Earth Medicine Quotes

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Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel (Earth Quest) Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel by Kenneth Meadows
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Earth Medicine Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“Aboriginal peoples, like the ancients, were not so concerned with the science of matter, but rather with the science of the mind. For to them, the universe was mind, and all that existed as physical reality was the product of mind and spirit. Everything physical and material was in essence, manifested thought.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The eagle is a bird that flies higher than any other, so the Indian considered it to be 'closer to the sky'. To the Indian, the sky was synonymous with spiritual things [like] principles. [When close to the sky,] from that elevated viewpoint [you are] detatched from the Earth and material things.

The eagle is also attributed with remarkable vision. It can see clearly over great distances and identify small creature and objects from a long way off. So the eagle is associated with far-sightedness and the ability to look ahead. From an elevated viewpoint [you are] able to see more clearly where things on Earth fitted together.

Since the eagle is able to look directly into the un without being blinded by its intensity, this ability indicates [the] attribution of illumination, which comes to the mind through spiritual vision or the ability to see into the essence or spirit of things.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“Your Earth Walk is the way you live your life. It is the way you express your personality. The way you live out your dreams. Your aspirations. Your hopes. Your fears.

Is your Earth Walk an aimless stroll or a weary trudge? Or is it the brisk determined stride of ambition?”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The soul puts on a garment of a physical body in order to experience matter.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“To the North American Indian, "medicine" meant more than a substance to restore health and vitality to a sick or maladjusted body. "Medicine" was energy - a vital power or force that was inherent in Nature itself. A person's "medicine" was their power - the expression of their own life-energy system.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The Indian observed that there were no straight lines in Nature. The Sun and the Moon were round, and so was the Earth. The rising and the setting of the Sun was a circular motion. Birds built their nests in circles. The growth pattern of trees and rocks was circular. Many Indians lived in circular homes called tipis , and native communities were set up around a circle because the whole of Nature expressed itself in circular patterns. Only the white man, it seemed, thought of everything in straight lines.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The universe is constructed on four great creative principles - light, life, love and law.

[Light: The electromagnetic force
Life: The life force
Love: The binding force
Law: The vibratory force that found expression in laws.]”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The Moon's magnetic gravitational power, combined with the movement of the Earth influences the flow of sap in trees and plants and of body fluids, including the rhythm of the blood, the female menstrual cycle and gestation cycles, and the brain itself.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The life essence - this spirit or energy-force is within every human being, within all animals, birds and creatures that swim and crawl, within plants and trees, and within rocks and stones and minerals. It is even within the very elements themselves - within Water and Fire and Earth and even Air, for it is in the very winds that freshen and vitalise us and keep us 'alive'.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The flow of energy moves from the unseen - the non-physical - to the seen, to that which appears; from the realm of that which is not yet manifest to the realm of appearance; from what the American Indian call the 'Nagual' to the 'Tonal', to the everyday world of 'ordinary' existence.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The Indian regarded the human being as a 'divine mortal', or a 'divine physical being'. Indeed, I have had it explained to me that the prefix "hu" in some tongues meant 'divine', and "man" of course, is mortal. So a human being is a divine mortal being - a dual being existing in the realms of both spirit and matter; one spiritual, the other physical; one eternal, the other temporal.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“Man was a miniature solar system, a microcosm of the universe. Understand man and you understand the Earth and the universe.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel
“The American Indian understood the purpose of life was to expand and magnify the Real Self. The purpose of life was the continuing evolution of the divine spirit within.”
Kenneth Meadows, Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel