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Reading Challenges > June 2017 Mini Challenges

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message 1: by Heather L , Cozy Mysteries Moderator (new)

Heather L  (wordtrix) | 27033 comments Mod

Here are your June 2017 Mini Challenges!


** Books DO NOT all have to be mysteries. You can use any genres.

** A book can only be used once for this challenge, but can be used for other challenges (Seasonal, World Trip, Ultimate, etc.).

** You DO NOT have to choose books in advance, and can change your mind at any time if you do.

** Do as many as you are able and have fun!

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 2: by Nell (last edited Jul 22, 2017 04:04PM) (new)

Nell | 1207 comments June Mini Challenge
Progress: 4

Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
Murder Most Howl by Krista Davis
Murder Most Howl (Paws and Claws Mystery, #3) by Krista Davis

Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover.
Hot Button by Kylie Logan
Hot Button (Button Box Mystery, #2) by Kylie Logan

Read a book with a flag on the cover.
Drizzled with Death by Jessie Crockett
Drizzled with Death (Sugar Grove Mystery, #1) by Jessie Crockett

Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
Whispers Beyond the Veil by Jessica Estevao
Whispers Beyond the Veil (A Change of Fortune Mystery #1) by Jessica Estevao

Read a book that features dairy products.
Foreign Éclairs by Julie Hyzy
Foreign Éclairs (A White House Chef Mystery #9) by Julie Hyzy

message 3: by Brenda (last edited Jun 16, 2017 05:17PM) (new)

Brenda | 4496 comments June Mini Challenge


1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

Death at Egg Harbor by Alannah Rogers 2s 5/6/17

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

Basket Case by Nancy Haddock 5s 16/6/17

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

Dark Past by Catherine Lee 5s 3/6/17

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

Murder, Lies and Chocolate by Sally Berneathy 5s 11/6/17 cream on dessert

Death at Egg Harbor (Jamie Burger, #1) by Alannah Rogers Basket Case (Silver Six Crafting Mystery #1) by Nancy Haddock Dark Past (A Cooper & Quinn Mystery, #2) by Catherine Lee Murder, Lies and Chocolate (Death by Chocolate #2) by Sally Berneathy

message 4: by Troll (last edited Jun 09, 2017 09:16PM) (new)

Troll Girl | 37 comments 1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

Spells and Scones (A Magical Bakery Mystery, #6) by Bailey Cates
Completed: 6/9/17

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 5: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments June will be fun!

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: This one is easy. I will read MURDER HAS NINE LIVES! One of the latest Jaine Austen mysteries by Laura Levine. Jaine's cat, Prozac, stars in all the books in the series, and is prominent on the cover of this one!

2, 3, and 4 I have to think about...

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).
I plan to find a mystery set in Wisconsin! That can also be my first in the Read Around the USA Challenge, that I just started! :)

message 6: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 2274 comments Hannah Reed, aka Deb Baker's, Queen Bee Mystery series is set in Wisconsin.

message 7: by Marisa, Cozy Mysteries Assistant Moderator (new)

Marisa (moretta) | 4052 comments Mod
On the Chopping Block is setting in Wisconsin and I think these days has been free for Kindle (I don't know if it's yet) .

message 8: by Linda (new)

Linda (rudylkr) | 8843 comments Ready for June!

National Adopt a Cat Month and Hug Your Cat Day: Suture Self

Sewing Machine Day: Stitch Me Deadly

Flag Day in the USA: Fire When Ready

National Splurge Day: A Slice of Murder

Dairy Month and Ice Cream Soda Day: To Brie or Not To Brie

Suture Self (Bed-and-Breakfast Mysteries #17) by Mary Daheim Stitch Me Deadly (An Embroidery Mystery, #2) by Amanda Lee Fire When Ready (Manor House #7) by Kate Kingsbury A Slice of Murder (Pizza Lovers, #1) by Chris Cavender To Brie or Not To Brie (A Cheese Shop Mystery, #4) by Avery Aames

message 9: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (jhaltenburger) In

1. Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
2. Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).
3. Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).
4. Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
5. Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 10: by Betty (last edited Jun 24, 2017 09:15PM) (new)

Betty | 106 comments I'm ready for June! Gonna have a lot of fun reading these books.

06/24 - getting down to the wire and I'm having a lot of trouble focusing enough to read these days. I found something a bit lighter for the Flag Day selection, so I switched and should finish that one tomorrow. Hope I can finish the other two before the end of the month.

1. National Adopt a Cat Month and Hug Your Cat Day:
Odds and Ends by Audrey Claire (06/02)

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day:
A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA:
Star Spangled Killer by Summer Prescott

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day:
Invisible by Lorena McCourtney (06/10)

5. June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day:
Unexpected by Cindy Blackburn

Odds and Ends (Margot and Odds #1) by Audrey Claire A Single Thread (Cobbled Quilt #1) by Marie Bostwick Star Spangled Killer (Cupcakes in Paradise Book 2) by Summer Prescott Invisible (Ivy Malone Mysteries, #1) by Lorena McCourtney Unexpected (Cassie Baxter Mysteries #2) by Cindy Blackburn

message 11: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 4496 comments Thanks Linda and Betty :) You have helped me to fill the sewing spot - still looking for my flag ;)

message 12: by Sylvia (last edited Jul 08, 2017 11:39PM) (new)

Sylvia (sylviapischel) | 11 comments This will be my first challenge. Looks like it will be fun. Thanks to those that had already posted I was able to figure out how to do a list. :-)

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
Odds and Ends by Audrey Claire - Finished 6/10

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).
Pleating for Mercy by Melissa Bourbon - Finished 6/22

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).
Their Finest Hour by Lissa Evans

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
Chez Stinky by Susan C. Daffron - Finished 7/3

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).
The Long Quiche Goodbye by Avery Aames

Odds and Ends (Margot and Odds #1) by Audrey Claire Pleating for Mercy (A Magical Dressmaking Mystery, #1) by Melissa Bourbon Their Finest Hour by Lissa Evans Chez Stinky (An Alpine Grove Romantic Comedy #1) by Susan C. Daffron The Long Quiche Goodbye (A Cheese Shop Mystery, #1) by Avery Aames

message 13: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 4496 comments Nice to see your list too Sylvia :) Enjoy!

message 14: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments Gary and Marisa, thanks for your excellent suggestions for mysteries set in Wisconsin! BUZZ OFF and ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK both look interesting and fun! I will probably read both :)

message 15: by MarieBL (last edited Jun 10, 2017 09:53PM) (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments OK, I'm in; June will be fun!

1. Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
MURDER HAS NINE LIVES. One of the latest Jaine Austen mysteries by Laura Levine. (Done! 6/1)

2. Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover.
FALLING TO PIECES, by Vannetta Chapman (Done! 6/10)

3. Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality). DIVINE JUSTICE, by David Baldacci (Done! 5/30)

4. Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
TALES FROM THE HILLTOP: A summer in the other South of France, by Tony Lewis

5. Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin). ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK (Done! 6/3)

message 16: by Marie (new)

Marie | 13 comments June Challenge:
Read: 0/5

message 17: by Marisa, Cozy Mysteries Assistant Moderator (last edited May 27, 2017 01:36AM) (new)

Marisa (moretta) | 4052 comments Mod
MarieBL wrote: "Gary and Marisa, thanks for your excellent suggestions for mysteries set in Wisconsin! BUZZ OFF and ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK both look interesting and fun! I will probably read both :)"

Glad to have helped you (and your TBR ;-) )

message 18: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 2274 comments I am leaning towards taking the month off of the mini challenge so I can clear off other books from my TBR. I don't seem to have any sewing related books in my TBR. The flag books I have are either The Bastard by John Jakes or Mr. Lincoln's Army by the late Bruce Catton. (Fellow Michigander) In either case the books are over 500 pages long. I'll do some more looking.

message 19: by Amber (last edited Jun 28, 2017 05:29PM) (new)

Amber (arboan) | 144 comments 1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc). Death Threads 06.28.17

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased. Daughter of the Pirate King 06.08.17

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

Daughter of the Pirate King (Daughter of the Pirate King, #1) by Tricia Levenseller Death Threads (A Southern Sewing Circle, #2) by Elizabeth Lynn Casey

message 20: by Heather L , Cozy Mysteries Moderator (new)

Heather L  (wordtrix) | 27033 comments Mod
For flags, a couple authors to check out are Julie Hyzy's White House series and Shelley Freydont. A Tale of Two Biddies also has flags.

message 21: by Julesy (last edited Jun 25, 2017 08:10PM) (new)

Julesy | 1396 comments June mini challenge

Update: June 25
Progress: 5/5

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
Alaskan Alliance (Zoe Donovan Mystery #12) by Kathi Daley Alaskan Alliance by Kathi Daley - finished June 18

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).
Threads of Evidence A Mainely Needlepoint Mystery by Lea Wait Threads of Evidence: A Mainely Needlepoint Mystery by Lea Wait - finished June 5

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).
First Degree Mudder (Pacific Northwest Mystery #4) by Kate E. Dyer-Seeley First Degree Mudder by Kate Dyer-Seeley - finished June 25

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
Shotgun, Wedding, Bells (A Kiki Lowenstein Scrap-N-Craft Mystery Book 11) by Joanna Campbell Slan Shotgun, Wedding, Bells by Joanna Campbell Slan - finished June 13

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).
Fogged Inn (A Maine Clambake Mystery, #4) by Barbara Ross Fogged Inn by Barbara Ross - whipped cream on top of the pie slices - finished June 9

message 22: by Jonquil (last edited Jun 27, 2017 12:01PM) (new)

Jonquil | 112 comments June Mini Challenge

4/4 DONE

1. cat on the cover 6/5
Dangling by a Thread (Mainely Needlepoint, #4) by Lea Wait
2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: about sewing Aunt Dimity and the Widow's Curse 6/2
4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: recent books you’ve purchasedOne Tequila 6/15
5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: dairy products Milkshakes, Mermaids, and Murder 6/2

message 23: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments Marisa wrote: Glad to have helped you (and your TBR ;-) ) "

My TBR thanks you as well! :-)

message 24: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments Gary wrote: "I am leaning towards taking the month off of the mini challenge so I can clear off other books from my TBR. I don't seem to have any sewing related books in my TBR. The flag books I have are either..."

I'll miss your book suggestions if you opt out this month! But we all need a break sometimes... :)

message 25: by Julesy (new)

Julesy | 1396 comments Gary wrote: "I am leaning towards taking the month off of the mini challenge so I can clear off other books from my TBR. I don't seem to have any sewing related books in my TBR. The flag books I have are either The Bastard by John Jakes or Mr. Lincoln's Army by the late Bruce Catton. (Fellow Michigander) In either case the books are over 500 pages long. I'll do some more looking."

I know what you mean, Gary. I don't have a sewing book either and I haven't finished a monthly challenge since January or February. The hard part is finding the time to read all the books since I have other books I want to read outside of the challenge as well. However, the fun part is finding the books that fit the challenges.

message 26: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 2274 comments I think I'll watch some of the Tigers and White Sox game and search through my TBR some more. I think I found a shorter flag on the cover book. Still looking for a sewing related book.

message 27: by Heidi (last edited May 28, 2017 06:28PM) (new)

Heidi (jeeda555) | 7 comments Here's my list:

Cats - "Murder is Binding" by Lorna Barrett (the cat's name is Miss Marple)

Sew - "Sew Deadly" by Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Flag Day - Can't think of one currently....

National Splurge Day - "The Cater Street Hangman" by Anne Perry (bought it at a used book store recently on a whim)

Dairy/Ice Cream - "The Long Quiche Goodbye" by Avery Aames

Murder is Binding (Booktown Mystery, #1) by Lorna Barrett Sew Deadly (A Southern Sewing Circle, #1) by Elizabeth Lynn Casey The Cater Street Hangman (Charlotte & Thomas Pitt, #1) by Anne Perry The Long Quiche Goodbye (A Cheese Shop Mystery, #1) by Avery Aames

message 28: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 2274 comments Welcome Heidi.

message 29: by Gary (last edited Jul 06, 2017 03:18PM) (new)

Gary Sundell | 2274 comments 5/5

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
Tagged for Death (A Sarah Winston Garage Sale Mystery, 1) by Sherry Harris Tagged for Death by Sherry Harris Finished June 9, 2017.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).
Something's Knot Kosher (A Quilting Mystery, #4) by Mary Marks Something's Knot Kosher by Mary Marks. Finished June 24, 2017.

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).
Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore. Finished July 6, 2017.

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
Kings of the Wyld (The Band #1) by Nicholas Eames Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames Finished June 26, 2017.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).
A Pizza To Die For (Pizza Lovers, #3) by Chris Cavender A Pizza To Die For by Chris Cavender Finished June 19, 2017.

message 30: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (ashielizz) | 450 comments June Mini Challenge

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 31: by C (last edited Jun 15, 2017 03:04AM) (new)

C | 2 comments Not sure I can get all of these, but I'll give it a go! Might have to go and buy a couple more books...

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover. Aunts Aren't Gentleman P.G. Wodehouse

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc). Old English Furniture J.P. Blake and A.E. Reveirs-Hopkins

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality). Dead Man's Folly Agatha Christie

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased. Death Comes to Pemberley P.D. James

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin). Farmer's Glory A.G. Street

message 32: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Graves | 48 comments 0/5 Complete

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 33: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments Gary wrote: "0/5

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
Tagged for Death (A Sarah Winston Garage Sale Mystery, 1) by Sherry Harris [book:Tagged for Death|1..."

Gary, glad you decided to join in for June! I always like to see what books you are reading! :)

message 34: by Jess (last edited Jun 25, 2017 11:57PM) (new)

Jess (mividadulce) | 101 comments This is my first time, I'll give it a go!

1. Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.
Ghost of a Chance (Chintz n China series) (12 June)

2. Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).
Death by Cashmere (25 June)

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).
Sins and Needles

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.
82년생 김지영 (Korean book) (12 June)

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).
No Use Dying Over Spilled Milk (Penn Dutch series)

Ghost of a Chance (A Chintz 'N China Mystery, #1) by Yasmine Galenorn Death By Cashmere (Seaside Knitters, #1) by Sally Goldenbaum Sins and Needles (A Needlecraft Mystery, #10) by Monica Ferris 82년생 김지영 by 조남주 No Use Dying Over Spilled Milk (Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery, #3) by Tamar Myers

message 35: by Roxann (last edited Jun 30, 2017 01:37PM) (new)

Roxann | 28 comments I'm in for June. I'll be back later today or tomorrow with a list of books. ok my list of books;
5/5 got done, but I still need to go in and review/rate the books

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover. Crime and Catnip Crime and Catnip (Nick and Nora Mysteries, #3) by T.C. LoTempio finished 6-2-17

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc). Reap What You Sew Reap What You Sew (A Southern Sewing Circle, #6) by Elizabeth Lynn Casey finished 6-7-17

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality). Murder at the Courthouse Murder at the Courthouse (Hidden Springs Mysteries #1) by A.H. Gabhart finished 6-14-17

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased. Chocolate Cake and Chaos Chocolate Cake and Chaos (Peridale Cafe Mystery #4) by Agatha Frost finished 6-5-17

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin). On the Chopping Block On the Chopping Block (A Callie's Kitchen Mystery, #1) by Jenny Kales finished 6-20-17

message 36: by Randi (last edited Jun 23, 2017 03:12PM) (new)

Randi | 39 comments Count me in, too!

2017 June Mini Challenge


1. cat The Chosen/JR Ward 6-12-17

2. Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. recent books you’ve purchased. A Fatal Grace/Louise Penny 6-4-17

5. Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

A Fatal Grace (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #2) by Louise Penny The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15) by J.R. Ward

reply | flag *

message 37: by Sz (last edited Jun 30, 2017 11:30PM) (new)

Sz Davis | 26 comments ** Do as many as you are able and have fun! I left this phrase in to remind me to have fun. I'm in mostly because I'm sure that I have nothing on my Nook in at least three of these categories. I love the hunt and I've found some great reads by stepping outside comfort zone to look for Authors and/or books. Finished Yesterday. Great variety this month two new authors.

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover. A Novel Way to Die (Black Cat Bookshop Mystery, #2) by Ali Brandon ]

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc). A Dollhouse to Die For (Deadly Notions Mystery #2) by Cate Price

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality). The Red, White and Blue Mystery by Laura Lee Hope

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased. Hospitality and Homicide (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #8) by Lynn Cahoon

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin). Killer Jam (A Dewberry Farm Mystery, #1) by Karen MacInerney

message 38: by JennH (new)

JennH | 1032 comments June 2017 Mini Challenge

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 39: by Heather L , Cozy Mysteries Moderator (last edited Jun 02, 2017 12:05PM) (new)

Heather L  (wordtrix) | 27033 comments Mod
For number five, remember that any book featuring cows or cheese (such as the Cheese Shop series by Avery Aames) can be used. If, however, you want a book set in Wisconsin, here are a few books/series to help you out...

* The Queen Bee series by Hannah Reed

* The Loon Lake series by Victoria Houston

* The Monona Quinn series by Marshall Cook (except for Twin Killing, which is set in Iowa)

* The Beth Kennedy series by Laura Alden

* Mistake, Wisconsin by Kersti Niebruegge

* The Mack's Bar series by Allyson K. Abbott

* The Mattie Winston series by Annelise Ryan

* The Fudge Shop series by Christine DeSmet

* The Chloe Ellefson series by Kathleen Ernst (Most are set in Wisconsin, book 4 is an exception)

* The Garnet Lacey series by Tate Hallaway (Mystery/Urban fantasy)

* The Nail Knot by John Galligan (This is book one of a series, I do not know if the rest are set in Wis)

Romantic Suspense:

* Ann Voss Peterson (Many of her books are set in Madison, WI)


* The Teashop Girls and The Secret Ingredient by Laura Schaefer (Young Adult)

* Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder (YA, Classic)

* Rascal by Sterling North (Young Adult Classic)

* Vintage by Susan Gloss (Contemporary Fiction)

* The Cherry Harvest by Lucy Sanna (Historical Fiction)

* My Life with the Green Gold: Tales from 20 Years of Sportscasting by Jessie Garcia (Non-fiction, by a former classmate of mine)

* Truck: A Love Story, Population: 485 : Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time, Coop: A Year of Poultry, Pigs, and Parenting by Michael Perry (Non-fiction)

* The Jesus Cow by Michael Perry (Fiction)

* The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski (Fiction)

* Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock (Young Adult)

* Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink (YA, a favorite growing up)

message 40: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 4496 comments Thanks heaps Heather!

message 41: by Becky (new)

Becky | 270 comments 1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day: Read a book that features cats, or has a cat on the cover.

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day: Read a book that features dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.), a dairy animal (such as a cow or goat). either in it or on the cover, or is set in The Dairy State (Wisconsin).

message 42: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments Already 2 out of 5 read!

I started early, since I found such great books for June, and I want to have time for the Summer Challenge when it begins! I'll slow it now and read another from the June author, Julie Hyzy. The second in the White House Chef series! :)

Heather, thanks for the Wisconsin books! I already have one in mind, but will add some of yours to my TBR List :)

message 43: by Brenda (last edited Jun 11, 2017 04:37PM) (new)

Brenda | 123 comments I'm in

1. June is National Adopt a Cat Month and June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day - Cat Got Your Secrets - Finished 6/4/17

2. June 13 is Sewing Machine Day: Read a book about sewing or which features a sewing machine or sewing notions on the cover (needle, thread, buttons, pincushion, etc).

3. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA: Read a book with a flag on the cover (any kind of flag, any nationality).

4. June 18 is National Splurge Day: Read one of the most recent books you’ve purchased.

5. It’s also June Dairy Month and June 20 is Ice Cream Soda Day - Pride v. Prejudice - Finished 6/11/17

Cat Got Your Secrets (Kitty Couture Mystery, #3) by Julie Chase Pride v. Prejudice (Claire Malloy, #20) by Joan Hess

message 44: by Heather L , Cozy Mysteries Moderator (new)

Heather L  (wordtrix) | 27033 comments Mod
"Thanks heaps, Heather!"

Brenda and Marie: You're welcome! :-)

message 45: by Nell (last edited Jun 06, 2017 05:00PM) (new)

Nell | 1207 comments Do eclairs count for the dairy product feature? I know that I can't eat them because they are filled with cream and milk. (I'm lactose intolerant.) I'm reading Hyzy's Foreign Éclairs this month. Maybe that's a bowl of cream filling on the cover.

Foreign Éclairs (A White House Chef Mystery #9) by Julie Hyzy

message 46: by Trish (last edited Jun 21, 2017 01:48PM) (new)

Trish (trishhartuk) | 396 comments Well, I'm not overly hopeful that I'm going to finish this month either, but at least I've made a start.

1. Cat on the cover or in the book: The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe, Kij Johnson
(06/06/17 - the cat is on her shoulder and is her travelling companion)

2. Sewing: Dire Threads, Janet Brolin
(13/06/17 - Threadville mystery #1)

3. Flag on cover:

4. Splurge day: The Hanging Tree, Ben Aaronovitch
(14/06/17 - splurged on 30/05/17)

5. Dairy on the cover or set in Wisconsin: Bean There, Done That, Sandra Balzo
(21/06/17 - set in and around Milwaukie, WI)

1. The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe by Kij Johnson , 2. Dire Threads (Threadville Mystery, #1) by Janet Bolin , 3. xx, 4. The Hanging Tree (Peter Grant, #6) by Ben Aaronovitch , 5. Bean There, Done That (Maggy Thorsen Mystery #3) by Sandra Balzo

message 47: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 2274 comments Given that 2 of my books weigh-in between 400 and 500 pages, I am not hopeful about getting all 5 done either. I am about 20% into my book for 1 on the list and 4% on the flag book and 3% on the splurge book. The latter 2 are the long books in the challenge.

message 48: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 4496 comments Hey guys, it's only the 7th! You've got over 3 weeks to finish the challenge ;) But whatever - relax and enjoy the journey!

message 49: by MarieBL (new)

MarieBL Broussard-Landry (marie_broussard-landry) | 350 comments Brenda wrote: "Hey guys, it's only the 7th! You've got over 3 weeks to finish the challenge ;) But whatever - relax and enjoy the journey!"

I agree with Brenda! Relax and enjoy; reading should be fun! :)

message 50: by Trish (last edited Jun 07, 2017 12:23AM) (new)

Trish (trishhartuk) | 396 comments Brenda wrote: "Hey guys, it's only the 7th! You've got over 3 weeks to finish the challenge ;) But whatever - relax and enjoy the journey!"

I'm also in the process of reading the Hugo nominees - voting closes mid-July: some of them are monsters, and only a couple of them - Vellitt Boe (my #1 one above), and my splurge book - fit the mini-challenges! :-)

So many books, so little time!

I'd love some suggestions for the sewing one, though - I'm currently drawing a total blank.

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