Wtf Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wtf" Showing 61-90 of 150
Mariana Zapata
“Getting hit in the face was... not cool. At. All. I know for a fact I squealed, grabbed my chin with both hands and possibly wailed, 'Why would you to that to me?' before collapsing to my knees on the ground.”
Mariana Zapata, Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin

Deyth Banger
“Why you choose happiness, so you think that the sad moments like somebody dieing - it's equal to happiness?
So you think that time crimes like this in auschwitz which don't have proof so far from what they say in the reports from Mr.Death (Documentary film!)... so this is equal to (How to say it???!?!) to happiness??
WTF, crime equal to happiness, sadness also so what's left?
Oh, oh I know the Joker (Note: He is a nice character isn't he?)”
Deyth Banger

Lauren Rowe
“Okay, this moment is definitely brought to me by the letters W, T, and F.”
Lauren Rowe, Ball Peen Hammer
tags: wtf

“WTF is praying gonna do for Vegas? Apparently God likes mass shootings.”
Oliver Markus Malloy

“If no one should not ask with you anything.
Then for what the fuck purpose you raised question with me..”
Allan Bridjith

Deyth Banger
“You know, when you're young, you have moments of such happiness, you think you're living in someplace magical, like Atlantis must have been. Then we grow up, and our hearts break in two."

Ted Brautigan, Hearts in Atlantis”
Deyth Banger

“Dude, you grabbed my cock!”
Avaneesh Devkota
tags: cock, dude, meme, wtf

Deyth Banger
“I have watched a lot of films... about war... but still I can't understand what's the purpose of war???
Killing inocent people??
About religion... so my god says that killing other people isn't acceptable... but your is acceptable???
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“You want a fact???
I'm bad at math but good at chess, I beat the best guy on chess... so you make your own conclusions!”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Yeah I am stupid, as a wiseman I don't think I am a clever, but as far I see stupid people count themselves as smart and clever.”
Deyth Banger
tags: am, fact, i, strange, wtf, yeah

Deyth Banger
“Welcome in what?
In adult world??
I know it, people which are not sirious have a lot of money and don't know what to do. Every secret told to someone it's not anymore secured, if somebody know the secret, it's not anymore secret there is possibility somebody else to know from where somebody else...
It's really "OMG", the "Nerds" which most people call them do some positive things, the people which people call them cool what they do??
Say jokes which are even money, but we must laugh, I didn't get the joke?
It's not there the problem, the problem is that it's too stupid to get it, what do I see?
I change made, a stage from not secured to not sirious... People which fight are this which are not secured, people which are soldiers and work in police don't have anything else to do so they decide this to do, but after all when you become such you sign and the contract with the DEAD...”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Welcome in what?
In adult world??
I know it, people which are not sirious have a lot of money and don't know what to do. Every secret told to someone it's not anymore secured, if somebody know the secret, it's not anymore secret there is possibility somebody else to know from where somebody else...
It's really "OMG", the "Nerds" which most people call them do some positive things, the people which people call them cool what they do??
Say jokes which are even not funny, but we must laugh, (So far I I don't get the joke?...
It's not there the problem, the problem is that it's too stupid to get it, what do I see?)...
I see a change made, a stage from not secured to not sirious... People which fight are this which are not secured, people which are soldiers and work in police don't have anything else to do so they decide this to do, but after all when you become such you sign and the contract with the DEAD...”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Adult don't know what they say and what they mean once that... other moment something else... it's okay for the kids... they grow... they still don't know a lot of stuff but so far I see that they have an a excuse!
- BUt what's the adult... excuse?!”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Most people will say that this story which I told "It's not a happy"... doesn't exist, but sorry it exist. I made in normal age, like 10 or 14 years old to can be saw the drama, if it was baybe, the baybe will cry, won't it?
The age which I put the girl was the perfect, teenager in the same time, mother which is lost which will mean she has died... her father with a strange past still a mystery.”
Deyth Banger, It's not a happy
tags: brutal, for, me, rape, wow, wtf

Deyth Banger
“Mother in my first short story is dead, nobody knows how but she is dead and the father somehow madness or who knows from what he decides to start and play with the dead body. It's really a difficult moment.”
Deyth Banger, It's not a happy

Deyth Banger
“Panic is more like protection from the danger, stuff when they don't go on plan it's a code on "how much humans we are"...”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“What's the Symmetry???

John Doe...

Jane Doe... wtf... wtf...”
Deyth Banger, Symmetrical

Deyth Banger
“Oh...oh... "You" the big job... should we be impressed!?”
Deyth Banger, Code

Deyth Banger
“Oh... oh... take that... shit...

You are a guy smashes heads... you aren't a smart guy, are ya!?”
Deyth Banger, Code

Alessandra Hazard
“You’ve gotten cheeky, Becca.”
“Me? Never. Can I let him in, please? He’s giving me a headache. He doesn’t seem to understand he can’t enter your office whenever he wants.”
Jared couldn’t help a smile. That sounded like Gabriel. “Didn’t you tell him I’m busy?”
“I did. And you know what he said? ‘But it’s me.’ As if the rules don’t apply to him.” She couldn’t quite keep the dislike from her voice.
Jared’s smile disappeared. “That’s enough, Rebecca. Let him in.” Jared hung up, his mood souring. He knew Rebecca meant well. She was just a little overprotective of him and she had never liked Gabriel. To be fair, Gabe wasn’t sunshine and rainbows: he could be a bit of a jerk around people he didn’t care about—which was most people—but he was fiercely loyal to those few he did care for.”
Alessandra Hazard, Just a Bit Unhealthy
tags: wtf

Deyth Banger
“Okay... now I am going to try to ignore you... I gonna try to screw you up...”
Deyth Banger, 4 Hours 49 Minutes 19 Seconds

Deyth Banger






Where is the fucking screenplay?”
Deyth Banger, The Life of One Kid 2

Deyth Banger
“A Killer is the best friend... - WTF!???”
Deyth Banger

“Meillä ei ole mitään, mihin ankkuroida. Me huudamme taivaisiin ja me huudamme tuuliin kuin eksynyt karjalauma. Ja kilvan meidän kanssamme huutavat saksofonit.”
Mies Reenkola, Suvunjatkaminen aikamme kuvastimessa
tags: wtf

“Ziellos zappte sie durch die Kanäle: Von einer Kochshow, in der ein besonders kritischer Halbling die Cousine von zwei Zwergenköchen harsch aburteilte, über eine Dokumentation, die sich mit Schimmersüchtigen beschäftigte, und einen ausführlichen Bericht über den Bombenanschlag auf den Kosmetikkonzern Lesvin vor drei Wochen, bei dem ein Mann und seine kleine Tochter starben, eine Folge von "Durchs Verlies", die auf den Krieger-Comics beruhte, und in der eine Gruppe von Helden (zwei Gnome: sie Klerikerin, er Barde), ein menschlicher Barbar, ein halbelfisches Geschwisterpärchen (er mit Messern, sie mit Bogen und Bärenbegleiter) und ein menschlicher Scharfschütze mit altertümlichen Feuereisen als Bewaffnung heroisch überzeichnete Abenteuer erlebten bis hin zu einer Reportage, die gerade erst angefangen hatte.”
Jan C. Sander, Das Grün umschlingt das Eisen (Der Naturzyklus 1)

Leo Tolstoy
“This prince enjoyed exceptionally good health, even for a prince ; and, owing to his gymnastic exercises and the scrupulous care he took of himself, notwithstanding the excesses to which he let his love for pleasure carry him, he remained as fresh as a great, green, shiny Dutch cucumber.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
tags: wtf

Leo Tolstoy
“I hear that you have just killed a bear," said Kitty, vainly trying to put her fork into a recalcitrant mush- room which kept flying about on the plate”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
tags: wtf

Ernest Cline
“Few young men know the Oedipal torment of growing up with an insanely hot, perpetually single mom.”
Ernest Cline, Armada

Neil Leckman
“You know you've had a rough night when the bugs in your kitchen look up at you and go, "WTF”
Neil Leckman
tags: bugs, tired, wtf

Tim O'Reilly
“Quando um mercado atinge uma massa crítica tende a tornar-se autossustentável, pelo menos desde que o fornecedor do mercado se lembre de que a sua tarefa principal é dar valor aos participantes do mercado e não apenas a si próprio. Quando os mercados atingem uma determinada dimensão esquecem muitas vezes esta questão fundamental e o declínio começa a manifestar-se.”
Tim O'Reilly, WTF?: What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us