Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine discussion

One Day in December > Love Actually

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message 1: by Hello (new)

Hello Sunshine | 58 comments Mod
Sometimes RomComs are what you need for the holidays -- what are your favorites to curl up with?

☕️Hélène⚜️ (pawstoodream) Me no romcoms maybe when I’m I the mood but I prefer to curl up with a hot coffee and a go thriller

message 3: by Jake (new)

Jake Jarvis | 7 comments Bridget Jones's Diary is, for me, the hands down greatest romcom of all time. Which is probably part of the reason I'm loving One Day in December so much! But if folks are looking for new things to watch this winter season, I'd like to suggest His Girl Friday. It's an old black-and-white picture, but the story and the acting is timeless.

message 4: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Chocolat probably isn't technically a RomCom but it's romantic and I find some parts pretty funny. It's one of my favorite movies. Sweet Home Alabama is another one I like to curl up with. :)

message 5: by Laura (new)

Laura Ellsworth | 2 comments I watch Love Actually and The Holiday every year, but another special one that we watch every Valentines Day or on my birthday is About Time. It’s got everything- adorable romantic meet-cute, yes, but also precious family relationships, and a theme that makes me revisit it year after year.

message 6: by Josie (new)

Josie Silver | 28 comments Laura wrote: "I watch Love Actually and The Holiday every year, but another special one that we watch every Valentines Day or on my birthday is About Time. It’s got everything- adorable romantic meet-cute, yes, ..."

Hi Laura,
I totally agree! I caught About Time by accident recently and absolutely loved it, so touching and beautiful - Richard Curtis strike again. :) xx

message 7: by MarieCo (new)

MarieCo | 6 comments Over the years my favorites, movie wise, have ranged and changed from Love Actually, Bridget Jones, The Proposal, While you were Sleeping, the Wedding Date, One Hundred Foot Journey, and Chef.

Others popped in that were less comedy format like Chocolat, Amelie, Tortilla Soup, Saving Face, Imagine Me & You, Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

I agree with others here, About Time, was a surprise and worth catching.

Crazy Rich Asians will be a fun one to rewatch, when the mood strikes.

Book wise action, suspense, or mysteries (including cozy) have pulled me of late. Haven’t had favorites that I’ve reread every year.

message 8: by MarieCo (new)

MarieCo | 6 comments Serendipity 😀

message 9: by Kim (new)

Kim | 2 comments Fools Rush In! My favorite rom-com for sure but I totally love Janet Evanovitch novels for their silly humor.

message 10: by Josie (new)

Josie Silver | 28 comments Kim wrote: "Fools Rush In! My favorite rom-com for sure but I totally love Janet Evanovitch novels for their silly humor."

I'm a massive Stephanie Plum fan Kim, one of my absolute faves. x

message 11: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Kahm davis | 24 comments Just got this book. My last favorite rom com was Bridget Jones. Also I have read all the Stephanie Plum novels. Good hearted fun.

message 12: by Ilham (new)

Ilham Alam (ilhamalam) | 4 comments For me, it would be Love Actually, While You Were Sleeping, Chocolat, Amelie. And this isn’t set during Christmas but a wedding, a big, raucous, Indian wedding called, Monsoon Wedding.

message 13: by Megan (new)

Megan (nutxmeg) | 1 comments I’m a sucker for late 80s/early 90s Meg Ryan. Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, You’ve Got Mail... swoon. As for modern romcoms, I adore Friends with Benefits.

message 14: by Tristan (new)

Tristan | 4 comments Hello wrote: "Sometimes RomComs are what you need for the holidays -- what are your favorites to curl up with?"

I am the same way as Helene! I need a book that will pull me in from the first page. Thrillers are always that genre for me.

message 15: by Dj (new)

Dj Armstrong  | 1 comments My husband and I just watched: Juliet, Naked! It was really good. It’s based off of the book by Nick Hornby. Really enjoyable story!!

message 16: by Brandi (new)

Brandi | 1 comments My mom and I watch “While you were sleeping” every Christmas! It’s our favorite holiday romcom ❤️

message 17: by Riley (new)

Riley Costello | 8 comments Hands down The Holiday is my much so that I don't just watch it during the holidays. It's a feel good movie on all levels from the storyline to the setting (as is true in all of Nancy Meyers' movies), to the wardrobe. Love Actually is another go-to.

message 18: by Terri (new)

Terri  | 1 comments Sweet Home Alabama is my fave!

message 19: by Sarita (new)

Sarita | 13 comments Meg Ryan's You've Got Mail, and When Harry Met Sally. Of course, "Sleepless in Seattle."
I thought of her movies when I read "One Day in December."

If this book becomes a movie, who'd be the next Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks? :)

message 20: by Sue (new)

Sue | 43 comments The Holiday is one of my favorites.
I'm also huge fan of Love Actually and Chocolat is a good one.

message 21: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 9 comments The Holiday, Love Actually, While You Were Sleeping, You've Got Mail, Sleepless In Seattle, Bridget Jones, LOVE Serendipity and Sweet Home Alabama... my daughter and I can practically quote the entire movie!! LOL

message 22: by Desigan (new)

Desigan (httpsyoutubecom) | 33 comments gu

message 23: by Cezary (new)

Cezary Zawadzki | 4 comments Ok

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