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General SF&F discussion > What are you reading in March 2017?

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message 1: by Nick (new)

Nick (doily) | 997 comments Please etll us what you are reading or planning to read in March 2017. Pics, pans, ideas, all are welcome!

message 2: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Just finished Child of the Prophecy for a different group read. I think it is obvious that Juliet Marillier initially meant this to be the conclusion of her trilogy, since the major story lines are resolved. And later, either she or her fans or her agent convinced her to write 3 more books--which I will read to see how things unfold.

Next up is Black Powder War, also for another group's read, and then I will be reading both of our group's BOTM choices, The Curse of Chalion and The Quiet Invasion.

message 3: by Justine (last edited Mar 03, 2017 09:24PM) (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments I'm planning to start Sevenwaters too this month, Kathi. Have you read the Blackthorn and Grim trilogy? I loved that and apparently Marillier said she would be interested in writing more books, but her publisher wants her to move on to another project:(

I'm currently reading A Conjuring of Light, the last book in the Shades of Magic trilogy. It is good but very long, and I was getting a bit fatigued by the story - maybe because I read A Gathering of Shadows just before starting it. Anyway, I've paused it for a moment to read Universal Harvester by John Darnielle.

message 4: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
I'm reading Ken Liu's short story anthology The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories. I've read the title piece before but none of the others - all are gorgeous.

I've got The Spirit Stone (The Silver Wyrm, #2) and The Quiet Invasion requested at the library, so hopefully those will come in soon! If I have the time to re-read The Curse of Chalion I will, but I think I remember enough to participate in the group discussion either way.

message 5: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Justine wrote: "I'm planning to start Sevenwaters too this month, Kathi. Have you read the Blackthorn and Grim trilogy? I loved that and apparently Marillier said she would be interested in writing more books, but..."

Justine, the Sevenwaters books are the first I've read by Marillier and I am certainly enjoying them I will make a note of this other series by her, since I would likely like that, too.

message 6: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Bran | 15 comments I'm currently reading Furies of Calderon. Next I plan to read volume two of The Passage Trilogy, The Twelve. And I have my eye on Paladin of Souls after enjoying The Curse of Challion last month.

message 7: by Tad (new)

Tad (tottman) | 17 comments Finished the first book in a new fantasy series, Kings of the Wyld Kings of the Wyld (The Band, #1) by Nicholas Eames by Nicholas Eames. I really like the style and humor in this one.

Next up is Phantom Pains Phantom Pains (The Arcadia Project, #2) by Mishell Baker by Mishell Baker. Been looking forward to this!

message 8: by Justine (last edited Mar 04, 2017 07:09PM) (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments I'm planning to read Phantom Pains this month too:) Borderline was one of my favourite reads last year.

message 9: by Tad (new)

Tad (tottman) | 17 comments Justine wrote: "I'm planning to read Phantom Pains this month too:) Borderline was one of my favourite reads last year."

One of my favorites too!

message 10: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments A Conjuring of Light ended up being a good finish to the Shades of Magic trilogy, but Ithink it was too long and would have benefitted from being tightened up a bit.

Universal Harvester was good, but didn't go where I thought it was going to at the outset. Excellent writing though, which made it a very enjoyable read. I think it is best categorised as contemporary fiction though, not horror and not really speculative fiction.

I also finished The Bronze Key, which I listened to as an audiobook with my two kids. All of us enjoyed it, even with the cliffhanger ending!

I just started reading Edge of Dark, my first book by Brenda Cooper.

message 11: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I just finished Child of a Hidden Sea which I enjoyed but not enough to want to read more. Now back to Clive Cussler Odessa Sea which is more escapist literature for now

message 12: by Pickle (new)

Pickle | 203 comments finishing The Courts of Chaos then will read a few others before reading the final five books of amber.

Not sure what to read possibly something by David Gemmell then Philip K Dick

message 13: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
I just finished The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories, which was really lovely. I loved every single story (and learned some history that I'd not been aware of). Now I'm on to The Spirit Stone (The Silver Wyrm, #2), which I will probably finish fairly quickly, and then I have The Quiet Invasion up next.

I also just picked up Jennifer Roberson's Karavans trilogy, which I'm looking forward to because I adore her Cheysuli books.

message 14: by Ken (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments Finished Dog in the Dark. Not bad, started slow but ramped up nicely.
Started a baseball biography. Billy Martin: Baseball's Flawed Genius

message 15: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (last edited Mar 11, 2017 06:42AM) (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Shel wrote: "I also just picked up Jennifer Roberson's Karavans trilogy, which I'm looking forward to because I adore her Cheysuli books."
I, too, loved the Cheysuli series and have the Karavans books on my shelf, as yet unread. I'll be interested in what you think. I also liked her duology about Robin and Marian, Lady of the Forest and Lady Of Sherwood.

message 16: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
Kathi wrote: "I also liked her duology about Robin and Marian, Lady of the Forest and Lady Of Sherwood. "

I tried Lady of the Forest a few years ago and couldn't get into it. I should try again one of these days.

message 17: by Sumant (new)

Sumant Finished reading The Gunslinger and here my review for it.

message 18: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
I finished all the books for monthly discussions here & elsewhere and am now deep into Heir of Novron. Excellent!

message 19: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I just finished Odessa Sea which I enjoyed as escapist literature and am just starting Ready Player One

message 20: by Leserling (last edited Mar 18, 2017 10:27PM) (new)

Leserling Belana (vorleser) | 85 comments I'm into book 2 (The Sovereign Stone) of the Sovereign of the Seven Isles series, and so far, I'm loving it.

message 21: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I just finished Ready Player One which I greatly enjoyed an highly recommend; since it was published in 2014, I presume thisbook has been one of our group reads? If not, it should be!!. Now off topic with Chaos which got good/bad reviews

message 22: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Christine wrote: "I just finished Ready Player One which I greatly enjoyed an highly recommend; since it was published in 2014, I presume thisbook has been one of our group reads? If not, it should be..."

Group read in September 2015.

message 23: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments Thanks Kathi
I abandoned the Kay Scarpetta book after reading some bad reviews and being unhappy with the beginning. Now I've started Edge of Dark

message 24: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
I just wrapped up the Riyria Revelations trilogy and loved it! The author started with a pretty straightforward adventure story and then wove the layers of world, plot, and characters into a complex and satisfying story, touching on some deeper themes of redemption and loyalty while retaining the action and humor and a touch of romance.

I will be heading back to the world of Recluce with Magi'i of Cyador. That should bring me to April, when I have some group reads for this and another group. I will also be continuing with Lois McMaster Bujold's series that we started this month.

message 25: by Bill (new)

Bill (kernos) | 334 comments I finished Curse of the Mistwraith and The Gathering Storm. I am now reading New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson which is definitely a Cli-Fi, but I'm not sure yet if it's a Sci-Fi.

message 26: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
I just finished The Quiet Invasion and I think up next is Karavans (and the sequels).

message 27: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 235 comments I listened to Callahan's Chronicals by Spider Robinson, which I loved. At least one story would've been better in print (riddles!), but otherwise it was excellently read (and sung!) and I so love the sentiment that "Shared grief is lessened and share joy is increased."

Now I'm listening to The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi.

I'm reading the Attack of the Clones junior novelization to my son. Foundation and Empire to my husband and Otherland by Tad Williams to myself.

message 28: by Ken (last edited Apr 01, 2017 12:16PM) (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments I finished Billy Martin. Very good book. You could tell the writer had a bit of bias for Billy but a good book
I started reading Vortex, a Clancy sort of thriller but ended up giving it up, My mind wasnt into it
I am now reading The Skill of Our Hands
the sequel to The Incrementalists. Not bad

message 29: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) Asimov's The Caves of Steel for our group read and after that Chains of Command by Marko Kloos.

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