects. Directed by Lee Jae-kyoo and Kim Nam-su. Written by Chun Sung-il. 12 episodes on Netflix. 9/10.
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Decent zombie show, but falls apart
the_dimbster8 April 2022
This show has decent characterization and the action is fairly interesting. It falls apart with the lapses in logic, though. Some characters do things that don't make a lot of sense, like taking unnecessary risks or not helping other characters they like. The show also excessively wastes time on characters who do nothing in the grand scheme of things. One person essentially took like 2 hours of screen time in the first season, opened a door for the main group, and then left. While that gives the feeling that any character could die, it also makes it seem like only the core characters actually matter and that everyone will just vanish or die from the show. Not to mention that there is a character who could easily deal with many of the issues the main group faces and... just doesn't? Maybe they explain at some point why this girl doesn't use her unique abilities more... but it seems like most problems are easily solved by getting that girl to go do things for the group. In conclusion, there are many logical issues that take away from the various problems they have to solve but the zombie stuff is still interesting for a zombie fan.
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A lengthy boring series.
mujtabasaif78615 September 2022
The series starts in a school where a chemist teacher make a virus to help his son from cruel students. The virus spread all over the school and even the city.

It is too lengthy series with no story, it begins nicely then it is getting bored while you see, it should be in 8 episodes instead of 12 episodes and the episode run time should be 40 to 50 minutes instead of 60+ minutes.

The cast of the series is okay and the music is fine and the story also good but it should be not too lengthy and in this series they just talk and talk. It should be shown what is necessary not silly talk and the same story.

The whole school becomes zombies except few of them and they couldn't defend them.
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Great fun BUT
ue-5366029 January 2022
I totally love these South Korean series. They are inventive, beautifully made and fun. And there is always a subtle, gentle and tender message. Yes it's a zombie serie but it is somehow sweet. Actors are great and very likeable and direction is brilliant full of inventive touches.

BUT..please,please,please find some decent English speaking dubbing actors and translators. These are absolutely painful.
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MadamWarden12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one off the charts crazy ride through hell. Wow!!

If you enjoyed Train to Busan, you will love this. Insanely intense action and amazing character development and sub plots. Honestly, I could not stop binge watching.

I can't praise this series enough. What an incredible ride!!!

Well done, Netflix!
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Not bad for a zombie horror series!
Irishchatter31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I decided to give the live action a go because I saw it's No 4 in Ireland on Netflix right now and I found out that it is based off a Webtoon. Yeah it's not a great art so definitely this was the better version personally! I may not be a fan of zombie themed stuff because they are always obvious and you know wtf was going to happen. I mean, this series isn't any different from every zombie flick out there but at least it puts some twists and turns to make you interested. I honestly was interested with how the character Na-ra was able to look less zombish and able to jump from the roof like a ninja?! Yeah I am assuming that cliffhanger would be left to s2 or just giving us poor audience a tease to make out what really happened in our heads. Even if the ending was pretty much a very questionable one, the characters, the music and the storyline in a way were entertaining enough. Yes it is clique in some parts with,using recycled horror tropes but again, I really enjoyed it and glad I didn't bother with the Webtoon...
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Worth a watch
Jmscln29 April 2022
  • Genre is not new but feels refreshing.

  • Acting is decently good, except for some, unknown whether due to role or actor. Dialog is in Korean so let's leave that to the Korean speakers to decide if it's natural or not.

  • Zombie fighting scenes are well-choreographed, entertaining and brutal but not gratuitously gory, the most fun part of the series. Main antagonist was given too little screen time (fighting scenes against villain too short, often ends abruptly).

  • Plot is the weakest point. Plot holes plenty, including questionable character decisions (to put it mildly), unimpactful characters/storylines, plus the multiple story lines didn't really connect to each other or went anywhere, leaving many unresolved questions but probably banking on another season (the culture of always save some mysteries for new seasons instead of having an all-conclusive story).

  • Occasionally force-feeds audience unnecessary expositions.

  • Kudos for featuring real phone and computer UI instead of dummy OS interface to avoid lawsuits like other big titles.

  • Netflix please don't cop out and try to revive fan-favourite characters just for the sake of fan service, be unapologetic and let them die.

---All in all: worth a watch---
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