208809 Donald's Friend Comments

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Donald Hi Goodread Friends,

My new blog, which has the snappy name I Can't Believe It's Not A Blog, can be accessed here:

I hope you'll all check it out!

William Hello Donald,
Thanks for the add.

William Elliott Hazelgrove
www.billhazelgrove.com Rocket Man

Andrea Kulman Hi & thank you for being a friend on Good Reads!

Jeremy I want to apologize for the all the recommendations from me today. I wanted to share the Stoker Award news, and I only pressed the send button once--I'm not sure what happened.

Argh...this is terrible...

Again, I'm very sorry.


Jeremy Thanks for the friendship, Donald!

Here’s wishing you a nifty new 2008 filled with noiseless noses, neato nicknames, noble Nebraskans, gnarly narcoleptic nebulas, and novel novels about nut-eating narwhals and novercaphobic gnats.

I thought I'd let you know that my novel “Vacation” has been nominated for the best Horror Novel of 2007 in the Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll. So far it's ranked 4th.

In case you're interested in voting, feel free to visit the website here:

Thanks again!

-Jeremy :)

PS—if you do decide to vote, you should know that you need to validate the vote by clicking on the validation link in the email they send you.

message 2: by Donald (last edited Aug 25, 2016 01:04PM)

Donald K.S.R.,

Thanks for still being my friend! I am going to post a picture asap. Have to find just the right one.

message 1: by K.S.R. (last edited Aug 25, 2016 01:03PM)

K.S.R. Where's your picture? Put one up here! It feels much more comfortable from my end to have a face to go with your name.

I usually don't make friends with those who don't have a picture, unless they are muslim women, who for personal reasons choose not to.

But since you're so apparently well-read, I chose to invite you to be my friend. So, let's see who you are! Thanks, Donald. Have a wonderful day ;o)

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