
Zakiashkim Quotes

Quotes tagged as "zakiashkim" Showing 1-30 of 113
Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“We are scared of strangers. But most of the time, the person who kills your soul lives inside our hearts.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The most beautiful feeling is to breathe in the open air.
The Most Important thing in life is that we live in a peaceful atmosphere.
The great satisfaction is that our generation grows up without fear.
The Biggest relaxation is that we are totally free to enjoy freedom.
and today we have all these, So be happy and Enjoy independence day”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Partner Of Grave,"
Today, you are young. Your beauty attracts everyone.
But the day when you will feel older yourself
when you will feel the magic of the body vanish.
On that day, time will remind you of the man who fell in love with your soul.
but you will not find him because you killed him in All

The day when you will feel wrinkles on your skin
and will understand; no one wants to touch it. It's not soft anymore.
On that day, time will remind that man
who dies for the aroma of your skin; for him, it was always the best fragrance.
But you will not find him because you killed him in your ignorance.

The day you will feel that you are now unable to feed sexual hunger
and you will understand men around you but not with you.
On that day, time will remind you of that man.
who was never hungry for your body, who just feeds love and emotions
to your soul and to your heart
But you will not find him because
You killed him by putting your betrayal knife in his heart.

Maybe it will never happen, and maybe your life will be full of love.
Maybe you will never remember the past. Maybe you will forget All
But on the day when you die, your loving people will bury you.
Inside your grave,

At that time, you will realize,
All the people who love you, all the people who spend their days and nights with you
All that for whom you cooked you served, all that whose bed you warm
All those who are impressed by your beauty, all those who claim to love you
They all buried you here alone and gone.

In that your loneliness, time will remind you, that man
who just dreamed to lay with you inside your grave,
who dream to be buried together in one grave
But you will not find him.
That day, you will realize who you killed.
That day, you will realize you killed a man.
who desired to be not only your life partner but also your death partner.
who desired to be not only the partner of your bed but also the partner of your grave.
Then you'll realize your betrayal killed your partner of grave
Partner Of Your Grave,"
― Mohammed Zaki Ansari”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“In this world hypocrisy killing innocent people more than any disease pandemic and hunger combined.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Americans are good people, humanity supports, but their problem is that they do not vote for president they choose genocide leaders from Bush to Biden,they are all genocidal leaders”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Every woman is beautiful!!!
But you are an art of God”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Nudity is not beauty.....
Beauty is something that melts your heart, not just makes your dick hard. ”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Happiness is a guest in life
Pain is part of life
The rainbow comes with rain.
The gray shade is part of life

It gives breath to a dead body.
Sometimes it kills your soul
Sweet or bitter, it doesn't matter what taste it has.
But love is a part of life

Some give you joy
Some break you badly in all
pleasant moments in the heart
or deep wounds in the soul

visible in your eyes, like a dark tear's trace
or decorate a pretty smile on your face
thousands of times scroll in your mind
even if unpleasant. but it has grace

Your biggest emotion's strife
Maybe it hurts you, like a sharp knife.
doesn't matter what color and shape it has
But memories are part of life.

You cry, you laugh, and you breathe
looks like a clown or a freak
wearing a mask to hide the truth.
not only life
Sometimes death is also part of life
Sometimes death is also part of life.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“somehow respected the wounds given by you.
I always kept them in my heart and never treated”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The most beautiful feeling is to breathe in the open air.
The Most Important thing in life is that we live in a peaceful atmosphere.
The great satisfaction is that our generation grows up without fear.
The Biggest relaxation is that we are totally free to enjoy freedom.
and all these great things we did not get ourselves.
But all these things were gifted to us by those who sacrificed their lives, not for themselves but for us.
With gratitude to all our freedom fighters, I congratulate you on Independence Day.
I wish you would also be a fighter and get victory over your hard times and challenges in life.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“May the festival of light brighten your life.
Every new day comes with a new spark of happiness.
A shower of blessings from God keeps running over your house.
Songs of love and music of peace make you dance and fill your soul with joy.
I wish you and your family a very happy Diwali.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Twitter and Social media are 1,000 times more dangerous than Radio Rwanda. This is the world's biggest and only Propaganda tool for fascism and hatred politics. Billions of people are wasting their time there, and in return, it's making them violent, filling their hearts with hatred and their minds with irrational fake information. And forcefully turning them into political slaves.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Money is the devil because human nature needs something to blame for its sins.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The biggest reason for innocent people's genocide is...

The world is Hypocrite.. People are moral”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Two of the most dangerous terrorists are at war: one is a group, and the other is a state.

World, you need to reject the idea of terror to stop innocent people's genocide. It doesn't matter if it's the ideology of a group or the policy of a state.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“No one can be on top forever, Hey Hitler. So many names are in a race to beat you, and within very short time, history will give you a winner.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The difference between me and you is.
I stand with every innocent, oppressed, victimized person.
But before you decide to stand with these people, you go through a checklist. There they belong.
country, group, region and religion.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Despite belongings to any religion or region, almost every person abuses & hates Hitler. Why?Just because of his act of genocide, but today, that community itself is trying hard to justify his barbaric act”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Humanity is beautiful lie...
Hypocrisy is the ugly truth.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“People should understand one thing, nowhere is a journalist, what you see on your TV or Mobile screen, most of them are poor daily wages worker,”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Religion was formed to promote humanity.. Humans killed billions of people in the name of religion. Bigotry is pride. Hypocrisy is moral; human character is in its own deep abyss.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Normal people apply butter on bread to feed their child, and most news anchor and reporter apply genocide victims' blood on bread to feed their children”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“the most shameful generation in the future will be the generation of journalists & media personalities. They will be ashamed of being a generation of those who are directly involved in genocide and nothing more than a propaganda tool.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“My children complained to me that we feel a blood smell whenever we eat. I told them. It's OK. Within a few days, you will be habituated to it. Humanity takes a little time to die inside. I'm the example.
A News Anchor A reporter”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“If you will smell $, you will feel Blood odour ,
For US every war, every conflict is a peak season that prints money..”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Be the evil today. your generation will continue to pay the cost tomorrow after tomorrow and after tomorrow”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“If you don't have the sense to understand religion from the right perspective, then you are in the trap of the world's largest and most profitable business.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Money doesn't change people, it only helps to remove a mask and expose the real character.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“People are wondering what AI (artificial intelligence) will do.
There is nothing more than this: robots will replace humans.
So humans will be jobless?
No. They are going to replace robots.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Beauty is something that melts your heart, not just makes your dick hard. ”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

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