Go the Distance Quotes

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Go the Distance Go the Distance by Jen Calonita
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Go the Distance Quotes Showing 1-30 of 52
“I know now that love means showing up for one another and trusting that the other person always has your back. It means asking for help sometimes, and not thinking that means you look weak. Love means opening your heart to another, no matter the consequences.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“It wasn't just the way he always looked at her- with a mix of genuine joy and longing rolled into one- or his appearance, although he wasn't hard on the eyes with those rippling pectorals. She found herself drawn to those kind blue eyes and the hard line of his jaw, which moved when he was thinking. It was the dimples in his cheeks when he flashed her that magnetic smile, and the way his reddish blond hair had a single curl that was always falling in front of his eyes. But mostly it was that earnest nature of his, and his need to find the good in every situation, which was so different from how she viewed life, and gave her hope that the world could be more than she imagined it to be.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Let this be a lesson, child. Don’t ever let a man dim your light.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“You’ve opened yourselves up to each other, which is a beautiful thing! But it’s important to remember that when you let someone into your heart, you allow them to see all sides of you – even the vulnerable side. Loving someone does not make you any less strong. It means you trust in another and they trust in you – that you can give and you can take. No one is keeping count. When you love someone, you want to give them the world.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Love means it’s okay to lean on one another.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“…I need to see you understand love is a strength, not a weakness. That putting your trust in someone you love doesn’t mean you can’t stand on your own two feet. It means you know how to share responsibility and accept help when it is needed.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Yeah, well, love is a fickle thing, isn't it? One minute you have it, the next it's gone... or someone is trying to say you can't be together because you live in different zip codes.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Per? You can come out now."
A figure slowly emerged from the shadows. "Are they gone?"
"No one is here," he reassured her, his voice dropping to a new calm at the sight of her.
She was exquisite. He loved everything about her, from the crown of silver flowers she wore in her black hair to the dark eyes that offset her tan skin. For the first time ever, he even noticed clothing. He couldn't help admiring how she favored cobalt blue for her gown over drab browns. Today's dress was clipped at her waist with a floral silver belt.
"What did the Fates say?" she asked, sounding timid for the first time since he'd met her. She was anything but a wallflower. She was fiery. He loved that about her most of all.
He glided over and put his arms around her. "I'm on my way to see them right now. I don't want you to worry. I thought you were going to go do that thing to take your mind off all that."
"I am," she said with a smile. "You're going to love it."
He doubted that, but he wanted her to be happy. "In any case, we'll make sure the future is in our favor. Even if we have to burn the whole world to the ground.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“If I don't return, make sure Hercules moves on from all of this," Meg said.
"Meg..." Phil swallowed hard.
It was the first time he'd called her by her actual name.
She tried to put her spinning thoughts into words. "I don't want him wasting his immortality on me. He's a good guy who gives so much of himself. He deserves to have someone do that for him in return. Got it?"
Phil looked at her. "Wow, you really do love the guy, don't you?”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Hercules knows you are a strong, confident woman. It's one of the things he loves about you, just like you relish his big heart and ability to see the world in a bright way. You've opened yourselves up to each other, which is a beautiful thing! But it's important to remember that when you let someone into your heart, you allow them to see all sides of you- even the vulnerable side. Loving someone does not make you any less strong. It means you trust in one another and they trust in you- that you can give and you can take.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“I wish I could live here in this meadow. It's gorgeous."
"Yeah, it is," Hercules agreed. "That's Persephone's handiwork," he explained. "She's the god of vegetation."
"Demeter's daughter, right?" Meg said. "I heard Demeter talking when I was on Olympus. Something about not knowing where the girl had run off to."
Hercules nodded. "Yeah, Demeter keeps appealing to my father to find her. No one has seen her in months, and harvest will be coming before long." He touched one of the hyacinths with his finger. "Every flower has its season.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“This your handiwork?"
She hesitated. Hera liked to claim this garden was her idea.
"Come on. You can tell me- I won't say a word. Everyone I know is dead!" He chuckled to himself and she couldn't help smiling.
He was clever, just like some of the snakes that tried to worm their way into her gardens. She knew how to handle them. She could handle this snake, too.
"They're my work, yes." She inched closer again. He didn't scare her. If anything, she was intrigued. He was obviously enamored of her apples, and for that alone, she wanted to keep talking to him. "Each and every branch on this tree and the apples that hang from them are my creations, as is this whole meadow."
"Stellar work, truly." Hades took another bite. "Too bad you don't get credit for it. Hera is always going on about how she's the one who nurtures this garden."
Her eyes flashed. "I can assure you, this is my work, and mine alone."
"Feisty! And not afraid of Hera! Nice combination.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“How was someone supposed to understand something like love?”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Let this be a lesson, child. Don’t ever let a man dim your light. In this world, you can’t count on anyone but yourself.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“When you were the god of spring, helping the Earth come alive every year came with the god description. Her mother, Demeter, may have handled some of the harvests and the soil's fertility, but making the world bloom fell to Persephone. Every spring equinox she'd wander into the orchards and the meadows and put her personal touch on all that came alive. She made the yellow grass turn green with envy. She coaxed every poppy and asphodel bud to awaken from their slumber and shower the landscape in color. She made sure the olive groves flourished, and the figs ripened with honey-like nectar so that the smell of them baking wafted up to Mount Olympus.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Missing is a part of living and dying.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Don't ever let a man dim your light.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“You are a survivor, like me. Remember that. No matter what happens, you can handle it. Trust yourself.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
If one truly wants to live, they need to open their heart to others, and I have. No matter what comes next for me, I know now I loved and was loved in return.
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“We imprint the lost on our hearts.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“I can see the thickness to your skin, Megara. You are tough. Courageous. Proud. I will assist you however I can."
Meg had heard tales of Athena helping those on heroic endeavors, but she'd never imagined she'd be worthy of such a thing.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“She'd died, been saved from the river Styx, and been offered the chance to become a god all in one day. It was a lot to swallow for any girl.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“I wanted you to be there for me. Not take over (pg. 204)”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Cuando ambos trabajaban juntos, tomando el relevo e impulsando al otro, las cosas iban bien. Tal vez nunca viera una gran señal de que él era el indicado. Tal vez no hubiera más que un montón de pequeñas señales, y lo único que tuviera que hacer fuera decidirse de una vez por todas a dar el salto.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Thea te enseñó a valerte de tus instintos y confiar solo en ti misma para salir adelante, y no hay nada de malo en ello. Pero, cuando encuentras a alguien merecedor de tu amor, dejar que te ayude también es importante, igual que tú lo has ayudado a él, ¿no te das cuenta? No tiene por qué ser todo o nada. Has encontrado a un verdadero compañero en Hércules. El amor significa que está bien apoyarse en otro.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Amar a alguien no te convierte en una persona menos fuerte, significa que confías y que confían en ti, que puedes dar y recibir. Nadie lleva la cuenta -dijo con suavidad-. Cuando amas a alguien, quieres entregarle el mundo.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Llevamos a quienes perdemos en nuestro corazón.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“Ahora sé que el amor significa estar ahí para tu pareja y confiar en que esa persona siempre te apoye. Saber pedir ayuda a veces, y no creer que eso es ser débil. El amor requiere abrir tu corazón sin importar las consecuencias.”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“What good is one miserable god when there could be two extraordinary ones (pg. 33)”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance
“... love means opening your heart even if the story doesn't always end the way you want it to (pg. 34)”
Jen Calonita, Go the Distance

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