Syberia: The World Before (Video Game 2022) Poster

(2022 Video Game)

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5 Reviews
maxibaxi5 May 2022
What beautiful game this is. Had a great time with it. It's very intuitive and story-driven. Syberia WB tells a bitter-sweet story and the pacing is actually really nice - especially in these rushed times.
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What a wonderful game!
ciudadcity10 April 2022
This is a perfect adventure game and a worthy successor! Kate Walker's character has never been so alive, as we get to know a lot about her past. The graphic's are stunning and the puzzles are perfectly embedded into the story. It might be a bit too easy for experienced point&click fans, but I think it's alright. What I actually didn't expect is the very high quality of this game: The facial expressions during dialogue are superb, the presentation as a whole is simply wonderful! I also love the score, really adds to the atmosphere... I also have to mention some hilarious scenes with Kate's partner in crime - loved every bit of it!
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Music and Memory
megan_chatterton13 November 2022
Lawyer turned adventurer Kate Walker discovers a painting in a train and so begins her story of family discovery. The graphics are beautiful and the story is very touching.

Kate has overcome a lot in this series. That doesn't change in this one. With the help of a returning ally, Kate travels through Vaghen, a fictional city alive with the sound of music and the mechanics of Vorelburg automatons to discover the woman in the painting's identity.

The only thing I would have appreciated seeing in this game that was absent was the Youkol storyline that has been with the series since Syberia 1. This game connects to the others very well, but I had hoped there might be more mention of her previous exploits.

The short of it? Play this game. You will appreciate it more if you play the others first.
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Any Syberia sequel was a promise, became a political hijack
gainadan13 September 2023
The original mystery, the careful production and heart touching plot of the original games were a rare gem. Even if they let so much time pass it still not erase the value or gives way to pollute it with the new social construct crap.

If the producers did not find themselves to the height of the project then abandon it, but don't use it for a crooked ideological indoctrination.

They introduce climate change in a second world war scenario as an indoctrination method. You couldn't let anything unspoiled right?

Th beauty of this masterpiece series was simply killed. In communist countries, as much as in fascist countries ( which is a form of Marxism), any literary production had to respect and include the state propaganda. This new game off the series does the same but in a "free" environment. The subtle sexual theme, the climate change theme, the subtle communism praise as a "liberator" had nothing to do with the fantastic and delicate theme of the original story.

It just ruined it.

The gameplay was full of unplayable scenes. I understand the obligation to watch it the first time. I really do not understand the need to play the scene every time you have to load the game again. The series of scenes, were one just stay put and wait for them to finish, with no button to push it forward, just ruined the experience. Already the puzzles were down played and dumb. Was that inclusion? Make levels of intensity and introduce a level of normal, were we need to think and struggle, so we may learn something from it. You just served the puzzles on a plate and put a looong scene as a reward. You just forgot that people are playing and paying for this and not trained monkeys.
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I want to like this... but wow
mattflohr15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline is beyond convoluted. Kate becomes obsessed with a picture of Dana for no reason at all and yet it's so obvious where it's going. A subplot features a cigar chomping sasquatch becoming the allies' top spy even though he can't be seen in public... how silly can you get? Characters frequently make decisions that make zero sense. Dana and Leon are completely useless twits and their relationship never feels plausible. Kate constantly wanders around picking up useless information in a story that is both overwrought and half baked. Puzzles are braindead and often have bugs causing a full game restart to be needed. Controls are clunky, the run function barely works and navigation is frequently frustrating. I'll give it some points for its visual design and pretty good voice acting. But it's decidedly subpar compared to the older games.
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