
Yogis Quotes

Quotes tagged as "yogis" Showing 1-8 of 8
Paramahansa Yogananda
“In shallow men the fish of little thoughts cause much commotion.
In oceanic minds the whales of inspiration make hardly a ruffle.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

Jim Corbett
“In India, where there are no passports or identity discs, and where religions counts for so much- except among those few who have crossed the 'black water' - I believe that a man wearing a saffron robe, or carrying a beggar's bowl , or with silver crosses on his headgear and chest, could walk from Khyber Pass to Cape Comorin without once being questioned about his destination, or the object of his journey,”
Jim Corbett, Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag

Swami Dhyan Giten
“When I was 15 years old, I came in contact with my first ashram, my first spiritual commune, in the form of Ljusbacken ("The Hill of Light") in Delsbo in beautiful Halsingland in the north of Sweden. Ljusbacken consisted of an international gathering of yogis, meditators, therapists, healers and seekers of truth. It was on Ljusbacken that I for the first time came in contact with my path in life: meditation.
It was also on Ljusbacken that I meet people for the first time in my 15 year old life, where I on a deep wordless level felt that I meet people, who were on the same path as me. It was the first time that I meet people, who could put words on and confirm my own inner thirst after something that I could only occasionally sense vaguely, like some sort of inner guiding presence, or like a beacon in the distant far out on the open and misty ocean. For the first time in my life, I meet brothers, sisters and friends on the inner path. It was also on Ljusbacken that I meet the mystery called love for the first time in my 15 year old life. With my 15 year old eyes, I watched with wide eyed fascination and fear filled excitement the incomprehensible mystery, which is called woman.
My own thirst after truth, together with my inner guiding light, resulted in an early spiritual awakening when I was 15 years old. It led me back to the inner path, which I have already followed for many lives. It led me back to a life lived with vision, with dedication and meaning, and not only a life governed by the endless desires of the ego, a mere vegetating without substance between life and death. It led me to explore the inner journey again, to discover the inner being, the meditative quality within, and to come in intimate contact with the endless and boundless ocean of consciousness, like the drop surrenders to the sea. At the source, the drop and ocean are one.”
Swami Dhyan Giten

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“To make man superman, add the word ‘super’ to the word ‘man’; or meditation to his day.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Abhijit Naskar
“We always look for solutions outside, without realizing that they lie within us. And when people are foolish enough to seek solutions from others, which they are already in possession of, it's only natural that charlatans queue across the world to cash in on that foolishness. Here, I am not talking about the experts of various fields, such as scientists, doctors, philosophers and others - I am talking about those apes who are commonly worshiped by fools as mystics, yogis and gurus.”
Abhijit Naskar, Every Generation Needs Caretakers: The Gospel of Patriotism

Elizabeth Gilbert
“True Yogis, from their seat of equipoise, ser all this World as an equal manifestation of God's creative energy—men, women, children, turnips, bedrugs, coral: it's all God in disguise. But the Yogis believe that a human life is a very special opportunity, because only in a human form and only with a human mind can God-realization ever occur. The turnips, the bedrugs, the coral—they never get a chance to find out who they really are. But we do have that chance.”
Elizabeth Gilbert

Zeena Schreck
“Mantras are sacred syllables. They are a series of either a single syllable repeated or a string of syllables that form words. But they are words with particular intent in mind. So the idea of mantras would be to create certain vibrations, or to align yourself and others with certain vibrations that are known to create profound positive transformation, within yourself and in the environment around you.”
Zeena Schreck

Yukteswar Giri
“The universe has been distinguished into seven different spheres:

7th Sphere, Satyaloka: The sphere of God, Sat - the only Real Substance in the universe.

6th Sphere, Tapoloka: Eternal Patience

5th Sphere, Janaloka: Sphere of spiritual reflection, wherein the idea of separate existence of Self originates.

4th Sphere, Maharloka: Sphere of the Atom, the beginning of the creation of Darkness, Maya. This, the connecting link, is the only way between spiritual and the material creation, and is called the Door.

3rd Sphere, Swarloka: Sphere of magnetic aura, the electricities.

2nd Sphere, Bhuvarloka: The sphere of electric attributes. It is conspicuous by the presence of the fine matters only.

1st Sphere, Bhuloka: The lowest sphere, the sphere of gross material creation, which is always visible to everyone.”
Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science