Bookshop Memories Quotes

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Bookshop Memories Bookshop Memories by George Orwell
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Bookshop Memories Quotes Showing 1-4 of 4
“Many of the people who came to us were of the kind who would be a nuisance anywhere but have special opportunities in a bookshop”
George Orwell, Bookshop Memories
“Given a good pitch and the right amount of capital, any educated person ought to be able to make a small secure living out of a bookshop”
George Orwell, Bookshop Memories
“there are always plenty of not quite certifiable lunatics walking the streets, and they tend to gravitate towards bookshops, because a bookshop is one of the few places where you can hang about for a long time without spending any money. In the end one gets to know these people almost at a glance. For all their big talk there is something moth-eaten and aimless about them.”
George Orwell, Bookshop Memories
“there are two well-known types of pest by whom every second-hand bookshop is haunted. One is the decayed person smelling of old breadcrusts who comes every day, sometimes several times a day, and tries to sell you worthless books. The other is the person who orders large quantities of books for which he has not the smallest intention of paying.”
George Orwell, Bookshop Memories