Waterfall Quotes

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Waterfall (Teardrop, #2) Waterfall by Lauren Kate
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Waterfall Quotes Showing 1-25 of 25
“Maybe that's what magic was - looking into darkness and seeing a light most people missed.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Mortals can face many things, but they cannot face their true identity.”
Lauren Kate , Waterfall
tags: truth
“Love is an endless drive on a winding road. You can't see everything about another person all at once.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Not belonging is the greatest gift. Always remember that.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“You can’t love me without growing old,” she finally said. “And I can’t know that about you without wanting to cry. And my tears are the end of the world.”
Ander touched the corners of her eyes with his lips to reassure her they were dry. “Please don’t be afraid of my love.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Sometimes when you try not to repeat your mistakes, you forget that the original mistakes are still unfolding”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Don’t turn your back on what you love because you’re scared”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“I wouldn’t know what to do if I weren’t next to you. That’s who I am.”

“You can’t rely on someone else to define you. Especially not me.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“You see, this is the problem with conversation,” Solon said with a sigh, and looked at Ander. “All we ever do is talk about ourselves. Let us stop before we bore each other, well, to tears.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Things are precious when they're hard to come by.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Love makes people the best versions of themselves.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Belief in the impossible was the first step toward greatness.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Letting go of someone you loved wasn't hard. There was no word for what it was, because even if you didn't let them go they were still gone.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.

“Abandon all hope, ye who enter,” Ander translated.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Learn from mine and make your own and tell your children what you did wrong so they can do even better than you. Don’t turn your back on what you love because you’re scared”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Do we get only one?” William asked.

“Ambitious lad,” Solon said. “Well, why should there be a limit? One quirk is a miracle, but don’t let me stand in your way. Quirk out as much as you like.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Each of us has magic within us. We take our quirks from the universal store”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“I thought love was supposed to make a person more alive,” Eureka said. “Your love is … like I used to be—suicidal.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“She didn’t know that loss was alive in the world, a thief always about to slam you and steal everything you had.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Why didn't you tell me how dangerous my feelings were?"
"There's a difference between power and danger. Your feelings are more powerful than anything in the world. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. Love is bigger than fear.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“If the hero does not match the story, it is the hero, not the story, who must be rewritten.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
tags: hero, story
“Mortals can face many things, but they cannot face their true identities.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Love can't be stopped, any more than time.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall
“Verstehst du, das ist das Problem mit Gesprächen. Wir reden immer nur über uns selbst.”
Lauren Kate, Waterfall