Dreck Quotes

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Dreck Dreck by Cliff Jones Jr.
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Dreck Quotes Showing 1-30 of 49
“His abrasive, over-the-top style had earned him a loyal fan base, despite—or perhaps because of—the many scandals that dogged him throughout his career. He was a tax cheat, a philanderer, a bigot, a bully . . . pretty much everything you might expect from a guy named Dumptruck.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“He was a straw man in a suit, a walking false flag. Ninety percent of everything he said was crap, and the remaining ten percent was sprinkled in there just to rub his stink on it. The question of whether he himself actually believed the things he said was irrelevant. He was a puppet in a long line of puppets. He played his part just as his so-called opponents were playing theirs.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“God, I thought I’d have more time. All the time in the world.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“I can’t disconnect, you know? It’s like a drug. For one reason or another, I keep coming back.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“He probably wouldn’t do any jail time at all, not with the perennial War on Drugs in full force. Too many dope smokers and pill poppers to lock up instead.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“We can hardly be expected to see ourselves objectively, especially in matters of the mind.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“What I’m saying is . . . remembering feels like time travel, right? Dreaming works the same way. Well, what if that’s all we have in the first place? Thoughts arranged in time. And we’re free—if we can only learn how—to change those thoughts around all we like. So no predestination. One world. One ever-changing universe. And we can change it!”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“No one likes putting a cash value on their own freedom, selling their soul two weeks at a time. But every one of them had done just that, and they resented the company for it.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“Never mind the eighty percent of the population who fell below the poverty line. They couldn’t afford to complain and risk losing their dole.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, as the saying went. Unless it’s also holding the key to your cage. That might actually be worth it.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“They seemed to skitter past her like living creatures. Their movements were purposeful, organic, just the slightest bit unsteady. It was as if instead of rubber tires, each wheel comprised thousands of tiny insectoid limbs, all black and chitinous with cruel hooked claws for feet.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“Laila could picture the flow of traffic all around her. From above, she watched the cars move along in streams like all those ants on her kitchen floor. What had they been looking for anyway? A crumb here, a speck of sugar there? The vast stockpiles of food in the pantry and fridge remained untouched. For that matter, what kept all these cars returning to the city day after day? A little money, a little entertainment? Surface operations like Livetrac kept the ants fighting over crumbs while the obscene fortunes of a shadowy elite were counted not in dollars but in lives.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“One moment they were human beings with their own distinct minds and perceptions and personalities, and the next they were scenery—all but invisible.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“They had to try and appreciate their time together without putting too much thought into why it was so precious, how it could evaporate at any moment and leave them marooned once more in their separate threads of reality.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“Entering the workforce was like one last long night with nothing after it but the terrifying certainty of death.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“He raised a finger and then continued typing for another thirty seconds or so. Just long enough to show Maggie that his time was more valuable than hers—though she knew his salary, and it most definitely was not.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“The real game isn’t between the two teams on the field. It’s between the spellbound fans and the sponsors finding new ways to empty their pockets.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“He felt like every cell in his body was alive with independent consciousness.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“She’d staggered up that hill more times than she could count. The struggle was actually comforting in a way. Something to fight against, even if it was only gravity.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“Violet looked up at the perfectly full moon. Just a big dead rock floating there doing nothing. But it never ceased to be beautiful somehow. Maybe that’s what makes it beautiful, she considered. It’s not trying to be something it’s not. Earth, on the other hand, was straining pretty hard, always scrambling to remake itself in the image of some sci-fi dystopia from the golden age of ersatz coffee and mutton chop sideburns. When will it be enough?”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“It’s always a dream,” he insisted with a devilish grin. “As many times as we’ve ‘woken up’ into just another layer of dreaming, I’d expect you’d remember that by now.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“It’s always a dream.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“They say if we forget the past, then we’re doomed to repeat it, but the word ‘doomed’ is a bit strong, I’d say. It’s just the eternal return. You’ve got to fall in love with Fate. Imagine Sisyphus happy.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“I’m tired of making the same mistakes over and over just because of some subconscious fears or desires or whatever. I want to get back to my real life. I want to dream my own dreams again.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“Maybe there was more waiting for you beyond the veil—eternal paradise even—but maybe not. Better the devil you know than the one you don’t.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“We still have as much time as we’ve ever had. I just want to try living at full speed for a while.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“At the end of the day, it was always human beings who were responsible. The tools they employed, the code they wrote, the rules and regulations and chain of command . . . None of these layers actually absolved anyone. They only muddied the waters so the guiltiest parties could pretend they’d done nothing wrong.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“The most salient conclusion he could draw from his studies so far was this: Nothing is understood half so well as people generally assume. No matter the field, more study is needed.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“She held a B.A. in English literature, which was of only slightly more interest to employers than his own Ph.D. in linguistics—that is to say, none whatsoever.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck
“They never delete a thing. It just keeps growing and growing, consuming our lives and turning them into more of itself, an endless stream of inane updates, political rants, selfies, memes . . . And all that dreck’s just gonna stick around, what . . . forever?”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck

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