A movie for a good laugh
5 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie last night and i personally think it was hilarious. But I don't think anyone can find this movie funny. If you enjoyed Napolean Dynamite than this movie is for you.

When I first heard that Sean William Scott is in this movie, I thought that this would be like a tennis version of American Pie. In most of his movies his role is meant to be a jerk, but this movie is different. He plays "Never-been" tennis player and becomes a coach for the high school tennis team.

This movie contains a lot of one liners and that is what makes it so unique and funny. But another unique thing about this movie is that it focuses on the small things. The high school football team had a huge crowd, but the tennis team barely had an applause, And it didn't even have more than 20 people in the crowd of its finals.

To conclude, I think this movie is quiet funny, but only to a specific audience.
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