
Wakeup Call Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wakeup-call" Showing 1-6 of 6
Shannon L. Alder
“An open Facebook page is simply a psychiatric dry erase board that screams, “Look at me. I am insecure. I need your reaction to what I am doing, but you’re not cool enough to be my friend. Therefore, I will just pray you see this because the approval of God is not all I need.”
Shannon L. Alder

Farshad Asl
“I wish we changed before we had to. COVID-19 brought so many changes to the world that will benefit everyone. We needed the wake-up call.”
Farshad Asl

“Page 92
"Of course, the Lord talks to you more as you talk to Him more. It's like most other relationships, the Lord loves to have you talk to Him! Several years ago I asked the Lord what I, insignificant speck that I am, could do to minister to His heart in some small way. I said 'Father, you have such terrible burdens. You have the whole world and all of its troubles to look after. Is it possible for me to do anything, to give you pleasure, or to minister to your heart?'
His answer was 'Yes! Talk to Me child! Talk to me. Most people only ask Me for things. They aren't willing to talk to Meand make Me a part of their everyday life.'
That's what He wants. God desires to have our fellowship.”
Rebecca Julia Brown, Prepare for War: A Manual for Spiritual Warfare

Amit Abraham
“On a lighter but serious side I believe that homework was meant for parents to take a keen interest in the studies of children rather than leave it completely for the teacher. This way the parent child communication also developed. However with the passage of time the world become more mechanical and commercial. Quality time suffixed for quantity time and homework became a means of earning for many an educated unemployed teachers. How sad we sure have progressed but yet in many ways have lost our basic values, ethics and morality. It’s time to wake up and DO OUR HOMEWORK.”
Amit Abraham

“Wake up! get rid of the shackles and bondage of your own self remove the clutter from your life and be free as you were born free do NOT burden your SOUL for it's time to break-free.”
Syed Sharukh

Shaneika Marie
“coronavirus should have been a wake up call to everyone who lose a love one, to change there disturbing ways by stopping racist cause when you bleed red I bleed red just like You do , stop killing each other an build together to get this hustle, love everyone an be a team”
Shaneika Marie