35 Reviews
National Lampoon plays ball
p-stepien2 December 2009
Gary (Sean William Scott) is a failed tennis player, who did some semi-pro circuits in Mexico before getting thrown out. Penniless with his dreams in tatters in ends up in a small Nebraska town, where he decides to drop tennis and focus on different goals. Like being a school janitor. Fate has a funny way of punching you in the balls and push comes to shove when Gary ends up training the school's loser tennis team.

Sean William Scott is an immensely talented comedian with so many areas he could explore with his comedic feel. Unfortunately most of his career paths involve eating turds, defecating and/or barfing. This movie is no exception to the rule with fart jokes coupled with some midget humour being the norm and slightly more congenial jokes coming sparse, if at all. That said some of the especially absurd humour really made me laugh.

The movie really doesn't build too well and tends to bore a bit with no real story building apart from the stereotypical losers turning into winners. All in all this is Sean William Scott running the show and if you have disliked all the stuff he has done in the past just pass on this movie. For the rest - nothing special, but if you have a couple of beers, spare time and no great expectations why not...
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Seann William Scott needs a comedy partner
SnoopyStyle14 July 2014
Gary Houseman (Seann William Scott) is obsessed with tennis ever since his childhood with his domineering father and jerk brother. After a failed career in Mexico, he ends up in Nebraska as a high school janitor. Tennis coach Lew Tuttle (Randy Quaid) takes on Gary as the assistant coach. Mike Jensen (Brando Eaton) is the only good player in a team of misfits. Then coach Tuttle drops dead.

It's a whole lot of quirky reminiscent of other Danny Leiner movies. Unlike 'Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle' or 'Dude, Where's My Car?', this time it's a solo effort for SWS. Sadly, this movie misses the bromantic chemistry. Eventually the singular SWS loses steam and the jokes sound hollow. The obvious solution is to make either Mike or Jenny more of a sidekick. But neither Brando Eaton nor Emilee Wallace are energetic enough and their characters are lackluster. This needs to be more than an one man show.
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Has It's Moments
rockdalecop2 August 2009
All I can say is this movie has it's moments. It kinda reminds me of Me Myself and Irene. The main character is an out of this world figure that stands out in a crowd big time. Most of the humor is very vulgar. But funny non the less. This movie is good to kill time to say the least. Not recommended for younger audiences though. The scene with the young girl talking to her dad is funny as hell. And so is the scene involving the strap on!.I think it's old Farelly brothers humor. Randy Quaid is funny as always here. When you see it, make sure you have plenty of cold beer. I'm not sure what the director has done previously, but I think he will do good things.
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He's Got Balls
MacAindrais21 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Balls Out: The Gary Houseman Story (2009) **

From Dodgeball to ping pong to basketball and even ice skating, sports have been the basis for wacky oddball comedies as of late, some better and funnier than others. This one doesn't star Will Ferrel or Vince Vaughan. Instead, it's Sean William Scott. He's been been funny before, so O.K., not a bad start.

The film's script apparently also won an award, I'm told. I'm not really sure how. There's nothing new or unexpected. It's the usual routine: a group of misfits gets an unruly new coach who turns them around and leads them to glory.

Sean William Scott plays tennis hasbeen/never-was Gary. He went on the Mexican semi-pro tour after a few incidents in college, before settling down in Nebraska, because it's as good as anywhere really. Plus the real estate is cheap (referring to a banged up motor home). He became an engineer - the custodial branch. One day he gets the itch an runs out on the tennis court while the high school team is practicing. The coach (Randy Quaid) recruits him as his assistant. Gary, for some reason, is enamored with the coach, but then he dies. Because he's not a teacher, the school can't make him the head coach, at least officially. The new head coach (or co-assistant coach) has no experience with tennis, or any other sport he says. In order to honor the late coach, Gary is determined to coach the tennis team to a state championship.

The cast includes lots of the usual oddballs: the gifted tennis player who reminds Gary of himself; wimpy kids afraid of getting hit with the ball; the sexy foreign language teacher as the subject of the protagonist's desires. There's also the late coach's teenage daughter, who interestingly, but oddly, has the hots for Gary before becoming the love interest of the teams star player. Gary even recruits the weird foreign kid - a pro ping pong player from the Philippines. He's never played tennis before, but his hand/eye coordination must be amazing, as Gary points out.

Balls Out actually does manage to be occasionally endearing with its goofy characters. And Sean William Scott really can play a dirty greaser very well - thanks most probably to his ability to grow a mean fumanchu. He seems so greasy it's almost offputting at times, but funny at others. When the late coach's daughter plants one on him, for a minute it seems plausible that he'll actually go through with it. That scene does lead to the film's mandatory act of turmoil and challenge. Of course, it's overcome though.

I had a fair share of laughs, but only a few roarers. The exchange student is comical in how quickly he himself becomes almost Gary's partner in crime after moving into the motor home with him. In the end, Balls Out just isn't consistently funny enough, and too many of the big jokes fall flat. The film will likely be released amid the January slew of films that studios would rather forget they made. I can't see the movie making a big box office splash, but it might do alright depending on what weekend it lands.
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It's Terrible that's what makes it Work.
vovers112 June 2022
Gary the Tennis Coach is obnoxious. The story is totally predictable and cheesy. The acting all around was atrocious with strange one liners and amateur effects thrown in. And yet I watched the show from beginning until the very end it somehow all worked and fitted together. Sure the movie will not win any prizes but it did entertain so Job Done.

It's not great it's not terrible it somehow works. It is clear from the title and players what to expect and it delivers. So if you like or hate Seann W Scott go see it, you will NOT be disappointed.
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It's well worth watching if -
apjc19 November 2017
You just want some silly, stupid fun. It's not a giggle per minute but there are some outrageously funny moments with plenty of smiles between. My star would be the principals daughter, only 2 spots but the first alone got me hooked. It's rude and crude, but comedy has always been so, it's just out loud now as opposed to innuendo. Not great, but no waste of time.
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Swing and a miss for Scott
martvandewiel8 January 2009
After reading some of the (positive) comments on IMDb I decided to watch this movie as a past time activity. I have to say it wasn't a success.

Maybe it's me, but I didn't find this move entertaining at all. I thought/hoped it would be a bit like Sean William Scotts other goofy movies, guaranteeing at least a couple of laughs, but it didn't. The characters in this movie don't have any depth, any good dialog or any connection to each other. Events seem to be random, and the plot is nearly absent.

I gave this movie a 3/10 because I have seen worse movies, but I still recommend you don't waste your time on this fruitless, unfunny 'comedy'. I certainly hope Sean's next comedy won't turn out like this one, because that would be a shame.
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Review: Odd Name, Funny Movie
schweikera2 January 2009
Well firstly I will say that when I heard about the name change for this movie, I didn't like the title "Balls Out: The Gary Houseman Story." I thought it was much better as "Gary The Tennis Coach." I was further disappointed by the trailer which gave me the impression that it was a really stupid comedy that looked like a waste of money to see. However, I decided to see it anyway and I'm glad I did.

Don't judge this movie by the title or the trailer. Although slow in some parts, it offers many many laughs. Seann William Scott's odd character repeatedly had me laughing at several points. This was supported by Randy Quaid's brief character and the rest of the tennis team and several other funny supporting characters. I particularly enjoyed Seann William Scott's scenes with Brando Eaton, who played Mike Jenson, the tennis team captain. If you are on the fence about this movie, I would recommend watching it, as I was on the fence too. Some people may agree with me and some may not and I will admit that it was slow in certain points, but when there was humor present it was funny. I give it an overall rating of 7/10 "Decent."
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What can you do with a script that has no story?
vampyrecowboy27 March 2009
OK...you're a producer or director and somebody give you a script - and it has no story...

What do you do? You try to prolong the story with whatever you can...throw in a stripper in a totally boring scene.

Try to make a love story where there is none.

Try some really bad sex jokes and have them turn out wrong.

Yeah - you can do a whole bunch of stuff and it still won't turn out right.

With a lame sport like tennis, it's not really something that can excite people...and with a movie based on a sport that nobody really cares about and a character based on a person that nobody really cares about - well you have a movie that nobody really cares about.

That's all I can write and still be honest.

It's just plain boring and drags on too long...
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Tennis at it weirdest rudest crudest
paudieconnolly13 January 2021
Silly fun Sean William Scott got some funny moments in a Jim Carrey type style character. You need to be in the right mood for an easy watch with silly humor worth a look.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
isaiahrstam8 May 2024
A little back story. I love comedy's I am a passionate movie lover and love watching new movies, I also played tennis my whole childhood. With that being said I should love this movie right? Wouldn't I be the target audience? Wrong. This is by far top 10 worst movies I've ever seen out of the 1000+ I've watched. The acting is horrible. The script is horrible. The film editing is horrible. The plot is stupid. Every part of this movie is god awful. Personally I hate every movie that seann Willam Scott is in, but this is a new low. The only reason I didn't give it a 1 is because it's not the worst movie of all time, but it's pretty close to it.
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Aimed for a specific audience
Dakotaen27 March 2009
When I first read a review of this movie, I wasn't sure I'd even bother watching it. But, since I'm a major fan of Seann William Scott, I just had to. And I'm happy I did! There's no doubt that the humor is aimed for a specific audience, and if you're looking for mature jokes, at least decent acting and/or a great storyline, you may as well go find another movie, 'cause you won't get any of those things here.

However, if you, like myself, enjoy stupid jokes, immaturity on a high level, and acting that doesn't need to be great, as long as it's funny, you've got a winner right here. From little girls who apparently use the internet too much, to china men laughing their balls off, over to Indonesian table tennis players who don't speak a lick of English, this flick just kicks you in the nuts at every turn, and that in a good way, I might add.

Whenever I rate a movie, I don't look at individual acting, sets, lighting, directing or any other kind of technical pestilence. I aim directly at entertainment value on a personal level. And this movie entertained me all the way through, hence I give it an 8 out of 10. I advise everyone with a deep-in-the-dirt sense of humor to watch this, and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

Thanks to the makers.
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Seann William Scott Saves This Movie From Bouncing Out of Bounds
super-jooo3 January 2009
When I first approached this movie, I thought from most of the reviews and comment that it was going to be horrible. The truth was that the script and dialog was absolutely horrible. I felt like I was being dragged through a bunch of kindergarten jokes. The story was unbelievable and either not satirical enough or too satirical. Most of the comedy was not like anything I had seen before, like Napoleon Dynamite meets The Office. It's like the writer was waiting for me to laugh, but I never did.

On the rare occasions that I did laugh, it was caused by Seann William Scott's acting or Danny Leiner amazing way of saving this film. Perfect timing on some of the sequences and just the right angles resulted in a some what funnier film than that would have just been the script. Seann William Scott's awkward and unusual play at Gary makes for an interesting look, yet sometimes I wondered if even Scott knew what Gary was going to do next.

Overall, I enjoyed this film besides the overkill of homophobia humor. I thought it was a new take on Tennis, and made me laugh at certain points. It was great to see Danny Leiner direct a comedy that didn't include two guys and a car. I don't recommend it, unless you have some free time or are a fan of Seann William Scott, but it wasn't the worst of them all.
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Great comedy
manuelro20 December 2008
I enjoyed this movie very much and i think that this is a classic Sean William Scot movie. I admit that some bits of the movie have been done before and there are a lot of clichés in it. The movie really could have used some new jokes.... I really wasn't expecting more than what i have seen in the last comedies of Sean William Scot and in some way it met my expectation. Also i think that Sean William Scot didn't perform at his best and sometimes the acting wasn't that great. For people who are looking for something more than a funny movie i advice them to look somewhere else.

I rate it 7/10 because it could have been better.
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A movie for a good laugh
YanarP5 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie last night and i personally think it was hilarious. But I don't think anyone can find this movie funny. If you enjoyed Napolean Dynamite than this movie is for you.

When I first heard that Sean William Scott is in this movie, I thought that this would be like a tennis version of American Pie. In most of his movies his role is meant to be a jerk, but this movie is different. He plays "Never-been" tennis player and becomes a coach for the high school tennis team.

This movie contains a lot of one liners and that is what makes it so unique and funny. But another unique thing about this movie is that it focuses on the small things. The high school football team had a huge crowd, but the tennis team barely had an applause, And it didn't even have more than 20 people in the crowd of its finals.

To conclude, I think this movie is quiet funny, but only to a specific audience.
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If you don't expect much, it's funny
fredschaefer-406-62320423 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
BALLS OUT: GARY THE TENNIS COACH; that title pretty much gives away the level of humor in this film. It's an attempt by the director of DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR and HAROLD AND KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE to repeat those earlier successes with very mixed results. The star of this effort, Sean William Scott has been funny in a lot of movies, the American PIE series and ROLE MODELS would top the list, but his washed up tennis pro, Gary Houseman, is no Stifler. I found this movie to be more like THE CABLE GUY, in that it's a comedy built around a main character who is more than a little off. Gary, the pro turned janitor turned high school tennis coach, is creepy, mean, obnoxious, and utterly oblivious to how he comes off to other people. Yet this jerk somehow gets the job done by taking a Nebraska High School tennis team made up of misfits and oddballs to the state championship.

If you're a fan of Randy Quaid, (and who isn't),then you might be disappointed, as his role is rather brief. This must have been one his last parts before going round the bend and over the edge. Actor and Youtuber Justin Chon and Brando Eaton play members of the tennis team and have some funny scenes playing off S.W.S.

The humor is consistently crude: lots of drinking, puking, and taking dumps; racist by the standards of the PC crowd: jokes at the expense of Asians. In other words, plenty of good old bad taste, although the foul mouthed little girl might be going a bit far. If you like this kind of stuff, then no problem, but it's been done better; just check out the movies mentioned at the top of this review.

So while it is not HAPPY GILMORE or THE WATER BOY, BALLS OUT does have it's moments and is a good DVD to watch if your standards aren't too high and your funny bone easily tickled.

And somebody get Sean William Scott a good role, the guy can be hilarious with the right material.
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Great feel good story
maiseman22 January 2019
If you have some spare time and you want to watch an underrated gem, this is the movie for you. This a quirky movie that makes you laugh. Definitely recommend this for a stay at home type of day. I relate this to Wet Hot American Summer, weird but satisfying.
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Balls Out kicks balls
brendon11618 June 2011
This movie does exactly what it sets out to do. It is not meant to be some cinematic epiphany or social commentary. It is suppose to be funny and stupid and it is definitely funny. If you liked Stiffler from the American Pie movies, imagine if he coached high school tennis a few years later. That is what this movie is and I loved it. If you want to think, this is not the movie for you. But if you want to be able to just enjoy a movie and turn off your brain for a couple hours, this is a perfect movie. Seann William Scott fans will enjoy this. Randy Quaid plays a good a-hole tennis coach at the beginning. Also not for people who are squeamish or sensitive.
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If You've Ever Played HS Tennis........
stringer2618 April 2011
I first found this movie on one of the pay channels and didn't know it existed. It had gone straight to video. That's probably due to the limited appeal the title would have to most people, but to anyone who's ever played the game, this film is hysterical. The tennis parts are dead-on accurate, the jokes are off the wall, and the actors soon grow on you. I've watched this film at least 10 times, and it gets funnier with every viewing. I've never viewed a film that many times. This film was written by two tennis players. At least somebody put it on the line to make a niche film that at least insiders would find hysterical. This would be a great film for a HS coach to show his team before the season started, at the possible risk of his job. It'd be worth it.
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great choice for a boys night in (with a couple of beers)
cinefile19682 January 2009
OK, so this isn't exactly the next deer hunter. but i was hugely entertained by this flick. out of nowhere a night in turned into a night of complete hilarity.

if you're in the mood for something with depth, this isn't exactly the film for you. But for the light hearted comedy this film provides, it definitely deserves to show up as a blip on the viewers radar! Surprisingly i found a few fairly brilliant lines in this films and if you look past the slightly weak direction you will find an immenecely entertaining performance from sean william and a brilliantly entertaining film.
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A coach to die for!
namashi_129 May 2009
Balls Out, What? That was my first reaction after hearing this flicks name.... I was like really, thats the name! When I played the film, I didn't go inn watching it with gargantuan expectations, and due to that smart decision, I enjoyed 'Balls Out: Gary The Tennis Coach'.

Balls Out: Gary The Tennis Coach is truly a hilarious film, in all respects. The film is pure escapist cinema, pure entertaining cinema, and at its best to a Very-Large extend. Witty script, coupled hilarious moments, along-with a bravura performance by Sean William Scott & some superb cinematography. I enjoyed myself to the fullest and I would love to watch this comical sometime again in future.

Performance wise: Balls Out: Gary The Tennis Coach could've fallen flat minus Sean William Scott. American Pie series, Dude Wheres My Car and now Balls Out. Scott delivers a bravura performance. He's perfect in each and every shot and he's the biggest asset of this venture. Sean William Scott rocks! All the other actors are perfect, but Scott carries the film on his shoulders.

on the whole 'Balls Out: Gary The Tennis Coach' is funny stuff. Watch this one, if you wanna laugh till you collapse.
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kairingler13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Randy Quaid, and Sean William Scott what a pairing they need to be in more movies together,, they just play so well off of each other.. there are so many laughs in this movie, i'm lucky I wasn't at the theater because I would have snorted my soda and choked on my popcorn. The story is pretty straight forward, the Tennis Coach, Randy Quaid, needs an assistant and Stiffler is chosen to help, in part because he used to play tennis,, he helps out the coach, and eventually inherits the team when the coach has a heart attack,, next up is the state finals for the tennis championship, he has to teach a bunch of losers how to play good tennis,, and learn how to compete as a team... very funny movie with a lot of serious adult humor, no child under 16 should see this,, for crude sexual innuendo.
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Laugh Out Loud!
robpor-337124 May 2021
If you are easily offended, totally woke, or pathetically politically correct you won't like this movie. However, if you find life funny and you like to laugh you will laugh out loud during this movie. I have watched it three times now and it gets funnier everytime I watch it. Sure, it's rude and crude but I laughed so hard I cried more than once. I suggest watching it more than once because you'll pick up on some of the more subtle lines when you watch it again and again.
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C_Spiner1319 December 2008
Just saw this yesterday and man, I gotta say I want 90 minutes of my life back. I mean everything was horrible about the movie, none of the jokes made sense to the scene, the plot was moving every which way, and very crude jokes that don't make any sense. And I like crude jokes! I generally like watching stupid comedies every so often, but the only laugh I got out of this was how horrible it was made. The acting was SOOO bad in this movie it was laughable. If you keep wondering why the movie hasn't come out yet, it's because it should never see the light of day. I actually feel dumber from watching this movie. Where do I sign up to get my 90 minutes back?
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Pretty gross, but definitely hilarious as well and the jokes just keep on coming. I laughed my head of...
imseeg22 August 2021
The good: Seann William Scott.

More good: the many obnoxious, gross and silly jokes that are to die for and they just keep on coming. HILARIOUS.

It's quite difficult to make a really good comedy and the director and writer succeeded in just doing that!

Not any bad? Definitely not suited for the faint of hearted, because the vomit, sh)t and sex jokes just keep on coming.... :)

The story: the new tennis coach is a complete failure and a low life, with sh(t for brains, but through his bizarre coaching techniques (which includes vomiting) he succeeds in making a bunch of tennis nobodies fight for a victory till they drop.
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