The Women's Mystery Club discussion

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message 1: by Pasta (new)

Pasta (pasta26mc) | 344 comments Mod
Hi all,

I'm glad to see that people are discussing more.

I do have a request. Please make sure if you are going to post about a book that you are posting on that books topic. I'm starting to notice that book a is being talked about under book d and such. I'll try and clean it all up tonight. So please make sure if you are (for example) talking about a is for alibi that u are posting to a is for alibi and not a book that's in a different series.

I do have folders for every series. If there isn't already a discussion for that book you can start one yourself. I do have that enabled. Or if you are not comfortable adding it yourself you can message me requesting I create a specific topic and just let me know what book it's for.

Thank you,

Pasta :)

message 2: by Kathy (new)

Kathy | 22 comments I have a question.. I don't have constant access to a computer, so I am usually here in my phone. I have an option to add a comment on topics, but no other options. Does anyone know are other options available on most androids and I'm just not seeing them, or us that the only thing you can post from a phone? I hope this makes sense. lol

message 3: by Kathy (new)

Kathy | 22 comments Please disregard that question I too hastily posted. lol I've figured it out. :)

message 4: by Bev (new)

Bev (Beveditions) | 1 comments Hi Pasta!

Have you considered the Lyn Hamilton 'Lara McClintoch archaeological mystery series'? There are 11 books in total, the first four have recently become eBooks.

Lara McClintoch is an expert in antiquities and always finds herself in exotic locations, rich with history. It's in these picturesque places that things often go awry, and it's up to the witty, flawed, but loveable Lara to solve her way out of trouble!

One of her novels in the series, The Celtic Riddle, was actually made into a Murder, She Wrote TV movie starring Angela Lansbury.

Personally, I love the series! I hope the group considers reading it!

with Bev Editions

message 5: by Pasta (new)

Pasta (pasta26mc) | 344 comments Mod
Thanks for the suggestion Bev. The series sounds exciting. I'll check it out next payday :)

message 6: by Vic (new)

Vic | 11 comments I should create my own club and or discussions so there is no questions and wonder about anything...

message 7: by Natasha εïз (new)

Natasha εïз (emerald31) | 10 comments Happy to see 'Driving Heat' is the book for next month! I've already started it, but I'll be able to participate in any discussion about it afterward now! :-)

message 8: by Mia (new)

Mia (miareadsalot) I see that there is a large group of books listed under the discussions. Any way to filter it so we can find a certain book? Also, can we add a book/author we are interested in? I just started reading Tana French and love her series. Only problem is that her lead is a male though his partner is female.

message 9: by Pasta (new)

Pasta (pasta26mc) | 344 comments Mod
Hi, there is under discussions a search box and then you can search for the individual book. You can talk about other books in the "group members talking" section. Feel free to start a thread about a mystery book of your choosing. Thanks for joining the group!

message 10: by Mia (new)

Mia (miareadsalot) Thank you @Pasta!

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