Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Poster

Leonard Nimoy: Spock



  • McCoy : [Kirk runs in to the engine room and sees Spock inside the reactor compartment. He rushes over but McCoy and Scotty hold him back]  No! You'll flood the whole compartment!

    Kirk : He'll die!

    Scotty : Sir! He's dead already.

    McCoy : It's too late.

    [They let go and Kirk walks to the glass and pushes the intercom button] 

    Kirk : Spock!

    [Spock slowly walks over to the glass and pushes the intercom] 

    Spock : The ship... out of danger?

    Kirk : Yes.

    Spock : Do not grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many, outweigh...

    Kirk : The needs of the few.

    Spock : Or the one. I never took the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

    Kirk : Spock.

    [Spock sits down] 

    Spock : [Gasping]  I have been... and always shall be... your friend.

    [he places a Vulcan salute on the glass] 

    Spock : [Gasping]  Live long... and prosper.

    [Spock dies] 

    Kirk : No.

  • [On whether Kirk should assume command from Spock] 

    Spock : If I may be so bold, it was a mistake for you to accept promotion. Commanding a starship is your first, best destiny; anything else is a waste of material.

    Kirk : I would not presume to debate you.

    Spock : That is wise. Were I to invoke logic, however, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

    Kirk : Or the one.

    Spock : You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours.

  • [last lines] 

    Spock : [closing monologue]  Space: the final frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

  • [Discussing the effects of the Genesis torpedo] 

    McCoy : Dear Lord. You think we're intelligent enough to... suppose... what if this thing were used where life already exists?

    Spock : It would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix.

    McCoy : Its "new matrix"? Do you have any idea what you're saying?

    Spock : I was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications, Doctor. As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create.

    McCoy : Not anymore; now we can do both at the same time! According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis! We'll do it for you in six minutes!

    Spock : Really, Dr. McCoy. You must learn to govern your passions; they will be your undoing. Logic suggests...

    McCoy : Logic? My God, the man's talking about logic; we're talking about universal Armageddon! You green-blooded, inhuman...

  • Spock : He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.

  • Spock : The Kobayashi Maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc on students and equipment. As I recall you took the test three times yourself. Your final solution was, shall we say, unique?

    Kirk : It had the virtue of never having been tried.

  • Saavik : [speaking to Spock in Vulcan]  He's never what I expect, sir.

    Spock : What surprises you, Lieutenant?

    Saavik : He's so - human.

    Spock : Nobody's perfect, Saavik.

  • Saavik : You lied!

    Spock : I exaggerated.

    Kirk : Hours instead of days! Now we have minutes instead of hours!

  • Spock : You proceed from a false assumption. I am a Vulcan. I have no ego to bruise.

  • Joachim : [Enterprise is running with shields down]  They still haven't raised their shields.

    Khan : Raise ours.

    [Joachim raises shields] 

    Spock : Their shields are going up.

    Khan : Lock phasers on target.

    Joachim : [looks at targeting computer]  Locking phasers on target.

    Spock : They're locking phasers.

    Kirk : Raise shields!

    Khan : Fire!

    [Joachim fires phasers] 

  • Kirk : Kirk to Enterprise.

    Spock : Spock here.

    Kirk : Captain Spock, damage report.

    Spock : Admiral, if we go "by the book". like Lieutenant Saavik, hours could seem like days.

    Kirk : I read you captain. Let's have it.

    Spock : The situation is grave, Admiral. We won't have main power for six "days". Auxiliary power has temporarily failed. Restoration may be possible, in two "days". By the book, Admiral.

    Kirk : Meaning you can't even beam us back?

    Spock : Not at present.

    Kirk : Captain Spock, if you don't hear from us within one hour, your orders are to restore what power you can, take the Enterprise to the nearest star base, and alert Starfleet Command as soon as you're out of jamming range.

    Commander Nyota Uhura : Sir, we won't leave you behind!

    Kirk : Uhura, if you don't hear from us, there won't be anybody behind. Kirk out.

  • Kirk : I suppose you're about to remind me that logic alone dictates your actions?

    Spock : I would not remind you of that which you know so well.

  • Saavik : Trouble with the nebula, sir. All that static discharge and gas will cloud our visual display. Tactical won't function, and shields will be useless!

    Spock : Sauce for the goose, Mr Saavik - the odds will be even!

  • Dr. McCoy : [Spock is preparing to enter the radiated warp core]  Are you out of your Vulcan mind? No human can tolerate the radiation that's in there!

    Spock : As you are so fond of observing, doctor, I am not human.

  • [Kirk and McCoy are beaming down to Regula One] 

    Spock : Jim, be careful.

    McCoy : *We* will!

  • Kirk : [reading]  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." - Message, Spock?

    Spock : None that I'm conscious of. Except of course; happy birthday! -Surely the best of times.

  • McCoy : [grabbing Spock's arm]  You're not going in there!

    Spock : Perhaps you're right. What is Mr. Scott's condition?

    McCoy : [turns to Scotty]  Well I don't think that he...

    [Spock use the vulcan nerve pinch on McCoy] 

    Spock : I'm sorry, Doctor, I have no time to explain this logically.

    [sits McCoy down and performs mind meld] 

    Spock : Remember!

  • Spock : We are now in violation of treaty, Captain.

  • Kirk : We have a problem. Something may be wrong on Regula-1. We've been ordered to investigate.

    Spock : If memory serves, Regula-1 is a scientific research laboratory.

    Kirk : I told Starfleet Command all we had was... a boatload of children, but we're the only ship in the quadrant. Spock, these cadets of yours, how good are they? How will they respond under real pressure?

    Spock : As with all living things, each according to his gifts. Of course, the ship is yours.

    Kirk : No, that won't be necessary. Just get me to Regula-1.

    Spock : As a teacher on a training mission, I am content to command the Enterprise. If we are to go on actual duty, it is clear that the senior officer must assume command.

    Kirk : It may be nothing. Garbled communications. You take the ship.

  • Scotty : [one of his cadets has been killed]  He stayed at his post when the trainees ran.

    Spock : [calling on the intercom]  Admiral, this Spock.

    Kirk : Yes, Spock.

    Spock : Engine room reports auxiliary power restored. We can proceed at impulse power.

    Kirk : Best speed to Regula-1. Kirk out.

    McCoy : I'm sorry, Scotty.

  • Spock : [1:18:38]  She can still outrun us and outgun us. But there is the Mutara Nebula at 153 mark 4.

    Kirk : Scotty, can we make it inside?

    Scotty : The energizer's bypassed like a Christmas tree, so don't give me too many bumps.

    Kirk : No promises. On your way.

  • Commander Nyota Uhura : There's no response from Regula-1.

    Spock : But no longer jammed.

    Commander Nyota Uhura : No, sir. No nothing.

    Spock : [wandering over to the captain's chair]  There are two possibilities: they are unable to respond, they are unwilling to respond.

    Kirk : How far?

    Spock : 12 hours, 43 minutes, present speed.

    Kirk : "Give up Genesis," she said. What in God's name's it mean? Give it up to whom?

    Spock : It might help my analysis if I knew what Genesis was, beyond the biblical reference.

  • Kirk : I assume you're loitering around here to learn what efficiency rating I plan to give your cadets.

    Spock : I am understandably curious.

  • Sulu : We are free and clear to navigate.

    Saavik : Course heading, Captain?

    Kirk : [Spock glances at him]  Captain's discretion.

    Spock : Mr. Sulu, you may... indulge yourself.

  • Kirk : Computer, request security procedure and access to Project Genesis summary.

    Computer : Identify for retina scan.

    Kirk : Kirk, Admiral James T.

    Computer : [scanning his eye]  Security scan approved.

    Kirk : Summary, please.

    Carol Marcus : [a video file plays]  Project Genesis. A proposal to the Federation.

    Spock : Carol Marcus.

    Kirk : Yes.

    Carol Marcus : What exactly is Genesis? Well, put simply, Genesis is life from lifelessness. It is a process whereby molecular structure is reorganized at the subatomic level into life-generating matter of equal mass. Stage one of our experiments was conducted in the laboratory. Stage two of the series will be attempted in a lifeless underground. Stage three will involve the process on a planetary scale. It is our intention to introduce the Genesis Device into a pre-selected area of a lifeless space body; a moon or other dead form. The device is delivered, instantaneously causing what we call the Genesis Effect. Matter is reorganized with life-generating results. Instead of a dead moon, a living, breathing planet capable of sustaining whatever life forms we see fit to deposit on it.

    Spock : Fascinating.

    Carol Marcus : The reformed moon simulated here represents the merest fraction of the Genesis potential, should the Federation wish to fund these experiments to their logical conclusion. When we consider the cosmic problems of population and food supply, the usefulness of this process becomes clear. This concludes our proposal. Thank you for your attention.

    Spock : It literally is Genesis.

    Kirk : Power of creation.

    Spock : Have they proceeded with their experiments?

    Kirk : Well, the tape was made about a year ago, so I can only assume they've reached stage two by now.

  • Saavik : Spock, you know Dr. Marcus.

    Spock : Why, of course.

    Carol Marcus : Hello, Mr. Spock.

    McCoy : I'm taking this bunch to Sickbay.

    Saavik : By the book?

    Kirk : By the book. Regulation 46A: if transmissions are being monitored during battle...

    Saavik : No uncoded messages on an open channel.

  • Commander Nyota Uhura : I'm getting a voice message. They say their chambers coil is overloading their comm system.

    Kirk : Spock?

    Spock : Scanning. Their coil emissions are normal.

  • Kirk : [after the Enterprise is fired upon]  Damage report.

    Spock : They knew exactly where to hit us.

    Kirk : Who? Who knew were to hit us? And why?

    Spock : One thing is certain. We cannot escape on auxiliary power.

    Kirk : Visual. Sulu, divert all power to phasers.

    Spock : Too late.

    Kirk : [seeing in incoming photon torpedo]  Hang on!

  • Spock : [Kirk heads for a turbolift]  They're inoperable below C deck.

    Kirk : What is working around here?

    Spock : Not much, Admiral. We have partial main power.

    Kirk : That's it?

    Spock : Best we can do in two hours.

  • Kirk : [of the adrift Reliant]  Is it possible their comm system has failed?

    Spock : It would explain a great many things.

  • Spock : [Khan is requesting all data relevant to Project Genesis]  At least we know he doesn't have Genesis.

    Kirk : Keep nodding as though I'm still giving orders. Mr. Saavik, punch up the data charts of Reliant's command console.

    Saavik : Reliant's command?

    Kirk : Hurry.

    Khan : 45 seconds.

    Spock : The prefix code?

    Kirk : It's all we've got.

  • Kirk : Sensors, Captain.

    Spock : Scanners and sensors are still inoperative. There's no way to ascertain what's inside the station.

    Kirk : No way of telling if Reliant is still in the area.

    Spock : Precisely.

    Kirk : What do you make of that planetoid beyond?

    Spock : Regula is Class D. It consists of various unremarkable ores, essentially a great rock in space.

    Kirk : And Reliant could be hiding behind that rock.

    Spock : A distinct possibility.

  • Kirk : Scotty, what's left?

    Scotty : Just the battery, sir. I can have auxiliary power in a few minutes.

    Kirk : We don't have a few minutes! Can you give me phaser power?

    Scotty : A few short, sir.

    Spock : Not enough against their shields.

    Kirk : Who the hell are they?

    Commander Nyota Uhura : Admiral, the commander of the Reliant is signaling. He wishes to discuss terms of our surrender.

    Kirk : Put it on screen.

    Commander Nyota Uhura : Admiral...

    Kirk : Do it! While we still have time.

  • Spock : Reliant's prefix number is 16309.

    Saavik : I don't understand.

    Kirk : You have to learn why things work on a starship.

    Spock : Each ship has its own combination code...

    Kirk : To prevent an enemy from doing what we're attempting. We're using our console to order Reliant to lower her shields.

    Spock : Assuming he hasn't changed the combination. He's quite intelligent.

  • Saavik : Admiral, sensors indicate a vessel in our area closing fast.

    Kirk : What do you make of her?

    Saavik : It's one of ours, Admiral. It's Reliant.

    Spock : Reliant?

  • Spock : Scanning an energy source on Reliant. A pattern I've never seen before.

    David Marcus : [looking over his shoulder]  It's the Genesis wave.

    Kirk : What?

    David Marcus : They're on a build-up to detonation.

    Kirk : How soon?

    David Marcus : We encoded four minutes.

    Kirk : We'll beam aboard and stop it.

    David Marcus : You can't.

  • Spock : Sporadic energy readings, port side aft. Could be an impulse turn.

    Kirk : He won't break off now. He followed me this far. He'll be back. But from where?

  • Spock : for everything; there is a first time. don't you agree admiral?

See also

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