Bonds of Justice Quotes

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Bonds of Justice (Psy-Changeling, #8) Bonds of Justice by Nalini Singh
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Bonds of Justice Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27
“We fit, you and I,” he whispered looking into that haunting gaze. “Two broken pieces making a whole.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Dorian gave a smug grin. “My mate thinks I'm the most gorgeous leopard she ever saw.”

“Show us the footage before your head explodes,” Lucas muttered, but his own cat was grinning to see Dorian so happy. The sentinel had been latent most of his life, unable to shift into leopard form. Now that he could, he did so at every opportunity. “Have you managed to catch a rabbit yet?”

A single eloquent finger. “Fuck you.”

Lucas snickered. “What about trying for a turtle?”

Dorian lunged out of the chair and went for Lucas’s throat.”
Nalini Singh , Bonds of Justice
“Take care of my heart won't you, Sophie? It's a little odd having it outside my body-but I'm planning to steal yours to make up for it.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“You can drive.”
When he raised an eyebrow, she said, "I've had enough contact with human males to realize you seem to have a congenital inability to function while a female is at the wheel, and I'd rather your full attention be on the case.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Why is it”—she shivered as he kissed the top of her spine, went lower—“that I always end up naked while you remain dressed?”
A husky masculine chuckle, his lips moving over her shoulder, his hands on her hips. “Because I'm a smart man.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Taking a sip of the hot chocolate he'd made her, she met his gaze, those eerie eyes of endless black impenetrable, unreadable.
"Will you remember me?"
His heart broke into a thousand pieces. "Always.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Max cuffed his brother good-naturedly on the ear as River slid in past him and bent to kiss Sophia on the cheek. “Hello, are you sure you’re with the right brother?”
Sophia had never had a younger sibling. But this man with his laughing eyes and bright smile... “Are you making me an offer?”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Now a small woman, with dangerous curves. I could bite into her.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“I think,” Sophia said as Max mock-scowled, “I’m going to like having a younger brother.” Reaching out, she slipped her arm into the crook of River’s elbow. “So, tell me all of Max’s secrets.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Well, Kaleb’s voice whispered in Nikita’s mind, it seems this will make strange bedfellows out of us all.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“There's not much left inside me, Max" Sometimes, all she heard were echoes.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Sophia got up, taking one last look at the extraordinary daughter Councilor Nikita Duncan had borne.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Max saw the stranger give him the once-over, recognised it for what it was. Women had been making him offers since before he was legal. And he'd learned to turn them down without hurting their feelings ...”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
tags: max
“care of my heart won’t you, Sophie? It’s a little odd having it outside my body—but I’m planning to steal yours to make up for it. —Handwritten note from Max to Sophia”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Du musst dir die Haare schneiden lassen", murmelte Sascha.
Er küsste sie nocheinmal und lächelte. "Ich fürchte mich vor Scheren."
"Ausflüchte." Sie strich über Lucas Haar. "Du stellst dich genauso verrückt wie die Mädchen an, wenn es um dein Haar geht."
"Erwischt." Eine warme, liebevolle Hand auf ihrem Bauch. "Was macht der Rockstar?"
"Getöse, wie immer.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
tags: humor, love
“Le rodeó la cintura con un brazo, con un nudo en la garganta.
—¿De veras?
—De veras. —Apoyó la frente en la de él con tierno afecto y le tomó el rostro entre las manos—. Has sido tú quien me ha enseñado que la vida no está grabada en piedra. Somos aquello en lo que nosotros mismos nos convertimos.
Su fe en él le desgarraba, convirtiéndole en un hombre mejor.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“—No vas a renunciar a mí, ¿verdad?
—No —respondió, y lo hizo con absoluta seriedad. Él era suyo, la única persona que había sido suya. Y lo necesitaba, necesitaba a aquel policía que reprimía su dolor con puño de hierro, que mantenía sus cicatrices bien ocultas—. No voy a renunciar a ti.
Sus ojos centelleaban.
—Buena chica.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Ahora que ha llegado el momento, resulta que no puedo decir adiós, que no puedo soportar la idea de dejarte ir. Es una necesidad egoísta y obstinada, pero soy su cautiva.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Si no reclamas a alguien, no pueden rechazarte, no pueden abandonarte, no pueden romperte el maldito corazón.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“We don’t choose our parents. And their mistakes aren’t our own. You are what you make yourself—don’t ever forget that.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Take care of my heart won’t you, Sophie? It’s a little odd having it outside my body—but I’m planning to steal yours to make up for it.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“—Vuelve conmigo, Max —le dijo en voz queda.
—¿Cómo voy a resistirme? —La miró con seriedad y le dio un beso con tal emoción que a Sophia le dolió el alma—. Tienes cautivo mi corazón.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“Haces que me sienta fuerte, me haces sentir que puedo luchar contra el mismísimo destino. Si estás leyendo esta carta, es que he fracasado. Pero has de estar orgulloso de mí, Max; lo he intentado con todas mis fuerzas.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“—Sé quién eres —replicó, sosteniéndole la mirada—. No van a espantarme tus "imperfecciones". —Una húmeda película empañó los ojos de Sophia, volviendo iridiscente aquella negrura—. Tú y yo encajamos —susurró contemplando sus ojos atormentados—. Dos piezas rotas que forman un todo. —No era la declaración más romántica, pero salía de su alma—. No voy a perderte.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“—Esa no es una zona erógena.
—¿De verás? —Inclinándose, Max cerró los dientes sobre aquel mismo punto.
Y Sophia vio las estrellas.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice
“—Conociéndonos —repitió Max, como si estuviera sopesando sus palabras—.¿Y vas a dejarme entrar, Sophie?

—Sí. —Algo muy dentro de ella se removió, algo a un mismo tiempo oscuro... y solitario. Infinita y absolutamente solitario—. Quédate conmigo, Max.”
Nalini Singh, Bonds of Justice