Violet Quotes

Quotes tagged as "violet" Showing 151-180 of 306
Rebecca Yarros
“Have you always been this tall?' I blurt the first thing that comes to mind.

'No, I was a child at some point.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I hold up my middle finger and keep my eyes forward. Not that I don't like Liam, but I'm still pissed at Xaden for assigning him.

Liam snorts and grins, flashing his dimple. 'And now he's glaring. Tell me, is it fun pissing off the most powerful rider in the quadrant?'

'You could try it yourself and find out,' I suggest, opening my notebook to the next empty page. I can't turn around. I won't. Wanting Xaden is fine. It has to be. Indulging the impulses it gives me? That's asinine.

'That's going to be a no from me.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“What did you want to be when you grew up?' I ask, just to keep the conversation going.

'Alive.' He shrugs.

Well, that's... something.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“So, Tairn hasn't channelled to you, either, right?' Liam asks, a look of uncertainty, vulnerability on his face.

I shake my head. 'I think he has commitment issues,' I whisper.

'I heard that.'

'Then stay out of my head.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Holy. Fucking. Hot.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“At some point, you and I are going to have to start trusting each other, Sorrengail. The rest of our lives depend on it.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I don't think I'll bother sleep again.' I shoot a look sideways at his irritatingly gorgeous profile. 'And if you even think about suggesting that you sleep with me for safety from now on-'

He scoffs. 'Hardly. I don't fuck first years- even when I was one- let alone... you.'

'Who said anything about fucking?' I fire back, cursing myself as the ache in my ribs only intensifies. 'I'd have to be a masochist to sleep with you, and I can assure you, I'm not.' Fantasising about it doesn't count.

'Masochist, huh?' A corner of his mouth quirks up into a smirk.

'You hardly give off snuggly morning-after vibes.' A smile of my own curves my lips. 'Unless you're worried about me killing you while we sleep.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Oh, Violence, you're going to have to learn to shield against Tairn or his escapades with Sgaeyl will drive you mad- or into someone's bed.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Give me the memory,' he orders.

Indignation lifts my chin. 'Touch me without permission, and you'll spend the rest of your life regretting it.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Go away unless you have something useful to say.'

'Move faster. You'll be less likely to die. How's that for useful?”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“He stares at me in disbelief. 'You know what? We're not fighting tonight. Not if you want to learn how to shield.'

'Fine. We're not fighting. Teach me.' I tilt my chin. Gods, I barely reach his collarbone.

'Ask me nicely.' He leans closer.

'Have you always been this tall?' I blurt the first thing that comes to mind.

'No, I was a a child at some point.'

I roll my eyes.

'Ask me nicely, Violence,' he whispers. 'Or I'm gone.'

'Right then. All right. Will you teach me to shield?'

A smile curves his mouth, and my gaze drops to his lips. 'Say please.'

'Are you always this difficult?'

'Only when I know I have something you need. What can I say, I like making you squirm. It's like a sweet little slice of payback for what you've put me through these last couple of months.' He brushes the snow off my hair.

'What I've put you through?' Unbelieveable.

'You've scared me nearly to death once or twice, so I think saying please is a fair request.'

Like he's ever played fair a day in his life. I take a deep breath, and swat at a snowflake that lands on my nose. 'As you prefer. Xaden?' I smile sweetly up at him and inch a little closer. 'Would you pretty, pretty please teach me how to shield before I accidentally climb you like a tree and we both wake up with regrets?'

'Oh, I'm firmly in control of my faculties.' He smiles again, and I feel it like a caress.

Dangerous. This is so damn dangerous.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Rare abilities, when kept secret, are the most valuable form of currency we possess.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“So, if we win, we get a chance to die sooner?' Rhiannon whispers.

'Maybe they're trying a reverse psychology thing.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Having one of my favours is more than enough, and we've already reached mutually assured destruction status, Sorrengail. Now, can you push through it, or do you need me to carry you?'

'That sounds more like an insult, not an offer.'

'You're catching on.' But his pace slows to match mine.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I'd pay good money to see him lose it. To be the one he lost it with.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You are slightly stuck with him for...' He makes a face. 'Well, forever.'

'Or until one of us dies,' I joke, but it falls flat...”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I have zero concerns about that. As violent as you are, and skilled with those daggers, I'm not even sure you could kill a fly. Don't think I didn't notice that you managed to wound three of them and never went for a kill shot.' He shoots a disapproving look my way.

'I've never killed anyone,' I whisper, like it's a secret.

'You're going to have to get over that. All we are after graduation are weapons, and it's best if we're honed before leaving the gates.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“What were you doing tonight anyway?'

'What makes you ask?' His tone clearly insinuates that I shouldn't.

Too bad.

'You made it to my room within minutes, and you're not exactly dressed for sleeping.' He's strapped with a sword for crying out loud.

'Maybe I sleep in my armour, too.'

'Then you should pick more trustworthy bedmates.'

He snorts, a flash of a smile appearing for a heartbeat. A real one. Not the fake, forced sneer I'm used to seeing or the cocky little smirk. An honest, heart-stopping smile that I'm anything but immune to.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You're overstepping.' My nails bite into my palms.

'You haven't begun to see overstepping,' he warns, hid voice dropping low, sending a shiver down my spine. 'Any threat against you is a threat against me, and as we've already established, I have more important things to do than sleep on your floor.'

Heat flushes up my neck and stains my cheeks. 'He is not sleeping in my room.'

'Of course not.' He freaking smirks, and my traitorous stomach dips. 'I had him moved into the one next to yours. Wouldn't want to overstep.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“How does anyone think long-term around here?'

'Not everyone is in a quadrant where death is less of a chance and more of a foregone conclusion.' I breathe in the scent of the Archives and try to absorb a little of the peace it brings.

'So you're saying that some people still try to make cute little things like plans.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Anyway, is it hard for you to be in here? Or is it more of a comfort thing?'
'It feels like coming home, but not. And it's not that it's changed- this place never changes. Hell, I think change is the mortal enemy of a scribe. But I'm starting to realise that I've changed. I don't quite fit here. Not anymore.'

'Yeah. I get that.' Something in his voice tells me he really does.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You're a shameless flirt.'

'Thank you.' He grins and goes back to carving.

'It wasn't a compliment.'

'Don't mind her, she's just sexually frustrated. Makes a girl crabby.'
'That has nothing to do with it.' Gods, could she have said that a little louder?

'And yet I don't hear you denying it.' She smiled sweetly at me.

'I'm sorry I don't make the cut,' Liam teases. 'But I'm sure Riorson would be fine with my reviewing a couple candidates, especially if it means you'll stop flipping him off in front of his entire wing.'

'And how exactly would you be reviewing candidates? What will you be scoring?' Rhiannon asks, one eyebrow raised above her wide grin. 'This I have to hear.'

I manage a straight face for all of two seconds before laughing at how horrified he suddenly looks. 'Thanks for the offer, though. I'll make sure to run any potential liaisons by you.'

'I mean, you could watch,' Rhiannon continues, blinking innocently at him. 'Just to be sure she's fully covered. You know, so no one... sticks it to her.'

'Oh, are we telling dick jokes now?' Ridoc asks from Liam's side. 'Because my entire life has led up to this moment.'

Even Sawyer laughs.

'Fuck me,' Liam mutters under his breath.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“That is...' Rhiannon murmurs beside me.

'It sure is,' I agree.

'Stop objectifying your wingleader,' Liam teases.

'Is that what we're doing?' Rhiannon asks, not bothering to look away.

My mouth waters at the muscled expanse of his back and that sculpted ass. 'Yeah, I think that's what we're doing.'

Liam snorts.

'We could just be watching for technique.'

'Yeah. We absolutely could be.' But I'm not.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“She's only alive because of you,' Jack spits, but the blood drains from his face.

'Right, because I'm the one who buried a dagger in your shoulder at Threshing.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Want some? Unless you're here to continue our earlier argument, in which case, none for you.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I miss sex.'
'If you're looking for a little fun, I'm happy to oblige-' Ridoc starts, shoving his floppy brown hair off his forehead with a wink.

'I miss good sex,' I counter, smothering a smile...”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I was so focused on whether anyone would believe me, I didn't stop to think what might happen if they did.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You ran,' I snarl, wishing I could lunge forward and beat the shit out of him, but forcing my feet to stay planted where they are. 'That day in the field, you fucking ran when it was three on one, and we both know when it comes down to it, you'll run again. That's what cowards do.'

Jack flushes, his eyes nearly bugging out of his face.

'Oh, for fuck's sake, Violet,' Dain mutters.

'She's not wrong,' Xaden drawls.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You're actually going to help me?'

'I've been helping you for months.' His hand flexes at my waist, and I swear I can feel the warmth of his touch through my cloak and leathers.

'No, you sent Liam to help. He's been helping me for months. My forehead puckers. 'Weeks. Almost months. Whatever.'

He has the nerve to look offended. 'I'm the one who burst through your door and killed everyone who attacked you, and then I removed the other threat to your life with a very public, very polarising display of vengeance. Liam didn't do that. I did.'

'The crowd wasn't polarised. They were all for it. I was there.'

'You were torn. In fact, you begged Tairn not to kill her, damn well knowing she'd just come after you again.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing