Syed Asif

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“To see into the meaning of Zen is not enough; it must be thoroughly assimilated into every fibre of one's existence; and to do this fourteen years' constant application cannot be said to be too arduous a task. In fact, the Zen monk has to pass about that length of time in the Zendo before he is fully qualified as a Zen master.”
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, The Training Of The Zen Buddhist Monk

Ango Sakaguchi
“We were permitted every freedom, but one might say that when people are permitted every freedom, they become aware of their own inexplicable limits and needs. It is eternally impossible for humans to be free. This is because humans live, and must die, and because they think.”
Ango Sakaguchi, Discourse on Decadence

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“All comes at last to feeling;
Name is but sound and smoke,
Beclouding Heaven's warm glow.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, First Part

Homer Hickam
“He reached into the box to pick up a smooth, curiously shaped object that I thought looked like the end of a leg bone. I was disappointed when he said,
“This is a sandstone concretion. Not a bone.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
“I have a PhD in paleontology and a master's degree in geology, Mike. I know bones and rocks.”

- Exchange between Mike and Pick”
Homer Hickam, The Dinosaur Hunter

Jean-Luc Godard
“Listen to me, normal one!
We see a truth that you no longer see.
A truth that says the essence of man is love and faith, courage and tenderness, generosity and sacrifice.”
Jean-Luc Godard, Alphaville

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