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Ancient History (Old Threads) > 2018: What are you reading

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message 1: by Jasmine, Gatekeeper of Giveaways. (new)

Jasmine | 1395 comments Mod
Tell us.. what are you reading now?

Please remember to link the book and author whenever possible. If you can't use html, simple type the book title with the author. This helps members interested in your reads find them easily :)

message 2: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) I am beginning the new year by reading Little Fires a Everywhere by Celeste Eng.

message 3: by Connie (new)

Connie (connier) | 52 comments I started SALT TO THE SEA by Ruta Sepetys. The short chapters are really a challenge for me.

message 4: by Faith (new)

Faith Justice | 163 comments I finished the old year with The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher--a bittersweet read for me. My review here:


Continuing into the New Year with Nevertheless, She Persisted and Wilderness Empire.

Happy New Year, everyone. Blessings and good books!

message 5: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Freeman | 219 comments I am reading The Empress of Bright Moon by Weina Dei Randel, so far so good...

message 6: by Liz (new)

Liz Gibson | 40 comments Desiree by Annemarie Selinko

message 7: by Jasmine, Gatekeeper of Giveaways. (new)

Jasmine | 1395 comments Mod
Kathleen wrote: "I am reading The Empress of Bright Moon by Weina Dei Randel, so far so good..."

I really enjoyed that book. I need to get the second one.

message 8: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Radley | 735 comments I am reading Signal for Vengeance by Edward Marston (the Railway Detective series)

message 9: by SReads (new)

SReads A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towels. It is sooo good all you should definitely read it. I am only 30% in but I have included it in my top reads of 2017! Xx

message 10: by Chris (new)

Chris | 525 comments SissiReads wrote: "A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towels. It is sooo good all you should definitely read it. I am only 30% in but I have included it in my top reads of 2017! Xx"

I have also just started this. It is my Jan book club's selection

message 11: by Book Concierge (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) The Winter Garden Mystery (Daisy Dalrymple, #2) by Carola Dunn
The Winter Garden Mystery – Carola Dunn – 3***
Book number two in the Daisy Dalrymple series has our heroine traveling to Occles Hall to research her latest article for Town and Country on England’s country manor houses. Lady Valeria is none too pleased at this intrusion, and even less so when Daisy finds a body buried in the winter garden. A satisfying cozy mystery with an intrepid heroine, set in 1920s England.
LINK to my review

message 12: by Abigail (new)

Abigail Bok (regency_reader) | 774 comments Reading Middlemarch, which is actually a historical novel! I never noticed that before. Published in 1871 but set in the 1820s.

message 13: by Margaret (new)

Margaret Crampton (cramptonmargaret) | 8143 comments I’m starting Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

message 14: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Radley | 735 comments I am now reading the circus train conspiracy by Edward Marston..... my has it got off to a cracking start... am in two minds I want to know what happens and how it concludes but don’t want the book to end!!!! Dilemma!!!

message 15: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) I remember reading Desiree when I was in high school and loving it. Another similar book is Forever Amber.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

The sworn virgin by kristopher dukes

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 3077 comments I just finished "Gone" by Michael Grant and starting "Letters From Skye"

message 18: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Bowe (sarahsbookstack) The Dancing Master by Julie Klassen

message 19: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) I am reading The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman. This is prequel to A Practical mMagic one of my favorite books by this author.

message 20: by Faith (new)

Faith Justice | 163 comments Finished Nevertheless, She Persisted an anthology of stories about women persevering across time and space. The authors are well-known in the SF/F field, but there are a few stories that are HF. I felt this collection was better than average--every story grabbed my attention and held it. Review here:


message 21: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) I am rereading a real old favorite, Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton as snow is swirling around outside and in the book.

message 22: by Book Concierge (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich
The Birchbark House – Louise Erdrich – 4****
What Laura Ingalls Wilder did for the pioneer families in 19th century plains states, Erdrich has done for the Native Americans in this same time period. Omakayas is a seven-year-old Ojibwa girl living on Lake Superior’s Madeline Island. The novel covers the four seasons of 1847. I was fascinated by this story of the life of the Native Americans during this time period.
LINK to my review

message 23: by Abigail (new)

Abigail Bok (regency_reader) | 774 comments What a lovely experience, Nancy! Talk about getting lost in a novel. . . .

message 24: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Radley | 735 comments I am reading the crime at black Dudley by Margery Allingham... kickstarting 2018 with some classic crime

message 25: by Rae (new)

Rae (mithergma) | 9 comments I am currently reading The Good Widow
Story of love and loss. Hoping for an unforeseeable twist ending.

message 26: by Rae (new)

Rae (mithergma) | 9 comments Margaret wrote: "I’m starting Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi"

Margaret, I would be interested in hearing any thoughts you have about this book. As a highly recommended book to read in 2018, I have added it to my "To Read" shelf.

message 27: by Rae (new)

Rae (mithergma) | 9 comments Margaret wrote: "I’m starting Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi"

Margaret, I would be interested in hearing any thoughts you have about this book. As a highly recommended book to read in 2018, I have added it to my "To Read" shelf.

message 28: by Margaret (new)

Margaret Crampton (cramptonmargaret) | 8143 comments I’m about 50% through and it’s fascinating. I’m waiting for my Ghanaian friend to return from home as I look forward to hearing her opinion on the Ghanaian history. It gives a horrifying picture of slavery both the African perspective and slavery in America with family histories. The story is set in the late seventeen hundreds and the nineteenth century.

message 29: by Rae (new)

Rae (mithergma) | 9 comments Margaret wrote: "I’m about 50% through and it’s fascinating. I’m waiting for my Ghanaian friend to return from home as I look forward to hearing her opinion on the Ghanaian history. It gives a horrifying picture of..."

Thank you, Margaret. This sounds like an interesting read. I'm sure your Ghanaian friend will have valuable comments to make.

message 30: by Eric (new)

Eric | 11269 comments I completed Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson , which was a compilation of all of the Elantris tales. I continue on with my Brandon Sanderson, fantasy binge with Warbreaker (Warbreaker, #1) by Brandon Sanderson Warbreaker.

May the 'Dor' be with you. :)

message 31: by Juliet (new)

Juliet Valcourt (julietvalcourt) | 13 comments I’m reading Greythorne by LM Merrington - a gothic governess mystery set in Victorian England.

message 32: by C.P. (last edited Jan 05, 2018 06:17PM) (new)

C.P. Lesley (cplesley) | 585 comments Kathleen wrote: "I am reading The Empress of Bright Moon by Weina Dei Randel, so far so good..."

Loved that one.

Currently reading The Lost Letter: A Victorian Romance, with a couple of unpublished MSS to follow.

message 33: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) Finished The Remains of the Day. 3.7 stars if I may. Was left with an empty feeling by the end.


message 34: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) I'm starting Peony by Pearl S. Buck.

message 37: by Margaret (new)

Margaret Crampton (cramptonmargaret) | 8143 comments Just finished Homegoing a brilliant book
Am starting
Defiance:The Life and choices of Lady Anne Barnard by Stephen Taylor

message 38: by Sarah (new)

message 39: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) Now that I have shelved The Rules of Magic, I am about to choose my next Read . I'm not sure what that title will be. I really have to judge my mood before choosing my next title. I probably will choose a book from either my 12+4 life or my Motley Challenge. I do hope to read Rules of Magic at another time.

message 40: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) | 2033 comments Nancy from NJ wrote: "Now that I have shelved The Rules of Magic, I am about to choose my next Read . I'm not sure what that title will be. I really have to judge my mood before choosing my next title. I probably will c..."

Sorry this one didn't work out for you. I quite enjoyed it when I read it back in Oct/Nov.

message 41: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) | 2033 comments My shelves are still not updated, but I've started reading My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry. I love Fredrik Backman's quirky characters.

message 42: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) I'm getting more and more intrigued by the description of the Jewish community in 19th century China in Pearl Buck's Peony.

message 43: by Deb (new)

Deb I just started reading A Place Called Freedom

message 44: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) I just began reading Keeper of Lost Things which I am really enjoying. This book is from a challenge at another group. So far I am really enjoying this title.

message 45: by Sara (new)

Sara | 46 comments I just finished The Zahir today and started Salt to the Sea.

message 46: by Alice (new)

Alice | 6184 comments I am reading Victoria Thompson new series City of Lies (Counterfeit Lady, #1) by Victoria Thompson I have enjoyed her Gaslight series a lot. This one is good so far.

message 47: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Radley | 735 comments I am reading snow falling on cedars by David Guterson and so far wow...

message 48: by Faith (new)

Faith Justice | 163 comments Zoe wrote: "I am reading snow falling on cedars by David Guterson and so far wow..."

I really liked that one. The language is lush and the story compelling.

message 49: by Book Concierge (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
The Turn of the Screw – Henry James – 3.5***
A ghost story and psychological thriller. A young woman is hired to be governess to two young children, Miles and Flora. The governess is certain that some malevolent entity is intent on capturing the children in her care, and she is determined to prevent it from doing so. All the uncertainty and secrecy serve to increase the emotional tension in the story. It is dark, and puzzling, and disturbing.
LINK to my review

message 50: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 7 comments I just finished 'As Bright As Heaven' by Susan Meissner. The book has 384 pages but you'll be tempted to read it in one sitting. This author knows her craft.

The story is set in Philadelphia in 1918, so there's the war in Europe and then the flu epidemic that killed millions. Told in the POV of the women in the family, (even the little sister has a voice), the heartbreak and triumphs are told through their humanity.

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