The Foe Within Quotes

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The Foe Within The Foe Within by P. Sheelwant
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The Foe Within Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“… I had promised myself to go and ask for his forgiveness one day, but now that he is no more, I have lost that chance of amendment, too.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… I had promised myself to go and ask for his forgiveness one day, but now that he is no more, I have lost that chance of amendment, too.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… I could never get those antique furniture pieces back; ever. The loss was bearable, had Raghu not got an impression that I had lied to him …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… If I had the power to raise at least one from the dead, I would raise Iqbal; he was so indispensable to me …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Pinky’s head would move, to and fro, with the wrist of Tingy without slackening the grip. A bulldog clip couldn’t have been fiercer…”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Guddi and I would have been floating down the river dead by now hadn’t I come across the sketches on that platform … Oh God, how I miss not being aboard AI 666 on that day!”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… The ferocious feeling of guilt within me, possesses me, time and again, shoving me to let them know. Nevertheless, how can I? Facts so explosive … every time I decide to tell, my courage fails me.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“Her voice distorted in a low howl. … Naresh pulled her close to his chest. She cried inconsolably on Naresh’s shoulder … her skeletal structure rattling with boisterous hiccups which seemed to rush on her with no end in sight.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… For the calf, no moment was a miracle moment, and the whole bunch consisted of interlocking pieces of drudgery that built one upon another, and another, and yet another.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… No single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky breaks, and no wrenching revolution, begets spectacular results. …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… The world notices when the flywheel is turning a thousand rotations a minute. That skews the world’s perception … The world begins looking for the formula for great results. It never finds one, because there is none.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… She gritted her teeth, caught hold of woman’s right upper arm and, despite her wriggle, dragged her, nearly lifting her off the ground, out of the gallery; the woman screaming obscenities at her.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… As they trod on the golden carpet of petals, the walk reminded Sona of Raghu’s gush. She wondered what other magnificent boulevards of Indian laburnum Raghu would have described had his spurt continued.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… A jumble of green leaves showed innumerable egg-shaped, and egg-sized, flower buds huddling in their recesses, a few blossomed into flowers large enough to spill out a human palm. …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Why didn’t you ever tell me, Dad? I never loved you less than I did when you were so confident about the success of my tennis career; never.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… If I were ever to get power to retrieve photographs that I have burnt … I would crave to retrieve that ‘coach Mom’s’ photograph, the most. Feeling of guilty conscience of the nonsensical burning of that photograph, Mom being no more, would die when I die…”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… This subliminal ‘Helena’ – an autopilot hidden deep within you – jostles you, despite you, in picturing things you never know why you do. …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… You can never kill that ‘Helena’ because ‘she’ is ‘you’. She is as much a part of ‘you’ as your eyes, your ears, your arms, and your legs are. …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… You must wriggle out from your ‘curse of competence’ the moment you know you can never better the best of your competitors there. …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Why do you think monkeys don’t let the peanuts go off their fists … to freedom? … Monkey’s self-image of perching high in the crown, munching on fisted peanuts, has already enchained him before the hunter does. …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Most of us cling to our ‘peanuts’ long enough to let the ‘monkey-hunter’ catch us. Consequently, we don’t let our full potential to bloom….”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… ‘doing what you are good at will only make you good; focusing on what you can, potentially, do better than best of the rest, is the only path to greatness’…”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“...How clearly I feel the throb of Dad’s roar, of showing me what rights he had, in my ears as if that had happened microseconds ago, and not eight months ...”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Had Dad not thrown me out … for pursuing what I liked, and more so, for not pursuing what he liked, I could have probably said … . But as of now, I can’t. I know my conscience wouldn’t ever let me rest in peace, if I did.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… This tennis, this makes me insane, I just can’t help it.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… He was shouting all along, ‘so people want to make me regret’, and then came his full-throated war cry as if a triumphant cannibal was dragging his vanquished, and wriggling, enemy to cook for a communal feast…”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Mom’s murmur, ‘Oh Mohan, you fool, couldn’t you help not wrecking the delicate balance I tried to nurture’ rings in my ears ever fresh…”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Had I been less stunned, I would have gone to Mom, hugged and consoled her, but I didn’t dare; I couldn’t; not knowing who was devastated more; me or Mom.”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Why hadn’t I, too, been on board AI 666? We could all have been having bonhomie as dead as when alive…”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within
“… Though I never agreed with him fully, a part of me wanted to listen to his words as if they contained kernel of truth and, yet another part, wanted to banish the echo of his words from my head …”
P. Sheelwant, The Foe Within

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