Read Across Canada: A 2013 Challenge discussion

Personal lists > Kelly's road of reading

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message 1: by Kelly (last edited Jan 01, 2014 05:17PM) (new)

Kelly | 12 comments I'm still undecided about whether to go for authors or settings but will add my choices willy-nilly and let the chips fall where they may!


(Author from, set in) Alberta - Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King DONE
British Columbia - The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness, and Greed by John Vaillant DONE
Manitoba - Innercity Girl Like Me by Sabrina Bernardo DONE

New Brunswick - (Author from, set in) New Brunswick - The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor by Sally Armstrong DONE

Another New Brunswick possible read - From this World by Daniel Adsett

(Author from, Set in) Labrador & Newfoundland - Annabel by Kathleen Winter DONE
Nova Scotia - No Great Mischief by Alistair MacLeod DONE

Ontario - Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden

(Author from Nova Scotia, Author lives in)Prince Edward Island - By Any Other Name by Michel R. Vaillancourt DONE
(Set in) Quebec - Bride of New France by Suzanne Desrochers DONE

Saskatchewan - (Author from) Saskatchewan, lives in Ontario - The Emperor of Paris DONE

Another possible read from Saskatchewan - Devotion by Trystan Vikar


Northwest Territories - Mrs. Mike by Benedict Freedman DONE
Nunavut - Consumption: A novel by Kevin Patterson DONE

Yukon (Set in) - Gold Digger by Vicki Delany DONE

Unplanned reads:

(Author from) British Columbia - Blood Red Road Rebel Heart by Moira Young DONE
(Author from) British Columbia - Seraphina by Rachel Hartman DONE
(Author from) Ontario - Under Heaven DONE
(Author from) Ontario, lives in Vancouver, BC - One Good Hustle by Billie Livingston DONE
(Author from, set in) Alberta - The Garneau Block by Todd Babiak DONE
(Author from) Canada - The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson DONE
(Author from) Nova Scotia - The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay DONE
(Author from) Canada - Chief Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny
(Author from) Ontario - The Disappeared by Kim Echlin DONE

message 2: by Melissa, Chief Bookworm (new)

Melissa Eisenmeier (carpelibrumbooks) | 425 comments Mod
Hi Kelly. Welcome to the group.

message 3: by Janice (new)

Janice (jamasc) I have several of those titles on my list as well. They all look so interesting. I've read Three Day Road and it is very good.

message 4: by Melissa, Chief Bookworm (new)

Melissa Eisenmeier (carpelibrumbooks) | 425 comments Mod
I have a couple of them on my list, too, Janice. I almost picked Annabel for my Newfoundland choice.

message 5: by Janice (new)

Janice (jamasc) Melissa wrote: "I have a couple of them on my list, too, Janice. I almost picked Annabel for my Newfoundland choice."

I have it as an alternative. My first choice is The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: A Novel.

message 6: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 12 comments Thanks, I'm excited to be here.

We read Through Black Spruce last year for book club, I loved it - so I'm looking forward to Three Day Road.

I've read The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: A Novel and enjoyed it - hope you do too! It was the epitomy of Newfoundland to me :)

message 7: by Autumn (new)

Autumn Great choices here Kelly, Three Day Road and Golden Spruce are two of my favourite Canadian novels. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews! :)

message 8: by Janice (new)

Janice (jamasc) Kelly wrote: "Thanks, I'm excited to be here.

We read Through Black Spruce last year for book club, I loved it - so I'm looking forward to Three Day Road.

I've read The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: A Novel a..."

I'm rethinking Colony and leaning towards Annabel. I have time to decide. I'm not sure I want to read a family saga.

message 9: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 12 comments Janice wrote: "I'm rethinking Colony...

I know what you mean! While I'm doing my best to put up my choices now, I'm not sure I won't come across books this year that take their place, if it seems like a good fit. The holidays bring enough family drama - I don't want to read one now, or for a good while!

message 10: by Janice (new)

Janice (jamasc) The great thing about this challenge is that your list isn't carved in stone and you can make changes as you go along.

message 11: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 12 comments Picked up both Bride of New France and Nikolski at the used book store today - Quebec is covered but decisions, decisions...

message 12: by Melissa, Chief Bookworm (new)

Melissa Eisenmeier (carpelibrumbooks) | 425 comments Mod
Kelly, will you let me know how you like Bride of New France? I'm thinking about it for myself.

message 13: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 12 comments Absolutely! I plan to do reviews - is there a designated spot for that thread, or shall I add it to this one?

message 14: by Connie (new)

Connie G (connie_g) I love your list of books. Most of them are on my TBR list too.

message 15: by Melissa, Chief Bookworm (new)

Melissa Eisenmeier (carpelibrumbooks) | 425 comments Mod
Kelly, you can add your reviews to the the Goodreads Blogging folder. If you go to the group's home page and scroll down, you should see it, along with threads for the various provinces.

message 16: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 12 comments Just added my review to the Quebec blog - really enjoyed Bride of New France

message 17: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 12 comments Didn't realize Still Life was a candidate - yay! that will cover several challenges with one book (even though I already read one Quebec book).

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