Outlander Series discussion

Archived > Spell Their Name - CLAIRE

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message 1: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 1124 comments I'm keeping it easy again this month. Similar to last month - the goal is to spell CLAIRE's name.

You can use a combination of Title, Author's First or Last Names.

The challenge will run from Dec 1 - Dec 31.

Words such as A, An, The can be discounted


message 2: by Gwennie, biblioholic (new)

Gwennie (blessedwannab) | 3151 comments Do you have to discount them? Or can we use them if we need to? (A, An, The)

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Shame Scottish Prisoner, Diana G whon't fit in as I am sure many of us will be devouring that.

message 4: by Gwennie, biblioholic (new)

Gwennie (blessedwannab) | 3151 comments Sure it does! L - Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner, lmao. I'm putting it on mine!

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Excellent skills :)

message 6: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 1124 comments you don't have to discount them, if you don't want to...

message 7: by Gwennie, biblioholic (new)

Gwennie (blessedwannab) | 3151 comments Sweet, not that I need to yet. It's still good to know.

message 8: by Catherine (new)

Catherine | 288 comments cool I'm in!

message 9: by Catherine (last edited Dec 24, 2011 11:45AM) (new)

Catherine | 288 comments Dec challenge!

C. Cats Lettres to Santa..Bill Adler(12/1)
L. The Lost Flamigoes of Bombay..Siddarth Dhanvant Shangvi
A. The Anti-Romantic Child..Pricilla Gilman
I. Th Inferno..Dnate Algheri
R. A Rather Remarkable Homecoming..C.A. Belmond(12/23)

now I have to go through my books!! again!

message 10: by Jen (at last!) (new)

Jen (at last!) (jenkeith) | 1052 comments Two that I'm currently reading already fit the bill! Huzzah! !

message 11: by Barbara ★ (last edited Dec 27, 2011 03:24PM) (new)

Barbara ★ I'm in again.

Read; 6/6

C: Airtight Case - Beverly Connor 12/11
L: Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner - Diana Gabaldon 12/15
A: Anne Ursu - The Shadow Thieves 12/2
I: The Iron Witch - Karen Mahoney 12/6
R: Rachel Caine - Last Breath 12/26
E: Elizabeth Vaughan - Destiny's Star 12/21

Airtight Case (Lindsay Chamberlain Mystery, #5) by Beverly Connor Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner (Lord John Grey, #3) by Diana Gabaldon The Shadow Thieves (Cronus Chronicles, #1) by Anne Ursu The Iron Witch (The Iron Witch, #1) by Karen Mahoney Last Breath (The Morganville Vampires, #11) by Rachel Caine Destiny's Star (Epic of Palins) by Elizabeth Vaughan

message 12: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 187 comments Better luck to me this time!

C Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
L Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas
AState of Wonder by Ann Patchett
IOut of Africa by Isak Dinisen
R Killing Moon by Rebecca York
E Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4) by Lisa Kleypas State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

message 14: by Ellen W-S (last edited Dec 02, 2011 01:13PM) (new)

Ellen W-S | 50 comments I am in too! Not sure yet what I will select. Wow some of you know exactly what to list already....mmmm, I'll get on it!
L-Lord John book for sure!

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

I thought I would try this challenge but I am not sure how to add books to the shelf. Could someone explain please? I do have a shelf but not sure how to get the books on it.

message 16: by Catherine (new)

Catherine | 288 comments Beth wrote: "I thought I would try this challenge but I am not sure how to add books to the shelf. Could someone explain please? I do have a shelf but not sure how to get the books on it."

you can just post them here if you want...that's what I'm doing...

message 17: by Gwennie, biblioholic (new)

Gwennie (blessedwannab) | 3151 comments You added your shelf to the challenge on the home page, right?

If so when you read them you just select that shelf on your own profile and it will count them up for you here.

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

I have read these books before but I am planning on re-reading them for this challenge but when I tried to add the books to the claire shelf it wouldn't do it. I guess I will do as Catherine is doing and just post them here. Not as techy as I want to be so this might be easier for me.

Thanks though.

message 19: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 1124 comments you add them to a shelf in your profile - if you dn't have a shelf already, then you can add one - when you complete the book, and get the your review book - there is a pull-down menu for shelves, type in what you what to call your challenge shelf, and the book will go there - in the future, you can just select that shelf

right now GR has no way to count re-reads without changing the date to your most recent date - if you do that, then they should show up on your challenge

message 20: by Hege (last edited Dec 30, 2011 03:00AM) (new)

Hege (hegesvendsen) | 1 comments I just managed 3 books in the Jamie challenge... But I think I'll give this one a try too :)

Christoph Marzi - Heaven
Lauren Halse Anderson - Wintergirls
Amy Plum - Die for Me
Iron King, The The Iron King - by Julie Kagawa
Roderick Gordon - Tunnels
Engelen som vokter - Engelen som vokter
Heaven by Christoph Marzi Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson Die for Me (Revenants, #1) by Amy Plum The Iron King (Iron Fey, #1) by Julie Kagawa Tunnels (Tunnels, #1) by Roderick Gordon Engelen som vokter (Novemberbarn, bok 11) by Yvonne Fjeld

message 21: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 187 comments 2/6 Complete

C Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
L Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas
AState of Wonder by Ann Patchett 12/2/11
IOut of Africa by Isak Dinisen
R Killing Moon by Rebecca York
E Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich 12/8/11

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4) by Lisa Kleypas State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

C - Connie Willis - To Say Nothing of the Dog - Done
L - Lionheart - Connie Mason
A - Ain't Myth-Behaving - Katie MacAlister
I - Island of the Sequined-Love Nunt - Christopher Moore
R - Rattlesnake Crossing - J A Jance
E - Emma Holly - Personal Assets

message 23: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 187 comments Outlander Group Challenge
Spell The Name: Claire

3/6 Complete

C Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
L Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas 12/9/11
AState of Wonder by Ann Patchett 12/2/11
IOut of Africa by Isak Dinisen
R Killing Moon by Rebecca York
E Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich 12/8/11

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4) by Lisa Kleypas State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

2 1/2 to go.

C - Connie Willis - To Say Nothing of the Dog - Done
L - Lionheart - Connie Mason - Done
A - Ain't Myth-Behaving - Katie MacAlister - Done
I - Island of the Sequined-Love Nunt - Christopher Moore
R - Rattlesnake Crossing - J A Jance
E - Emma Holly - Personal Assets

message 25: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 187 comments Outlander Group Challenge
Spell The Name: Claire

4/6 Complete

C Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas 12/14/11
L Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas 12/9/11
AState of Wonder by Ann Patchett 12/2/11
IOut of Africa by Isak Dinisen
R Killing Moon by Rebecca York
E Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich 12/8/11

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4) by Lisa Kleypas State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

message 27: by Jen (at last!) (last edited Dec 24, 2011 07:19PM) (new)

Jen (at last!) (jenkeith) | 1052 comments Spell Their Name: Claire 6/6

C - Catherine Bybee, Wife by Wednesday
L - Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen
A - Austenland by Shannon Hale
I - Influence of Love by Patricia Kynne
R - Rogue Knight by Marcia Lynn McCLure
E - Eloisa James, Winning the Wallflower

Wife by Wednesday by Catherine Bybee Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen Austenland by Shannon Hale Influence of Love by Patricia Lynne The Rogue Knight by Marcia Lynn McClure Winning the Wallflower A Novella (Fairy Tales, #2.5) by Eloisa James

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

C - Connie Willis - To Say Nothing of the Dog - Done
L - Lionheart - Connie Mason - Done
A - Ain't Myth-Behaving - Katie MacAlister - Done
I - Island of the Sequined-Love Nunt - Christopher Moore - Done
R - Rattlesnake Crossing - J A Jance - Done
E - Emma Holly - Personal Assets - Done

This was fun. Can't wait for the next one.

message 30: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 187 comments Outlander Group Challenge
Spell The Name: Claire

5/6 Complete

C Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas 12/14/11
L Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas 12/9/11
AState of Wonder by Ann Patchett 12/2/11
IOut of Africa by Isak Dinisen
R Killing Moon by Rebecca York 12/22/11
E Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich 12/8/11

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4) by Lisa Kleypas State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

message 32: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 187 comments Outlander Group Challenge
Spell The Name: Claire

6/6 Complete

C Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas 12/14/11
L Married By Morning by Lisa Kleypas 12/9/11
AState of Wonder by Ann Patchett 12/2/11
IOut of Africa by Isak Dinisen 12/27/11
R Killing Moon by Rebecca York 12/22/11
E Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich 12/8/11

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4) by Lisa Kleypas State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

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