Spider-Man (Video Game 2002) Poster

(2002 Video Game)

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Almost very good
bobby6-128 June 2002
I have to say I enjoyed the game very much, and would have given it an 8 were it not for two very annoying flaws. The first is that the positions taken by the "camera" were often appalling. Sure you can manually move the view point around, but in the heat of the moment when surrounded by baddies, you simply don't have the time. I found some parts of the game extremely frustrating because of this. The second is that the loading times are excessive, and in my view occasionally unnecessary. Ok, you expect to have to wait for a new level to load, but when you die you have to wait for the current level to re-load.

I think both these flaws are a result of sloppy programming, or maybe the game just needed to spend more time in development instead of rushing a release to coincide with the film. It's a shame, because I very much enjoyed the variety in the gameplay, and the degree of control that, with practise, you can exercise over Spidey. Overall, then, I give it a 6.
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A childhood favorite
dburris-4593325 August 2021
Spider-Man the video game is one of my favorite games when I was a child. Playing it non stop. I revised the game this year and it was as enjoyable as it was years ago. The only thing I have a little problem with while revisiting the game is that the game play feels short. It's a game for a fan of the Raimi trilogy or a Spider-Man fan in general.
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Plays like the Spider-man game for the playstation one, just not quite as good.
Aaron13757 May 2009
This game plays like that game as far as the combat and swinging is concerned, however the story is lifted from the first Spider-man movie. Well a lot of it is anyways as there are a lot more enemies to face than just the Green Goblin here. Well not to many more, mainly you get to fight The Shocker who seems to be the old standby in these games, Scorpian, and the Vulture. I think in the Xbox version you get to fight a couple of other bad guys one of which is Kraven the Hunter and the second of which I do not know. Tobey and William lend their voices to this game, however Bruce Campbell as the tour guide steals the show as he had me cracking up. The game is good for the most part, I just thought it followed the movie a bit to much and like in the Spider-man game for the playstation one Spider-man seems to be swinging on a web that is attached to absolutely nothing. The fights with the characters are fun as I enjoyed fighting the Shocker and Green Goblin the most. The fights in this game with the Green Goblin top the fights with Doc Ock in the next game. Still the levels on the roofs are a bit of a pain at times, you get stuck in that stupid costume longer than I care for, if they were going to follow the movie so closely why did they not incorporate the fight with Bonesaw in the main storyline of the game, and there are various other little annoyances in the game to be found as some of the fights and stealth stuff gets on one's nerves. Still, at least this game did not ignore Spidey's strength like part II and III did. Though both those games are the superior web swinging games.
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What a great game!
valentinedeer214-114 September 2003
This game is great. Not only do Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe lend their voices, but the animation is amazing, the scenery of New York City is so cool, and there is lots of cool extras on the game too. It's also kid-friendly.

I recommend this game to everyone!
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Almost just almost
Terryfan31 March 2015
Movie based games normally have a long history of being just avenged or awful.

Spider-Man 2002 has the thin line of being that. The game is based off the 2002 Spider-Man motion picture.

However the game just seems broken mostly. While the game does follow the story line of the film it is however like an different take of the film.

The story follows Peter Parker Voiced by Tobey Maguire who reprise his role from the film which is a interesting take plus Willem Dafoe also reprise his role as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin. Bruce Campbell provide the voice of the Tour Guide and his performance alone is what sold the game.

The game while following the story line of the movie also features villains like Shocker, Scorpion and Vulture to make the game feel original in terms of villains.

But the game doesn't have the feel of fun which is what the most important of any video game is for it be fun and playable.

The Graphics in the game do look great and you can get to see the whole city of New York as you swing into action. The Voice acting is very good and the music is very strong in the game.

The controls however are a mix bag I wish the game was like Spider- Man 2000 which is a very good video game.

So the results is the game is great to look at and listen to but not much for playing, only play it if you are a huge fan of Spider-Man but the game is just broken to me.

I give Spider-Man 2002 an 6 out of 10
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Never been better
departed0729 April 2004
Spiderman the Video Game is the best adaptation from movie-game transition ever made. What makes the game cooler, is the fact that its like the movie, but with more detail. You get to go after Parker's Killer, save Mary Jane, fight the Green Goblin and also deal with more villains from Vulture, Shocker and the Scorpion. This is more of a crime/fantasy game than what people thought of Spiderman. What's really cool is throwing people off the buildings. As long as their not the victims. Tobey Maguire and Willem Defoe, the main stars from the film portray each other in the game as well. This is what makes Spiderman one of the coolest adaption from movie to game. If i were you, I go out and play this game. No matter what system you have.
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Hasn't aged the best in comparison to other Spider-Man games
Pepe-arbiter21 November 2020
There's no open world city to explore, which is hard to get over for those who're more used to the follow up. It's got decent gameplay, good combat, graphics have aged surprisingly well, and overall is pretty decent. It's just hard to go back and play this when you've been spoiled by some of the later Spider-Man games, especially the PS4 iteration.
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Here comes the Spiderman indeed
tonyjea923 August 2010
I played this game a little bit at my cousins house when i was about 10 and i didn't know much about spidey until the movie itself however after the movie i really wanted the game and i bought it for my gamecube and the game was so much fun i couldn't leave my room for hours the graphics were bold the villains were cool and the combos were quick and fun to execute however there were a few drawbacks i found 1 was the web swinging which all you do is shoot a webline in the air and swing no connection to buildings at all the 2nd was controlling spiderman in general i didn't know if this is just my game but it felt like spidey had a mind of his own and would often more or less run or walk even when i was not touching the buttons but despite these drawbacks i loved it and it has become 1 of my favorite games of all time GO SPIDEY GO
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O.K. game but nothing too exciting
redskunk16 August 2002
The game is not that much different from the original playstation version. The graphics and the sound are better but the gameplay is virtually the same. I was disappointed in the odd camera angles that would sometimes make gameplay frustrating. Also, the game was too short. I realize that this isn't a "final fantasy" or "resident evil" type of game, but please, give me something that's worth my fifty bucks.
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Pure Fun
mphillips1817 February 2008
I only started seriously gaming around 2001-2002, and this was the first game I ever really got into. By far it is the most fun E-Rated action game there is.

First of all, there are the dozens of creative, entertaining levels. The basic plot of the game follows the movie very well, and every few levels will be part of the main storyline. In between your fights with the Goblin and other villains from the movie are the best parts of the game: Battling the Shocker, The Vulture, the Scorpion, and hordes of robots and other henchmen.

Secondly, there are what seems like a million combo moves which can be picked up throughout the game to keep it more exciting.

Further, even though it does follow a specific story and doesn't allow a lot of freedom web-swinging-wise (at least, compared to its sequels), there are secret areas, shortcuts, easter eggs, and bonus objectives enough so that each time you play the game it can be an entirely new experience.

My personal favorite parts of the game are the scores of special features. If you defeat the game at the hardest setting, you get a Green Goblin costume and Glider which, in addition to completely changing game-play, gives you a whole new (often more interesting) storyline to follow. In addition to this, there are the training missions, including my favorite, Big Brawl, which are loads of fun and offer even more of Bruce Campbell's hilarious narration.

Though this game is intended for younger gamers, it can be incredibly fun at times, and remains one of my all-time favorites.
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I agree the movie was OK!
harperdk20 May 2002
Being familiar with the Spiderman comic book, the story was not totally true to the facts concerning Peter Parker and the transformation into SPIDERMAN! I read that some critics were comparing the two biggest movies of the Summer (Spiderman/Star Wars: AOTC) regarding the story. I must say I enjoyed the movie but Spiderman the story was lacking in my opinion. I gave the film a 6.... AOTC had the better of the two blockbuster hits!
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Spidey never looked so good
landryt9 May 2007
Spider-man the movie game looks soooooo great, for a 2002 playstation 2 game, the graphics are amazing, it wouldn't be a mistake to pick this up just for graphics, the gameplay is tight too, sometimes the swinging can feel awkward but not really. Voice acting is great in this game too and the levels are all really fun. Great adaption of the great movie.

The only thing that makes this not superior to 2 and 3, is the non-ability to freely roam around new york, but it is still a solid action game that's defanitly worth the buy.

Pick this one up, trust me, and it's really cheap anyway haha.

10 out of 10
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This is just as bad as you can guess!
Pattamon29 June 2002
The movie starts out as an ordinary comic-hero-movie. It´s about the boy who is picked on, has no parents and is madly in love with the schools #1 girl. Nothing surprises in the movie, there is nothing that you can´t guess coming in the movie. Toby Mcguire shows us that either he is no good actor or that no actor in the world can save a script like this one. Maybe kids around the age of ten can enjoy the film but it is a bit violent for the youngest. You can´t get away from thinking of movies like X-men, Batman and Spawn. All of those titles are better. I almost walked out the last 20 minutes! One thing that could have been good though was the computeranimation, BUT not even that is anything to put in the christmas-tree! So my recomendation: Don´t see this film even if you get paid for it!
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A bit too easy
Greatwhitewhale221 May 2004
A lot of movie tie-in games ain't too successful but this is OK cause you're Spider-man.

The plot's pretty much the same as the movie except there's other baddies to fave other than the Green Goblin.

As cool as it is to swing around New York city like Spider-man, the floor combat ain't that good. All you have to do is punch and kick. You can get combos but they're pretty pointless. Another problem is the camera, it keeps moving and going the wrong places!

Some cool features is that Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe reprise their roles. Unlike the movie, Spider-man says more jokes, making you think Tobey is Spider-man. Bruce Campbell does some very funny voice-over work, watch out for one of the training sessions where he talks about his grandfather, it's very funny.

There are some cool secrets to get so that's pretty worth it.

In the end, it's an OK game but doesn't offer anything challenging.
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Dated By Today's Standards, But Still Good Fun.
Spiderman is one of the first PS2 games I plated on a regular basis all the way back in the early 2000s; while the controls are a little clunky compared to the likes of more recent games like GTAIV/V, Batman: Arkham City or any of the recent Zelda games, Spiderman still has some mighty impressive for the technology that was available in 2002 (the game sometimes goes to 50/60fps when at certain camera angles). But does it hold up in 2017's market? Not as a contemporary title, no. But it's still great for Spiderman fans, or fans of beat-'em-ups in general.

If there was anything lacking in this title originally, Spiderman 2 made up for it with its innovative open-world gameplay that was pioneered by games like GTA:III. And we've moved a long way since this title. Still, this game is a good time-capsule of when Spiderman was at the top of the entertainment world, when he swung onto the big screen in 2002.
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Good classic game.
randyfromscream22 July 2017
This game have good voice acting like I still own this game because it's good. I hate if someone say this game is "medioacier" then the don't know how hard they work on this game. I'd beat the game 2 times and that's the first game I beat on my Original Xbox. The looks of Spider-Man looks good like really good. I'd recommend a lot.
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Good film
RCWjr16 July 2007
I never saw this film in the theaters. I was never much of a Spider-Man fanatic, so I was not all that hyped to see the film in theaters. I wish that I had though as it is a very good film. With that, I don't think it is THE best comic to film ever, one of the best definitely, but not in my top 5. Still, it does exactly what it should and it does that very well.

Though I am not a professed Spidey fan, I am very familiar with the mythos behind him, the early ones that is. And that seems to be what they tried to stick with introducing the character to everyone. There are some changes, most notably his web coming from within him rather than from a contraption he builds, but it makes sense given how they handle the story. I thought they did a great job of honoring the classic Spider-Man and incorporating elements of the character from today.

The leads across the board are very well cast. I know there was some controversy with Dunst being cast to play a redhead. But she has great chemistry with Tobey and does a fantastic job of convincing you she could be the object of Peter Parker's dreams all these years.

Upon subsequent viewings this film has gotten better in my eyes. Had I posted a review of it when it first came out, I would probably given it a 6 tops, but with time and multiple viewings, I have grown to appreciate the effort that was put in and just how good the film is.

Great start.
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the worst spider-man game
erminahotmail26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm really the only one on this review and didn't like this game Now tell me why Then this has really horrible graphics some will say But it's a PS2 game But I know some PS1 games which actually had graphicsmade a thousand times better than this one and then the gameplay isn't even good it's really bad and I don't know why I'm really the only one to speak badly about this game actually there's another one but this other one has really confused the movie with the game and then the fights it has are not fornothing beautiful but the thing that doesn't really make sense the final battle between spider-man and Goblin happens on the Brooklyn bridge but in the film it happened from another place like an abandoned building This game is really But the most wrong thing about this film is when swords me fall down from buildingshe dies How strange It's not the same thing that happened in the PS1 game via privatisense But no how is it possible that he falls and dies this isn't really a great game for me it's the worst of all the spider-man games I know so far to conclude vote 3.
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Best Super-Hero Game ever
Darth_Homer6 August 2002
I played the first level of this game on X-Box, in Target. What did I get, possibly the best game experience from a movie/game tie-in. Not Only do Willem Dafoe and Tobey Magurie reprise their roles as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin and Peter Parker/Spiderman, It is possibly the best game I have ever played on a X-Box, buy it now!!
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