Honourable Defection Quotes

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Honourable Defection Honourable Defection by Husam Wafaei
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Honourable Defection Quotes Showing 1-30 of 40
“If you can give the wisdom of life to a child; teach to love all regardless of what they believe in, that life is a precious gift to all, judgments of hell and heaven are manmade concept and that every one's purpose in life is to serve Humanity at large...”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“You will never attain integrity if you lack the courage to stand up for what you believe is right.”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Don't allow others to direct your ethical resolutions, rather navigate with your own moral compass so you can see the beacon of your own conscious......”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“دعونا ليكن لدينا الإختيار لأن نصبح مواطنين في الإنسانية عوضا عن أن نكون مواطنين في الكراهية. لربما الوحدة الإنسانية تجمع القلوب لتخلص الإنسان من شر نفسه....”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“If you can give the wisdom of life to a child; teach to love all regardless of what they believe in, that life is a precious gift to all, judgments of hell and heaven are manmade concept and that every one's purpose in life is to serve Humanity at large...”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“الشعور بالأمان هو في أغلب الأحيان خرافة. لأنه غير موجود في طبيعة الإنسان، وفي الغالب قد يعيش الإنسان حياة كاملة بدون ادراكه الشعور بالأمان, حتى تجنب الخطر هو خطر بحاله, فالحياة هي مغامرة لابد منها فإن تعيشها أو تتواجد فيها
حسام وفائي”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“To inspire is to lead through a selfless compassionate character, which displays moral integrity as a path for all…”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“my advice is;
Let’s join the caravan of humanity, and ally ourselves with a conscious progress, let’s join the secular non-sectarian societies, lets distant ourselves from military tradition, and join the human race in benefiting humanity as a whole, let’s heal our environment, and adapt social justices, that will empower the poor and the oppressed to gain his or her fundamental human rights, let’s find mercy and compassion in our souls without reference to any religious fanaticism or national extremism…if we could do that, only then we can begin the return journey back to civilization….”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“ابشع سجن يعيش بعض الناس فيه، هو الخوف بما يفكر فيه الاخرين...”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“The beauty of life is manifested within our spirituality, preceptive to changes and adaptive to the ever-evolving world around us.”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“The 3Cs of Leadership;
Character; the compassionate morality to protect others rights,
Charisma; an inspiring personality which gives hope, and
Competency; with unquenchable thirst for knowledge”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Cherish life as is, and build on holistic positive outlook, so others could emulate your happiness and content...”
Husam Wafaei , Honourable Defection
“هناك لحظات في حياتنا. حين يتوقف الزمن ويدور العالم حولنا دون أن ندري به، و يتجسد الخيال إلى حقيقة، وتنطبع في ذاكرتنا رائحة المكان، ويختفي ضوضاء العالم حولنا، وننقش تفاصيل روحانية اللحظة بقدسية مميزة في عقولنا. وننسى همومنا والأمور الدنيوية لننتقل إلى عالم آخر، ويوما ما نتقبل تلك اللحظة ببساطتها أنها كانت لحظة سعادة.....
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people, are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“للوصول إلى روحانية الذات، لابد للإنسان أن ينمو فكريا قبل كل شيء، وهذا لايتم باتباع أفكار الآخرين وإنما في البحث عن الحقيقة التي لن تتواجد في مجتمعات محافظة أو حلقات مغلقة أو تعصب ديني أو قلة الاحترام للمعتقدات الآخرين ....فروحانية الإنسان تأتي من إنسانيته والحقيقة هي أن تصل إلى أعلى سموات بدون أن تغادر الأرض أو الحياة.....”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Freedom is meant for all, but earned by those who are willing to rise above the darkness of fear and indignity...”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Understand the meaning of life, before you embark on your quest for happiness,”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“You can not shed your past mistakes, albeit, they are in self-denial to your present sentient, but they made you who you are and what you have become”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Never fear your ability to stand out of the herd, only you will know if you can become the shepherd”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Wisdom is the accumulation of knowledge, experience and maturity.”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Constructive criticism is the mere acceptance that other's care about the collective common outcome”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“النقد البناء هو أسلوب لإستيعاب الآخرين بنواهم لتحسين ماهم عليه وماهو كهدف مشترك”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Religions were able to contest the most Nobel side of humanity and overshadow the essence of human dignity, all by creating distinctive yet superficial sectarian barriers that kept humans in a viscous relentless cycle of self-destructive behaviour.”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“تحدت الأديان جميع القيم الأخلاقية ، بخلق الفوارق والحدود الطائفية والقبائلية التي رمت الإنسان في دوامة الخراب والتخلف والدمار الذاتي.”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“The purity of the human mind would allow by far more progress in all aspects if it wasn’t for the ideological pollutants….”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Ethics are nothing more than seeking perfection in everything we do….”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“Morality is a man-made spectrum with two extremes between what each culture perceives as right and wrong, and such perception is extremely biased by specific social norms.”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“إذا لا تملك القدرة لكي تعبر عن عواطفك لغيرك, ولاتسطيع أن تسيطر على سلبيات الإنفعال العصبي ، و إذا لم تكن قادر على إدارة العواطف المؤلمة والخاصة بك ، أو لاتملك الحساسية للتتعاطف مع غيرك ، فأنت إذا لا تملك الوعي الذاتي مهما كنت ذكيا, وبعيد عن أي أمر يمكن أن يكون التعاطف في علاقات فعالة .”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“أي أحمق بإستطاعته أن يكون سعيدا بدون هموم الدنيا, ولكن القوة النفسية التي تعطي السعادة الحقيقية,هي حين تسطيع ان تتملك الأشياء التي تبكيك وتحزنك وتسيطر على تأثيرها على حياتك....”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection
“If human faith and beliefs taught the universal doctrine that everyone should work for second life with a more purposeful Karma; where human could live with the wisdom to learn every human language, adapt to every culture, believe in every God or deity human had adapted, and be able to perceive the world from everyone else revelation…perhaps, only then, human will stop killing, hating or dehumanizing each other and endeavor to prevail for peaceful endings…..”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection

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