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BotM Suggestions & Voting > Books of the Month - May 2017 Nominations

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message 1: by Freya, Dragon Rider (last edited Apr 07, 2017 01:21PM) (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Greetings folks - it is nominations time for books we'd like to read in May (Nope, this isn't an April Fool!)

- Nominations will be open for 24 hours and during that time we will take in as many nominations as possible.
- After 24 hours, 8 books from each genre will be chosen at random from the selection.
- Only ONE nomination per person (EITHER sci-fi OR fantasy)
- No books nominated last month may be re-nominated for May, instead you must wait until June to nominate them again. A book counts as "nominated" when it made it to the polls. If it was suggested, but not picked for the polls, it can be entered again. You can see the polls here
- If books are part of a series, they must be the first, unless the group has already read the previous book(s)
- No authors nominating their own works
- No self-published or ebook only books
- Here are our previous group reads if you're unsure!
- Book nominations may be seconded in place of a suggestion, but this will count as your choice for the month. Seconded books will receive an additional chance of being selected in the randomisation process.

1.Lexicon by Max Barry (seconded x1)
2.The Rise of Io by Wesley Chu
3.The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe
4.Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel
5.The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
6.Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan
7.Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor
8.New Pompeii by Daniel Godfrey (seconded x1)
9.Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer
10.Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi
11.The Black Lung Captain by Chris Wooding
12.The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

1. Wolf in Shadow by David Gemmell
2.The Masked City by Genevieve Cogman (seconded x1)
3.A Shadow on the Glass by Ian Irvine
4.Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
5.Beast by Donna Jo Napoli
6.The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud (seconded x1)
7.Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames (seconded x4)
8.American Gods by Neil Gaiman

message 2: by Justin (last edited Apr 01, 2017 01:26PM) (new)

Justin (jbradley86) I would like to nominate for fantasy,
Wolf in Shadow

message 4: by Lacona (new)

Lacona Snyder (fungigirl) | 2 comments I would like to nominate Godstone: The Phoenix Quill by Reggie Allison for the fantasy book of the month. Thank you!

message 5: by Becky (new)

Becky I would like to nominate Lexicon by Max Barry for science fiction please!

message 6: by Vinca (last edited Apr 02, 2017 12:14AM) (new)

Vinca Russell (vinxlady) | 1505 comments I'd like to nominate New Pompeii by Daniel Godfrey for the science fiction category if I may.

I've been wanting to read this one for a while and think it looks like it might make an interesting discussion book.

message 7: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Lacona, as it is self published and not widely available in multiple formats we will have to exclude your nomination .

message 8: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Can I nominate the Rise of Io by Wesley Chu for scifi

message 9: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe

message 10: by Lel (new)

Lel (lelspear) | 2281 comments Mod
A Shadow on the Glass for fantasy please

message 11: by Ryan (new)

Ryan Rinn wrote: "The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe"


message 12: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 1226 comments can i nominate Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo for fantasy please

message 13: by Melanie (new)

Melanie | 1571 comments I will second The Masked City.

message 14: by Sam (new)

Sam (aramsamsam) | 364 comments I second Lexicon!

message 15: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Only one nomination per month Kelsey. Which one would you prefer

message 16: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
No worries :-)

message 17: by Audrey, Queen of the Potato People (new)

Audrey (niceyackerman) | 3427 comments Mod
The Amulet of Samarkand (Jonathan Stroud) for Fantasy

(trying again)

message 18: by Cory (new)

Cory (corydora) | 31 comments Given that the sequel is coming out this month, I'd like to nominate Sleeping Giants for SF and see if we can get it up for May. It was nominated, but not picked, for February.

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin | 229 comments I went ahead and deleted my nomination. I will second one or pick another one

message 20: by Roger, Knight Radiant (new)

Roger | 2032 comments Mod
I'd like to nominate The Collapsing Empire for science fiction

message 21: by Justin (new)

Justin | 1 comments Fantasy nomination Kings of the Wyld (seriously, its soo dope)

message 23: by Becky (last edited Apr 03, 2017 10:22AM) (new)

Becky Melissa ♥ Dog Lover ♥ wrote: "I second Kings of the Wyld (The Band #1) by Nicholas Eames Kings of the Wyld"

I'll third this one. It looks so good!

message 24: by Veronica (new)

Veronica  (readingonthefly) | 803 comments I'll fourth Kings of the Wyld. I just purchased this one based on cover love.

message 25: by Steven (new)

Steven (steveharris) | 3 comments How about Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan for SF?

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin | 229 comments I heard it was really good, Becky and Veronica =)

message 27: by Maximum (new)

Maximum Beans (maximumbeans) | 521 comments If it's ok with the group, I'd like to give Just One Damned Thing After Another a go.

message 28: by Audrey, Queen of the Potato People (new)

Audrey (niceyackerman) | 3427 comments Mod
Scott wrote: "If it's ok with the group, I'd like to give Just One Damned Thing After Another a go."

I've been wanting to read that one.

message 29: by Lara (last edited Apr 04, 2017 01:08AM) (new)

Lara (lbw0708) I'd like to nominate A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas for fantasy please! It comes out 2nd May!

message 30: by Lynne (new)

Lynne | 83 comments Can I second New Pompeii please

message 31: by Becky (new)

Becky Audrey wrote: "Scott wrote: "If it's ok with the group, I'd like to give Just One Damned Thing After Another a go."

I've been wanting to read that one."

Same! So many good nominations this month!

message 32: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Think we are still a few nominations short so far in Sci fi

message 33: by Ryan (new)

Ryan Okay, I withdraw my second:

Ryan wrote: "Rinn wrote: "The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe"


and nominate Too Like the Lightning.

message 34: by Christina (new)

Christina (daria1275) | 957 comments How about Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi for Sci-Fi?

message 35: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
Lara wrote: "I'd like to nominate A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas for fantasy please! It comes out 2nd May!"

As we haven't read the first two books, this can't be nominated. You could nominate the first book in the series.

message 36: by Fannie (new)

Fannie D'Ascola | 581 comments Audrey wrote: "The Amulet of Samarkand (Jonathan Stroud) for Fantasy

(trying again)"

I second that one.

message 37: by Audrey, Queen of the Potato People (new)

Audrey (niceyackerman) | 3427 comments Mod
Fannie wrote: "Audrey wrote: "The Amulet of Samarkand (Jonathan Stroud) for Fantasy

(trying again)"

I second that one."


message 38: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Updating the lists tomorrow to see where we are with nominations :)

message 39: by Brendan (new)

Brendan O'neill | 204 comments I would like to nominate The Black Lung Captain please.

message 40: by Ed (new)

Ed Erwin | 112 comments I nominate The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. Whether it is SF or Fantasy, I leave to your discretion.

message 41: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Folks - all SF slots are now filled (sorry to those who have been pipped to the post - feel free to nominate them next month as there are some interesting titles there)!

There is ONE Fantasy slot left - last nomination anyone?

@Ed - I took a look at the First Fifteen Lives and it sounds more SF (backed up by the fact that all the awards it has won are SF ones)

message 42: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
Freya, we're doing unlimited nominations :o

message 43: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Argh. Brain fart. *face palm*

message 44: by Vinca (new)

Vinca Russell (vinxlady) | 1505 comments Apologies if it's just not updated yet, but I think there was a 'seconded' for New Pompeii that's not on the list.

message 45: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Haha, ok, what I meant to say yesterday was that all your SF nominations are fab and I need to finish updating three list (and updating the secondings).

We are lacking in the Fantasy nomination department though as there are only 7, so we are missing at least one to make the polls with - though feel free to nominate more than that and we'll see what makes it to the polls :)

message 46: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
*the list

message 47: by Nic, Wormhole Technician (new)

Nic Margett (enn_eye_cee) | 353 comments Mod
Have we read American Gods as a group read? If not, i'll nominate that for fantasy.

message 48: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Nope, I don't think that one has been done before Nic (that I can see!)

message 49: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Vinca wrote: "Apologies if it's just not updated yet, but I think there was a 'seconded' for New Pompeii that's not on the list."

Vinca, I think I might be blind, but I can't see a seconded for New Pompeii.

message 50: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
Lynne seconded it ;-).

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