316 Reviews
Give Keanu a Break!
tmf22223 April 2001
I have read several reviews for this movie, and I am very upset by them. All they have to say is how Keanu Reeves is such a bad actor. Frankly I am sick of everyone jumping on that bad wagon. A few people say that he's a bad actor, then everyone has to jump in and say it too. Sure, he could have done a few lines of this movie with more feeling, but that doesn't mean he deserves such awful critiques. When I was in the theater, several people around me were complaining of how it was the worst movie they ever saw. Here I was, still sitting there, trying to let my face return to normal color (I had cried a little). I was outraged. The viewers should have enjoyed it for what the movie was, a light romance, nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't supposed to be Oscar-winning, it was simply supposed to be romantic. Movies aren't always believeable, but that doesn't mean that it will automatically get bad reviews. It is really disappointing, because this movie was really good (and really sad).
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This film deserves a good review...
MarieGabrielle29 April 2006
Especially since I am not really a fan of romantic comedies/drama. This is not really a comedy per se, as there is a dramatic element to it, and the performances should not be so easily dismissed.

Charlize Theron and Keanu Reeves look good together; Keanu is not playing a superficial action role, so the focus is not on him. This is a good thing, especially as we can then appreciate Charlize Theron's performance as Sara Deaver, a quirky girl who Nelson (Keanu) meets at the DMV in San Francisco. San Francisco is an interesting backdrop- the positive aspects of it are emphasized, and it becomes another character in the film.

Jason Isaccs plays Chaz Cherry, the local cross-dresser who is Theron's friend and confidante. He does well in this, and last night I actually saw him in "Friends With Money", wherein his talent was literally wasted. Liam Aiken portrays Abner, who is quasi-adopted by Theron and Reeves, as their relationship develops.

There are some funny scenes, like where Greg Germann (Reeves' co-worker at an ad agency) orders cappuccino and is told off by the waitress. Also where Reeves is presenting an ad campaign for hot dogs, and he eventually flips out.

The film works because it is not a gushing romance film; I am not a big fan of Reeves but he was very good in this film. Theron was excellent, as always, and there are some beautiful shots of the Bay in San Francisco, a nice backdrop for a bittersweet romance.
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I must have seen a different movie
woh1hub0212 March 2005
I really fail to see in "Sweet November" the faults that the previous reviewer saw. His cynical review does not do the movie, its story or its message justice.

The acting is excellent, no doubt, but "annoying" is a comment from someone with his emotions firmly implanted where the sun does not shine, and communicates more about the reviewer than it does about the film.

Also, it is not a fault per se, that the ending of a film is predictable and I tire of this being used as negative criticism. The message is in the story, and a surprise ending is the last thing this charming story needs, or thankfully, has.

Oh, and since I used to be someone exactly like the Reeves character is the start of the movie, I can relate to what it is to discover that there is more to life. His character is real alright, but in the surreal sort of way that only those who have actually been there and escaped, truly understand. Now, if only I had had someone as charming as Ms. Theron to show me :-)

Anyway, this is not an "epic" film or even a "great" film - its just a film with a story a few messages and some excellent performances that will tug on your emotions - not altogether a bad thing in a cynical age.
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Some people just don't get it...
nuttingd3 July 2004
I just saw this movie on line. I wanted more information and came across this site. I then read the review about how bad this movie is... What a load of crap.. This is not just a movie. This is a story about life and relationships. There is a saying that goes. "The meaning of life, is to give life meaning." I think that is the message of this movie. Too many times people get wrapped up in stuff and glitz and all technology and everything else we have in this life that we forget that in the end... all we have is each other.

The comments that the acting was not the best is crap too... it is harder to play the rolls these two actors portrayed than to play a bus-drivin super cop.

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Harsh criticism not neccasary
raVeneyes10 February 2002
Perhaps those who've written all the bad commentary about this movie need to sit back and just enjoy things every once in a while. This movie is a good example of a slightly sweet and cheesy plot being centered around some average actors, but it was a really good screenplay and EXCELLENT cinematography. Cinema students would do well to watch this movie and notice how the director used sets colors and music to set the scenes and mood.
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Starts on a sour note, but sweetens up as it goes
mattymatt4ever7 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** "Sweet November" gets off to a bumpy start. Charlize Theron's character is first established as sort of a...well...borderline psychopath. Theron bumps into Keanu Reeves during a DMV exam. The two of them have a weird encounter in the parking lot. Later on, that night, she shows up at his apartment. He doesn't know how the hell she got his address. Since she failed the DMV exam, she asks him for a ride. Now, at this point, he should be terrified at this woman! He barely knows her and suddenly she asks him for a favor? After a long period of arguing, he finally succumbs to this favor. Then she breaks into this building and steals a dog. At this point Keanu should be even more terrified! But he keeps driving her. She invites him up to her place for cocoa. Again a conflict he finally succumbs to. She explains the whole "Spend a Month With Me and I'll Change Your Life" deal. Of course, at first he says no. He's a workaholic with no time for this crap. He makes a bad presentation for his advertising firm, he loses his temper and his job. Then he thinks, "What the hell. I'll go to this crazy b*tch's place and see what this is all about." He obviously can't stand her at first. The way she lives such a simple life, totally contradictory to his. Night falls, things heat up and the two of them are already in the sack! Now that's just a cheap attempt to have two hot actors heat up the screen. Keanu's character can't even stand being near her, yet he's suddenly ripping her clothes off and tackling her to the couch? Another one of those only-in-the-movies moments.

Luckily, the film's appeal increases as it goes along. The performances by the two leads are strong, though I can't help but feel Charlize was a little miscast. For some reason, I don't picture her nebbish character as a beautiful woman with no facial blemishes. I mean, even Gwyneth Paltrow was convincing in "Bounce," because they didn't try to make her look beautiful. Half of the film she's wearing hardly any makeup. But that's a flaw I was able to look over. The point is the two characters are so likable and the two actors have such a cute chemistry that I couldn't hate this movie (past the 30-minute mark). The moments they share are genuine, and though I don't think Keanu's character arc would've been generated quite so successfully I was willing to look that over as well. Yes, this is moderately standard Hollywood fluff, but it works. And I was oddly captivated.

I also wish I could've been given a better explanation about Charlize's whole "Spend a Month With Me" deal. It's a pretty strange concept, and something that should've been explained with more detail. You mean EVERY month she can actually get a guy to live with her, no strings attached? As if she's a guardian angel and she just patrols the streets of San Francisco looking for her next customer, who seemingly needs help? And I'm sure, out of all those guys, Keanu is not the first one she had actual feelings for. Women are more libidinous than you think. I also wanted a better explanation of the Jason Isaacs character. Was he gay or what? Maybe I misinterpreted, but did him and Charlize use to go out? Is he bisexual? And what was that whole family crisis that Charlize had to deal with? There's a good deal of loose ends in this story that were either not clearly explained or not explained at all. And this is not a Hitchcock thriller, so you can't tell me the characters and plotlines were meant to be enigmatic.

I have to say, I did appreciate the ending. It wasn't overly sentimental, and I still found it sad and touching. And it sort of left things open-ended. One of those "Where Do I Go From Here?" conclusions. But someone did point out something interesting--the trailers almost ruined the film! You see, in the ads, Charlize lying in hospital bed with her face completely pale. Geez, I wonder what to expect? I assumed the plot was Charlize was dying and she wanted to spend the last days of her life with Keanu. It's times like this I wish they stuck with the teaser trailers.

"Sweet November" is not a great movie, but it's sad, touching, sometimes funny and contains two fine performances. It has an odd appeal to it. One of those films you want to keep on watching for no explicit reason. You don't know why you're into it, you just are. Maybe it's a guilty pleasure, maybe not. Who knows? But I'd be a lying, pretentious snob if I were to say I didn't like it. This is just my take.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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It doesn't get any better than this, if you're in the right state of mind.
Tzurie10 February 2002
(10 out of 10) I just saw "Sweet November" on TV by chance. I had no idea what it was about beforehand, and I have not seen the original. The result was a thoroughly moving experience. It's amazing how the same movie can hit people so differently. It's also incredible how one's mood can affect a person's reaction to a film. In my case, the movie caught me in the right mood and at the right stage of life. Thus, it completely hit the spot. I judge a movie based on how it makes me feel, and to what degree. I was falling asleep just before the movie came on, but once it started it woke me up immediately. I then felt slight anger, then some healthy laughter, and at one point I actually cried, which for me (as a 28-year-old macho guy) is a rarity. Was it the script, the plot, the actors' convincing performances, or just my own state of mind which allowed this film to speak to me? I don't know. All I do know is that I can now go to sleep, feeling utterly peaceful and fulfilled.
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If you´re going to San Francisco...
stefanhoeffllin16 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers

San Francisco. Nelson (Keanu Reeves) is a successful and arrogant PR-manager. One day he meets Sara (Charlize Theron), who prevents animals. She chooses him to be her "Mr. November". In one month she wants to make him a better man.

To my own shame I must admit that I never watched the original movie from 1964, so I can´t comment it. But it´s an unwritten law that remakes are never better. Besides the non-happy ending, it bristles with stereotypes - of course, Sara has got cancer and her best friend is gay - just to mention two of them. Nevertheless I still found it worth watching. Why does everybody scoff about Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron? It´s THEIR chemistry that carries the movie and gives it the warmth that it needs.

Very "kitschy", but beautiful to watch.
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One month...
Sinbad8328 December 2005
I was never a fan of love movies, but this one hurt me so bad! Keanu and amazing Charlize gave their best and created one of the best love stories ever.

I couldn't believe that Keanu can play like that and convince me that Nelson fell in love for just one month.

I like Sara's story and the way she chooses to live. Charlize, as beautiful as always, made Sara strong and weak at the same time.

The great supporting role of drag queen Chaz Watley by Jason Isaacs. I never imagined he'd play something like this!

This is the only movie that made me cry and that's why I ranked him with the highest mark. BRAVO!!!
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The script was two dimensional not the acting!
djwongdj28 February 2006
This movie was shown over the free channel last Sunday. I read up on the reviews for preparation to be unbiased and fair to it.

I think the problem with this movie is a tired plot and a terribly two dimensional script. Keanu's and Charlize's performance was what helped to lift it out of a 4/10 rating for me. Jason Issac as a cross dressing flatmate was a heartwarming portrayal of how friendship does not always come in neat little packages hemmed in by our expectations. His loyalty and support for Charlize's Sara was the real cruncher in this movie for me. Nelson's initial shock and reaction on seeing Jason's Chaz in a loud dress was hilarious only because it does mirror the general population's.

The other part of the movie that I find strangely revealing and therefore very endearing, was when Nelson decides Christmas should come a month early for Sara. He pops into her house via the window while everyone is having Thanksgiving and proceeds to give her twelve gifts for Christmas. Each gift and especially the last one, was obviously well thought out in relation to his feelings for her and their relationship throughout that November.

I have read snippets of how Keanu is very fiercely protective, private, very loving and giving as a person to those he cares deeply about and that entire scene made me realize this is less acting the part but more a lingering snapshot of a small part of who he really is.

I have so far watched "Speed", "A Walk in the Clouds" and the "Matrix" Trilogy, all of which showcases Keanu as a leading man. I must say that I do catch glimpses of what looks like the real Keanu popping up every now and then. So it's no wonder that Sandra Bullock should say that she was very taken by the way Keanu looked at her just before he kissed her at the end of "Speed".

I think that many people are quick to rubbish Keanu's acting as wooden because they fail to notice that bit of his soul, often very obviously displayed on the screen, just because it usually isn't displayed on his face.

Enjoy the movie for what it is, a simple love story with a bittersweet ending and you won't be disappointed.
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spiderd7 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
the movie is not honest to his characters, because it is not about love, but about control. the movie suggest it is about love. the relationship is very selfish, when you look at shara. she doesn't want to "rescue" keenu reeves from his life, but wants control over her own life. she made him love her and at the end she abondens him stonecold. and dynies him to expres his grief and anger to her. if she really loves him she would accept him all the way. now the relation is totally insignifigant. the movie is a poor attemp
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Wonderful movie
danielkeough14 April 2007
This is a wonderful movie because it is just real. Real people have things they are dealing with and are not always making their best choices--Nelson decides to come back a couple times. I really enjoy the effort of Sara to shine a light so Nelson can see simple pleasures in life, pleasures looked over when someone is so focused on getting an account and working long hours.

I love this movie, own it, and have watched it several times. I find it rather coincidental that my refusal to watch, turning off the movie right before the end (on the morning of December 1) to remember the beauty of the movie--is the same action that Sara takes to remember the change in Nelson and the beauty of their loving relationship, right before the end.

Sweet November is a fabulous movie. I hope the film reminds you to slow down and take a look at the important things in your life when you view it again.
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No fairy-tale is meant to last forever...
Vomitron_G20 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, SWEET November is a re-make from a movie originally made in 1968. I still haven't seen the original, and when I recently went into this 2001 version, I expected a rather superficial romantic comedy about a girl who changes boyfriends every month. Unsuspectedly, I got much more out of it (even on a personal level). The movie begins fairly light-hearted, but near the end you'll have to endure some pretty heavy-weight drama. The good thing is: None of it all ever becomes cheap. But if you're an emotional human being, it's almost a 100% sure that at one point or another you will feel the urge to shed a tear. Although the ending itself is the most obvious part that will cause viewers to swallow or make their eyes go all watery, my moment of feebleness was when Keanu Reeves brought back the little puppy to Charlize Thereon as a surprise gift.

I'd describe this film as a moving romantic drama with touches of comedy. The screenplay itself is like a softly rippling stream that takes you on a gentle ride. And it never changes its ways... No storm will take you by surprise... No whirlpool will suddenly drag you down... But slowly, dark and ominous clouds will darken the sky above you. So, indeed, Nelson Moss inevitably discovers the real reason why Sara Deever wanted him to be her November boyfriend. My idea is that most people will see this coming from miles away (for one thing because of several subtle hints, both in the screenplay and visuals, are being given). And I also believe that the movie intended it that way. But what probably wasn't the intention, was me figuring out at the 36 minutes mark exactly what was wrong with Sara Deever, even down to the exact nature of her condition. It was in the scene where Sara was making eggs for breakfast, after their first night together, it suddenly hit me. So, that was sort of a little bummer there, me knowing it from then on. Instead of fully enjoying all the romantic stuff between them, and witnessing how they grew towards each other, a part of me was constantly waiting for the 'signs' to reveal themselves.

Still, it didn't spoil too much. However, there was one big 'party-pooper'-scene. I won't go into it, but... how the hell did Nelson manage to walk out of a hospital unseen, carrying a terminally ill patient (who was on a heart-monitoring machine) in his arms without one single person of the medical staff noticing him? It was the one and only moment that I 'went out of the movie' and just shook my head going "Yeah, right...". But gladly, I quickly got over it and enjoyed the rest of the movie. The ending is just damn good. Even though some part of me didn't want it to end that way, it still was the only way I wanted it to end. And I'm aware that saying this might make me sound like as if I'm a barrel full of contradictions, but just see the movie and you'll understand it.

I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the performances of the whole cast. Charlize Theron especially shone in this one and even Keanu Reeves was enjoyable in every way (from the go-getter he was in the beginning of the movie to the likable and caring person he became at the end). As far as the comedy aspects go in SWEET November, that scene where he explained his new "hot dog campaign" during the meeting was simply hilarious. I even re-watched that one scene the next day and was grinning all the way through it.

So yep, I think this is a very good movie and it sure was a pleasant surprise for me. I'd probably be rating it even higher if it wasn't for those one or two little fun-spoilers I mentioned earlier... Hmmm... and maybe I also missed one truly hot and steamy sex-scene between Keanu and Charlize there. But still, SWEET November is a movie for all to enjoy, except maybe for those of you who have this way too cynical look on life and love. To them I can only say: Lighten up, you're deteriorating the quality of your life and the lives of people close to you.

Have a nice day!

*** Thanx to this special person (who wanders around on this site often) for recommending this movie to me. She knows who she is and I dedicate this review to her.***
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This movie is great!..... and that ain't just the liquor talking.....
Tracy_Terry_Moore16 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Crazy chick 'Sarah' (Charlize Theron) likes to 'help' one idiot guy a month.

The dumbbell for November is 'Nelson' (Keanu Reaves), a shallow advertising executive who has just lost his job and his girlfriend. After a small eternity of banter between these two losers: "Let me help you!"/"Get away from me!", Nelson gives in and wastes time with Sarah for 4 weeks he will never get back while the audience sits through this grueling torture for 2 solid hours which they will never get back.

Somewhere along the way, Nelson has (surprise!) fallen in love with Sarah. He professes his devotion by climbing up the fire escape and crashing Sarah's dinner party to deliver 12(!) clumsy presents including live birds and lit candles and the film still doesn't have a happy ending.

Incredulous storyline isn't bad for laughs if you've got enough Bacardi.
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Sweet November an interesting watch...
sayianprincessever6 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Having recently watched Sweet November I would like to say it is definitely interesting. Though it only touched the surface of several story lines in the movie it was none the less a good watch. It was like another review said a lesson of life. Another said that Sara, in the real world would be selfish and bitter, but maybe she just wanted to be remembered like she said at the end of the movie.

As far as the clichés in the movie it was a good movie. Of course, the lame ass business guy, the gay best friend, and the dying girl. The way it was portrayed was awesome.

Personally I thought the acting was wonderful. Reeves was wonderful as was Theron. Jason Isaacs did a marvelous job as Chaz.
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haha-0349716 February 2019
Just a basic romantic film. and little bit bored.i don't recommend to watch .
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Copy Cat?
Commoner14 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this a vote of 7 only because of Charlize Theron. She's a good actor and looks good on the screen. Reeves played Reeves. He was the same character as all his other movies.

I was a little troubled and puzzled. I've seen a movie called "Autuum in New York. Seems unusual to have two very similarly plotted movies so chronologically close together. I was troubled because I kept comparing the two movies as I watched.

I was entertained by both movies. I liked Autuum in New York better though. Richard Gere seems so much more a varietal actor. I liked Theron more than Winona Ryder.

Did Theron lose weight for this movie?
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Both Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron give good performances in Sweet November
bsamdahl11 February 2002
I thought Sweet November was an above average romance movie. A few qualifiers are in order here. First, I never saw the original, second, I normally do not care for romantic movies, and third, I am a big fan of Keanu Reeves. The reviews are quick to call Nelson Moss a self absorbed work-aholic. The movie does bring out a little of Nelson's past explaining how he feared he would end up like his father and the rest of the neighbors on his block. Combine that with the high pressure in today's society to get ahead, and you can understand why Nelson is obsessed with work. Sara is very original and entertaining and makes you wonder if she's all there or what is she up to. After almost 90 minutes into the film, you will see why Sara is the way she is and maybe enjoy the movie. Keanu does a good performance with Nelson, creating a believable image of a single focused Ad Executive. One can see many women saying "typical male," and many men thinking of Nelson as a typical best buddy. As is true with many things in life, Nelson goes from one extreme to the other. In the end, Sara becomes his single focus in life. Trying to find the middle road is a central theme in many of Keanu's movie roles. I liked the acting in this film. It wasn't too dramatic nor was it bland. It was right down the middle.
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I really loved this movie and would it rate 10 on 10
RaviNarayanan20 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After some time, I just got few tears on a movie. I am a guy and I am not ashamed of it. Its a beautiful romantic story.

The movie looked very real for me and acting of the lead character's Nelson and Sara was very perfect.

Nelson is a smart workaholic guy working for an advertising company,who doesn't know how life is really aside of work. But Sara is straight opposite to him and what happens when these two cross their roads forms the crux of the story.

Don't have any prejudice and watch the movie for how ever it is, you'll love it for sure. It is indeed a 'sweet' November

PS: Love is what life is all about. With little tears ~ Sweet November
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I must have been on Mars I just saw this movie and it was amazing Warning: Spoilers
I really had never, seen, heard, or even had a hint of this movie since 2001. I have about 300 channels, Kindle Video etc. The only reason it probably was off my radar was that my son was only six months old at the time. I am a sucker for love stories, and believe me I've seen my share of rotten eggs masquerading as a love story, and paid for expensive theater tickets because critics said it was a good movie, and then got disappointed. I saw this as a suggestion on my kindle and it intrigued me so I watched it. I can't understand WHY THE CRITICS DISLIKED THIS MOVIE. Chaz (Keaneau), acted the part exactly as it was supposed to be. An insensitive workaholic who never got a mirror shoved in his face. The Character Sara, (Charleze), Showed just as much compassion as desperation, to make a change in someone's life as well as trying to live her life to the fullest. I don't think I'd blame her because I think a lot of people would do the same, knowing the percentage of the cure of her diagnosis. Her choice was to stay in a hospital bed and hope for a miracle or try to live her life without remorse right up to the end. I worked in a nursing home once and saw people being kept alive much longer then their quality of life, which was drug induced pain induced machine extended time machine, as they waited for their lives to end. I wept like a baby at the end. I think the critics hated it because it didn't have a Disney ending like most love stories do, (ie: The Notebook, the Time Traveler, You've got mail "which I thought the premise of that plot to be entirely ridiculous", etc). There was some awkwardness in a couple of scenes but in the entirety of the movie I really didn't consider it important. I LOVED THIS MOVIE AND BOUGHT IT THE DAY AFTER I RENTED IT. If you like love stories like "Somewhere in Time". You'll love Sweet November.
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Not that bad
eschip-129 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is not that bad as some reviews suggest. Yes, Reeves is not playing a role that comes natural to him and is thus not performing as might be expected of him. Casting is an issue here. Theron on the other hand is excellent and makes up for the under performance of Reeves. Her character really comes to live.

The script should have been better thought through. It sometimes gave me the feeling that corners had been cut (time constraints?) and in other cases just wondering why certain decisions were made.

A love story yes but also a story how one wants to be remembered. This for me was what the movie was about. Certainly worth watching on DVD.
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"mom, a 30-something man I hardly know is going with me to school on father-son day!"
creeese8 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The most hilarious part is when the kid asks Keanu to adopt him and to come to father-son day at his school. Keanu declines the adoption but promises to show up at the school for the kid. The kid then happily trots away and says "wait till my mom hears!". HAHAHA, yes: "mom, a 30-something man I hardly know is going with me to school on father-son day!" The kid is obviously an easy victim for pedophiles. hahah...

Anyway, this is one of my top five worst movies of all time. She had WAY too many drugs in that cabinet. No matter what kind of illness you'd never have 50+ prescription bottles! Also, the santa scene - he carried a DISHWASHER in a BAG up multiple floors.

Absolutely ridiculous...
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Decent romantic drama that shows the love between two people that are polar opposites lifestyle wise.
blanbrn13 October 2008
True a film like this of a love story developing between two polar opposite lifestyles may not be your cup of tea, but yet I for one liked "Sweet November" as it can give any hopeless romantic hope as it proves people with opposite lifestyles can share some love and happiness. Set in the ultra liberal city of San Franciso, California you have Nelson Moss(Keanu Reeves)as a clockwork go getting timed hard working plugged advertising executive who runs thru life yet he's successful his job is working. Also Nelson has a very attractive girlfriend in the proper and prissy Angelica(Lauren Graham). Yet is he really happy so by fate and chance meeting as is so common yet unexpected in life he meets a spur of the moment and bubbly Sara Deever(Charlize Theron). And this little lady has a knack for loving and changing the ways of new guys she meets! A feel good loving journey begins, as the on screen chemistry between Reeves and Theron sparkles. Also a nice eye candy scene at the films opening is a very sexy scene of Lauren Graham wearing a black bra and panties that certainly added some sugar and spice. Overall "Sweet November" is a decent romantic drama that proves anyone can love and obtain happy memories.
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A Bitter Pill
cerasea15 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I could have forgiven a lot about this film. I always try to respect a movie's genre. This was a romantic comedy/fantasy so I wasn't expecting Kramer vs. Kramer. I could accept the melodramatic premise (beautiful dying girl falls in love with/tries to "save" handsome self-involved young man from himself) but most of the movie just didn't sit well with me. When trying to gather my overall impression, my mind can't help but "bring up" the scene where Sara is vomiting on the floor of her bedroom.

I really don't think I was asking for much. Instead, I think the movie demanded too much. Suspending my disbelief was a fair requirement. I actually consider it part of the fun. However all the fun began to vanish when the movie decided to take itself more seriously than it had the right to. At this point, its demands became disturbing and somewhat devious.

(As noted by other reviewers) The movie shamelessly plugged every cliché ever recorded on celluloid: rain-soaked confrontations, public declarations, cute animals, needy children, convenient diseases, gay/minority best friends with a heart of gold - but no real life of their own, and BAD SINGING! Yet the movie still felt that it could (and SHOULD) present itself as a somber tribute to the pain of life and love.

The repeated and ridiculously heavy-handed diatribes about Sara's trying to, "control her uncontrollable circumstances" and, "die with dignity" seemed as if they were beamed in to give all the preceding romantic fluffiness weight. I have no problem with those arguments, but they belonged in another movie and appeared extremely contrived.

Dying young is perhaps the ultimate example of life's unfairness, but to try to make a movie that is both eye candy and reality tale is almost as unfair.
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Pretty nice little movie, if you are in the right frame of mind.
TxMike5 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The "bandwagon effect" - professional critics give bad reviews, then IMDb users give bad reviews because they want to agree with the critics. Well, not this user. I didn't see the 1968 version of this film, I like everything Charlize Theron is in, I think Keanu Reeves is fun to watch, even though he will never be recognized as one of our great actors. My wife and I enjoyed "Sweet November." Sure, the premise is far-fetched, and the storyline is manipulated to get them together, but tell me which fictional movie doesn't rely on these very same things. Not too long ago "American Beauty" won best picture. A far-fetched premise? You bet. A manipulated storyline? No doubt.

Charlize Theron is beautiful to look at, and she is one of our fine young actresses, in the same league as Angelina Jolie. The only flaw is that her character probably should have been a bit more ordinary-looking. Reeves is perfectly cast as the driven advertising executive who has no time for anything else, even a caring relationship. Lauren Graham of Gilmore Girls TV series plays his girlfriend who moves out as the story unfolds. Overall the actors and their characters blend well and the film is thought-provoking, even the way it ends.

SPOILERS AHEAD - Set in S.F., Sara (Theron) is dying of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, looks for a different guy each month to move into her place, no strings, one month only, she helps him become a better person, but does not tell them of her affliction. Meets Reeves at DMV, taking license tests, she is kicked out because he askes her a question, she makes him drive her places, he goes ballistic during a hot dog ad presentation, gets fired, girlfriend moves out, he has nothing to lose, moves in with Sara in November, gradually he becomes less driven, befriends a fatherless boy, rigs sailboat race, falls in love with Sara, she is hospitalized, he carries her out, gay friends take care of her, she tells him goodbye, doesn't want him to remember her as a dying person, he has a new perspective on what is important in life. Somewhat silly premise and story, but fun to watch.

Saw it on DVD, one of the best video transfers, sound mainly from front, moderately interesting making-of featurette. Rate "7" of 10, an entertaining 2 hours but little lasting impressions.
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