ChangeAbility Quotes

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ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change by Sharon Weil
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ChangeAbility Quotes Showing 1-30 of 44
“The natural world is built upon common motifs and patterns. Recognizing patterns in nature creates a map for locating yourself in change, and anticipation what is yet to come.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“If we can’t feel into the heart of grief, we can’t truly move on to experience hope and joy. We can’t be present to what is now, and what is next, because we are bound by the loss and sorrow that holds us to the past. Grief has to flow. It has to be carried, not just by you, but by the others with you, by your community, until it transforms to the next rightful calling of your heart to action.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“The practice of deep listening is the practice of open inquiry, without assumption or judgement.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Healing is essential for lasting change. ...healing is a transformation, not just a quick fix; a change from an inhibited or impaired state to one of greater health, integration and connection. What was damaged must be soothed, repaired, restored, and given new pathways in which to grow and flourish. In order for change to be thorough, old patterns need to be dissolved, and new, more coherent and refined constructs, formed. In creating coherency in new forms, what has become fragmented or separated, injured or diseased must be made whole again, or perhaps made whole for the first time.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Hope dreams into being what is possible but not yet formed.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Shame often causes me to hide my mistakes from others. But really, when I make a mistake, I should make it loud and clear, so I can see that it didn’t work as a strategy, and be able to make a course correction, either by myself or with the help of others.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Separation from the community creates isolation. Isolation is the source of most physical, emotional and spiritual disease.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Change moves incrementally from breath to breath and moment to moment, allowing for course-correction along the way.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Imagination belongs to hope. It’s the creative dance of possibility.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Healing restores to wholeness that which has been injured or fragmented.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“In order to be effective, be responsive. In order to be responsive, listen.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“To be able to open the heart again after betrayal, injury, or loss is a precious act. It requires both courage and compassion. It requires a new movement to emerge from the depths of grief. Forgiveness is one of the most certain paths to restoration, and it is also one of the most difficult. However, it is an attempt to return to wholeness, once again, by letting go and freeing myself from the tight clutch and heavy burden of caution, anger, resentment, and the desire for revenge and punishment. In forgiving others, I free myself towards belonging and wholeness, be it with the person I am forgiving, or with myself.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Without hope, I wouldn’t even try. Hope lifts me to consider new possibilities so I can stay the course of my desire, no matter what.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Everything in my environment is offering me feedback, if I will only listen.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Information can compel us to want to take action, but information, by itself, is often not enough to motivate action or change.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“The more I can accept the fact that change is moving all the time, and that the change I am experiencing right now is just the change of this moment and that this moment will change into the next and the next, the less need I will have to clutch in fear.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“A wish is a single unit of hope. It’s a single request for something I dearly desire.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Isolation is at the heart of all disease, therefore healing requires community and the support of others.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Community is a context and can either facilitate or inhibit the movement of change for the individual.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“A rhythm becomes a habit when we can no longer hear the music.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Change occurs on a continuum and does not move in a straight line.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“Given that I don’t know anything, when I am making up stories about the future, why not make it a good story instead of a scary one?”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change
“We often gain awareness through a baseline comparison between now and next.”
Sharon Weil, ChangeAbility: How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change

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