
Vibrations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vibrations" Showing 1-30 of 64
Erik Pevernagie
“Emotional illiterates, who don’t recognize the sound of a broken heart, will never be able to hear the subtle vibrations of love reverberating through the rustling flora of life. ("Love as dizzy as a cathedral”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“When we free ourselves from the chaos enclosed in the surrounding rigid social structure, we can find peace of mind and still our hunger for knowledge and understanding. If we follow the rhythm of our heartbeat, we can quench our thirst for meaning in life and encounter an array of soothing vibrations of wellbeing. (“A handful of dust”)”
Erik Pevernagie

“The human body resonates at the same frequency as Mother Earth. So instead of only focusing on trying to save the earth, which operates in congruence to our vibrations, I think it is more important to be one with each other. If you really want to remedy the earth, we have to mend mankind. And to unite mankind, we heal the Earth. That is the only way. Mother Earth will exist with or without us. Yet if she is sick, it is because mankind is sick and separated. And if our vibrations are bad, she reacts to it, as do all living creatures.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Erik Pevernagie
“As we feel the whispering vibrations of the sea and hover on the waves of the present, we realize that each moment flows into an unknown destination. Everything melts down into a new mystery since 'now' will never come back, and 'tomorrow' is uncharted territory. ("Voices of the sea")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we must make sure to heal our impaired vision, filter our perception, and sharpen the focus of our attention because willful blindness can never empower inspiriting vibrations or awaken the twinkles of enlightenment. ("Absence of beauty was like hell")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“The world can spare psychopathic masterminds of fear, pushing the panic button all along. Instead, let us look at the unfettering light that is slicing beyond the dark clouds throughout our life journey and make us feel its radiation and the vibrations around a path of stillness. (“Check and mate »)”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Being open-minded allows us to discern the wellness of vibrations. It lets us experience the depth of unlimited resonance. If we care for resonant relationships, we must simultaneously be coherent and accessible partners. When we want to interact intensely, it must resound in our minds, and mutual messages resonate through our inner world.”
Erik Pevernagie

“The birth of quantum physics brought science and spirituality into alignment. It was the realization by physicists that photons have consciousness, and not just limited consciousness, but awareness of the entire cosmos.”
Kenneth Schmitt, Quantum Energetics and Spirituality Volume 1: Aligning with Universal Consciousness

Steven Decker
“No,” said the doctor. “It’s something I’ve never seen before. Something I don’t think anyone has seen before.”  ”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“We theorize that if these disruptions continue to happen, eventually the separate realities will begin to compete with our primary reality for dominance, and there will end up being no safe reality to live in.”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

Steven Decker
“I must admit that if there was ever going to be a woman to take my mind and heart off of Annette, it would have been Aideen.”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

“To know our true essence, we need to leave all of the energy of low vibrations out of our consciousness. We must withdraw all of our life force from that realm, because it is parasitic. It has little life force of its own and cannot exist unless we give it life through our attention, imagination and emotions.”
Kenneth Schmitt, Quantum Energetics and Spirituality Volume 1: Aligning with Universal Consciousness

“Nothing can invade our being without our permission. It is energetically impossible. We can be confident in our eternal being of infinite abilities of every kind, limited only by our imagination, emotional spectrum and personal beliefs and perspectives. These are all things that can be resolved, as our conscious awareness greatly expands in understanding and can create experiences in the spectrum of beauty, joy and love.”
Kenneth Schmitt, Quantum Energetics and Spirituality Volume 1: Aligning with Universal Consciousness

Alaric Hutchinson
“Feeling guilt dims our light. Instead of dimming our light to make others feel more comfortable, we could just continue to shine and foster the rise of the vibrations of those around us.

Being Happy and Feeling Good does not mean you have no compassion for the misery of those around you. It simply means you won’t dim your light to make them feel comfortable – instead, you’re going to help light the way.

At first, your light may be a bit too bright for others and it may hurt their eyes, yet it’s far better to shine rather than to hide your light. When you hide your light for too long, it extinguishes and you slip right back into darkness…unable to find your way until someone ‘shiny’ comes along to light your way and help you to find the light you still possess within, your Soul’s Magnificence.”
Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace: Essential Teachings For Enriching Life

“Be music always. Keep changing the keys, tones, pitch, and volume of each of the songs you create along your life's journey and play on.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Your heart has a powerful little antenna and its vibrations can be felt throughout the universe.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

T.F. Hodge
“The positive vibrations of unregulated joy, peace, happiness and tranquility is freedom.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

C. JoyBell C.
“People do not often stop to dwell on the reality that the most difficult daily challenges we face are a result of dealing with human energies. That vibe they sent you, that vibration you picked up... that's just as real as the chair you are sitting on. Our souls are struggling, playing, fighting, winning, losing... all on the playing fields and the battle grounds of human energy.”
C. JoyBell C.

Jacqueline Ripstein
“Colors are vibrating light energies, each “color ray” produces a sound that affects matter.”
Jacqueline Ripstein, The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness

“Your mentality shapes your reality. When you stress out, things will stress out around you. Always control your thoughts and pacify any unnecessary stress. Control your vibrations and you are the master of your own harmony.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Control your vibrations to be the master of the own harmony.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Your meantality shapes your reality.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“If you hurt any of your fingers, your whole body will feel its effect. Everything is connected. Infect one part of something, and a reaction will spread and affect the rest. We sit sometimes not knowing why we feel restless or sad, but in truth we are feeling transferred emotions moving through our atmosphere. We pick up on frequencies that come from near and far that affect us unconsciously. Humans are like moving antennas. We are magnetic entities living in an electromagnetic world. The core of the earth is a gigantic crystal that captures and amplifies strong energies in all directions. We all act and react as its transmitters and receivers. Every cause has effect and every effect has cause. All words and actions do matter.

We are all connected. When one arm or foot is poisoned, the whole body becomes infected.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“There's more than five senses, it's just one of the ways they suppress us, my precious girl
Vibrations are vital for our planet's progression
In order to move forward
Feel the singular life force of the world”
Andrew Edward Lucier, Awakenigma Allegory Anomalous

Christopher Dunn
“While infrasonic vibrations at around 6 hertz may influence the brain and produce various effects in humans, it seems that there must be other types of energy, or other frequencies, to explain phenomena that were noted to have occurred at the Great Pyramid more than one hundred years ago. Sir William Siemens, an Anglo-German engineer, metallurgist, and inventor, experienced a strange energy phenomenon at the Great Pyramid when an Arab guide called his attention to the fact that, while standing on the summit of the pyramid with hands outstretched, he could hear a sharp ringing noise. Raising his index finger, Siemens felt a prickling sensation.
Later on, while drinking out of a wine bottle he had brought along, he experienced a slight electric shock. Feeling that some further observations were in order, Siemens then wrapped a moistened newspaper around the bottle, converting it into a Leyden jar. After he held it above his head for a while, this improvised Leyden jar became charged with electricity to such an extent that sparks began to fly. Reportedly, Siemens' Arab guides were not too happy with their tourist's experiment and accused him of practicing witchcraft. Peter Tompkins wrote, "One of the guides tried to seize Siemens' companion, but Siemens lowered the bottle towards him and gave the Arab such a jolt that he was knocked senseless to the ground. Recovering, the guide scrambled to his feet and took off down the Pyramid, crying loudly.”
Christopher Dunn, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt

Christopher Dunn
“Energy is the basis of creating electricity that we can utilize, so how can we harness the power of an earthquake? Obviously, today, if that much energy were being drawn from the Earth through the Great Pyramid, tourists would not be parading through it every day. In order for the system to work, the pyramid would need to be mechanically coupled with the Earth and vibrating in sympathy with it. To do this, the system would need to be "primed"—we would need to initiate oscillation of the pyramid before we could tap into the Earth's oscillations. After the initial priming pulse, though, the pyramid would be coupled with the Earth and could draw off its energy. In effect, the Great Pyramid would feed into the Earth a little energy and receive an enormous amount out of it in return.
How do we cause a mass of stone that weighs 5,273,834 tons to oscillate? It would seem an impossible task. Yet there was a man in recent history who claimed he could do just that! Nikola Tesla, a physicist and inventor with more than six hundred patents to his credit—one of them being the AC generator—created a device he called an "earthquake machine." By applying vibration at the resonant frequency of a building, he claimed he could shake the building apart. In fact, it is reported that he had to turn his machine off before the building he was testing it in came down around him.
The New York World-Telegram reported Tesla's comments from a news briefing at the hotel New Yorker on July 11, 1935: 'I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound. I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher. Suddenly, all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium. The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That's all they ever knew about it.”
Christopher Dunn, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt

Nida Awadia
“We all need relationships that give us the feeling of ecstasy we get from life's simple moments—the first sip of coffee, the smell of fresh laundry, a hot shower in the winter, a movie with a good ending, and a glass of water after an intense workout. Sometimes, we can't describe the type of people we need in our lives through a list of attributes. Sometimes, it’s simply the vibrations they give us—ones that make every cell in our body dance.”
Nida Awadia

Dan Desmarques
“When people have a low vibration they are more reactive and less able to observe and think properly. Trauma, sadness, injustice, apathy and anger, all these things bring a person down to a state from where many never get out. Then because these people can't control themselves, they are constantly reacting to the high energies they feel - pulling them down. They attack the wrong target and fear what they need the most. They literally become antagonistic to higher vibrations. It's in their nature and they can't control that. Neither do they want. They will rationalize "disbelief" and prove you wrong to make you confused before they change, even when they promise to change, because they don't want to. And why would they if they can confuse you? Confusion is a low vibration scheme, and as you go lower in this vibration of lies, you feel more lost and confused about yourself. It then happens that you are forced to abandon any group that vibrates at a low frequency because they insist on making you confused. Certainty - which is not the same as arrogance but is instead the knowing of something to be true -, is a high frequency level. And the creatures of the darkness attack precisely that certainty, by making you feel ashamed of what you know, by calling you a narcissist. You find them in all religions without exceptions. Very few people know what the light is because they have never seen their real face in a mirror when the light is on.”
Dan Desmarques

Wally Fiammetta Bodi
“Each one of us is a small, living planet: our vibrations are sent out throughout the entire world and beyond.”
Wally Fiammetta Bodi, Spiritual Awakening Manual: Expressly Light

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