Mock Printz 2025 discussion

The Spirit Bares Its Teeth
This topic is about The Spirit Bares Its Teeth
Mock Printz 2024 > September Reads: The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White

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Briony | 98 comments Mod
Kirkus states "White wields prose like a scalpel, cutting deep and spilling guts with gruesome precision." Can THIS horror novel break into the Printz list?

message 2: by Jenn (new) - added it

Jenn (jennmonk) | 43 comments This is a very hard read, but so rewarding and necessary in our current world. It would be amazing for this book to get some recognition.

Kelly | 10 comments While a bit gruesome, the setting and character development were strong points for this one. Although it’s in a genre I typically don’t enjoy - nor typically gets award notice, I think this is a stand out novel that (in my mind) has the potential to grab a Printz honor - though I do not see it taking the top prize.

Melissapalmer404 | 1 comments I just started this one....

Heather | 41 comments I was just too disappointed by the flat supporting characters to feel like this was well-enough written to earn any Printz cred.

message 6: by Todd (last edited Oct 30, 2023 05:55AM) (new)

Todd (toddbcpl) | 7 comments I agree with some of the other takes that this is a good but not exceptional book. It has a great premise, the reimagining is brilliant, but I feel that the somewhat pedestrian writing and varying character development doesn't make it rise to Printz-worthy.

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