
Trust In God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trust-in-god" Showing 1-30 of 120
Israelmore Ayivor
“When the door of opportunity of your storehouse opens for you, let faith and hope enter first. When your faith leads the way, you will locate the source of your hidden treasures.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Robert Adams
“The Power that knows the way will take care of you. The One who makes the sun shine, the grass grow, the apples grow perfectly on apple trees. The food that sustains us, nourishes us, everything has been lovingly provided for us. Have faith. Trust the Power that knows the way. This is a first step. To have total faith and total trust in the Infinite, the One. You
may call this God if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. (p. 195)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Sarah Beth Brazytis
“You may die - now, or later; with the rest of us or alone, separated from everyone. You will have no church, no mass, no priest at your side. But I now think that none of that is needed. You have what is needed: you have Jesus Christ."
"Yes," said Jozef firmly, as if answering the most important catechism of his life. "I am resting in the blood of Jesus Christ my Saviour. I do not fear death, Waclaw.”
Sarah Brazytis, Treasures of Darkness

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Not every time Self Love means pampering your wants, sometimes it just means to pat yourself while knowing you did the right thing by choosing the path of Patience.

Sometimes it's just waking up in the morning and telling yourself, you've got this.

Sometimes it is as simple as a cup of coffee or a hot shower after a really tiresome day.

Sometimes it's just watching the day pass by, while you take time to assimilate your thoughts and let your mind detangle in the simplicity of literally not doing anything.

Sometimes it's the urge to find a reason and purpose to carry on, to feel alive, to live.

Sometimes it's watching the sunset paint in a beautiful horizon and sometimes it's just keeping awake just to catch a glimpse of the rising Sun.

Sometimes it's getting drenched in the rain or simply madly crazily dancing in the rain not caring of what or who passes by. Because who knows how long you got this dance of Life.

Sometimes it's pulling yourself up and letting your heart know all that happens has a reason and you don't have to know all of it. Really you don't have to have all the answers, trusting the Universe is always the Only answer.

Sometimes it's just reminding yourself that you can't change the past but value what your past has taught you, that you can't write your future entirely because circumstances always play a part but you can work through your present, you can live and make your present a gift, a present that your future would feel good about.

Sometimes it's just knowing that disciplining Life is never easy but that always finds the lasting smile in the end.

Sometimes it's just holding on with all your Soul to know that you have done your bit, to know that somewhere someday everything will make sense.

Sometimes it's just to know that goals aren't always about achieving something but to be some more of yourself by truly loving yourself, a little bit more each passing day.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

“True Beauty is not world’s view of Beauty based almost entirely on external appearance True Beauty is not coloring or dying hair or having expensive haircuts True Beauty is not in competition, modeling or in cat walks True Beauty in women is when you live a Godly life.”
Shaila Touchton

“Faith in Christ will make us a new creature, a new person in Christ, and a temple of the Holy Spirit. Faith in Christ will make us a child of God, sealed as God's chosen. Faith in Christ will make us to have, inheritance in God's kingdom Faith in Christ can calm the troubled sea, and can move mountains.”
Shaila Touchton

“Trust His sovereignty at all times, let not the clay question the Potter.”
Royal Raj S

Thomas Merton
“Jesus, I put myself in Your hands. I rest in Your wisdom that has arranged all things for me. I promise to stop jumping out of Your arms to try and walk on my own feet, forgetting that I am no longer on the ground or near it!”
Thomas Merton, Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and a Writer

Gift Gugu Mona
“When you face seasons that are not in your favour, it does not mean God's favour is not upon you, nor does it mean He can no longer do great things. It is only a season. You will pull through and overcome.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“God is surely in control, be still and trust in Him. He will have your situation sorted out.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“God remains the same, regardless of the circumstances around you. Trust in Him. He is reliable at all times.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“God will take you anywhere for a good reason in the end. Do not fear. Do not give up and do not lose focus. Trust in Him and He will make a way for you.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“When you pray, things will be sorted out. Even if they are not, you can still trust in God, He knows how to grant you more than your heart’s desires.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Prayer: An Antidote for the Inner Man

“Trust in God helps to turn tragic into triumph.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Tish Harrison Warren
“We can be as patient as a fallow field because we know there are gifts promised by a Giver who can be trusted.”
Tish Harrison Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life

Tish Harrison Warren
“But every evening, whether we like it or not, we must admit again that we are not unlimited. Our bodies get tired. Our efforts prove futile. We are needy. Yielding to sleep confesses this reality: a confession that is countercultural and revolutionary. We are not sufficient; we need a caretaker. And this must affect our bodily routines, our worship, and our view of God.”
Tish Harrison Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life

Tish Harrison Warren
“God wants to give us not just lives of holiness and prayer but also of sufficient rest. And perhaps a key step toward a life of prayer and holiness is simply receiving the gift of a good night's sleep.”
Tish Harrison Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life

Adam Mabry
“The problems of life are real, not imaginary. Eastern meditation starts with the presupposition that pain in this world is illusory, but the gospel tells us that we don't have to pretend that what hurts does not, or should not. Life does hurt. Yet the gospel doesn't leave us there. Rest with God grows our ability to say, "I know God, and I know he will deliver me." It enables us to face problems with both honesty and hope.”
Adam Mabry, The Art of Rest: Faith to Hit Pause in a World that Never Stops

Adam Mabry
“Whatever it is that you're thinking about right now that gets you off the hook of taking Jesus' call to rest seriously, it is probably the thing you actually love and worship more than Jesus. We refuse to rest because, at some deep level, we're convinced that if we stop, the thing for which we're really living won't be fed, pleased, or procured. If you're happier at work than in Christ, rest will never feel good. If you're more of a mother to your children than you are a daughter of the King, stopping may feel like sin.”
Adam Mabry, The Art of Rest: Faith to Hit Pause in a World that Never Stops

“Still trust in God, even if the going gets tough.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Through every trial, I learnt to trust in God.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Most of the Times, Life shows us how difficult this journey is, only at Times when the sun clears we see the Sunshine, but the rain often washes away the clouds and both the clouds and the rain dampen our weary hearts, only to let us see a glimpse of a distant rainbow, once in a while. I guess it's always about the Time, the guardian of this Journey that we have to wait and persevere, that we have to remain resilient in the resolve to walk ahead, to find some way to hold on to the voyage, to not let the ship sink in the hollows of a mirage, to just live.
And that is what Life is about, perhaps to know that Gloom and Melancholy is a distinct part of our journey, and actually something that occupies the most part of our journey, and it doesn't have to be a deep Grief it can simply be the mundane sorrow of carrying on this existence knowing that Life is just a short frame holding dark colours as much as the bright ones, sometimes even more of those blackness only to bring out the whites a little bit more.
And while all of this goes on, somewhere our heart would know that there is One who is beyond this frame of Life and the space of Time and Cosmos; who is always holding your hand giving you the breath to walk ahead. May be He doesn't take away the blackness but throughout stays firm in your path, holding your shadow and your soul ever so gently to make you become the Light that you could only possibly be by embracing all of your Soul's journey. He doesn't perhaps change the potholes in your way, but He does ensure that even when you tumble you don't end up falling and if you do fall, He makes sure that you rise all over again from the flames of Life's fire with the fury of a phoenix. He doesn't end your suffering but lets you see that throughout your pain He is partaking in an even greater portion of it, alongside you. Simple, He doesn't let you see that He is God, because He shares your Life as a companion, walking beside you hand in hand, to make you live all that your soul had contracted before this journey began and even when He is beyond Time, He lets Time be your friend in a journey that is bound in human flesh and guarded by the tick-tock of that guardian.
So when I asked my Soul, what is that troubles me the most, I heard my Soul, Smile in a safe knowledge, when I have Him, need I let my troubles concern me?
My heart knew, He has already tucked my mind in the tranquil world of Life's paint-brush and a rainbow is just around the corner. A distant yet distinct rainbow.
A rainbow that is churned in Love, the love that only He can provide, the Love that is always lurking on the edges of those clouds and rain, in the silhouette of a rainbow forever promised on the other side of a thunderstorm.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

“Through all the changing scenes of life, the Lord still reigns.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“For those who fear the desert, it is important to remember that our journey towards the promised land necessitates passing through the Red Sea and enduring the wilderness.”
Marcus Malesela, Miserable Quietude

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Dearest Almighty God,
I don't know where he is, I don't know who he is, I don't know if I have ever met him, or if we have crossed paths, I don't even know if he exists, but what I do know is that You won't let my Heart be a Void. What I know is when You put a dream in Someone's Heart You don't let that disappear just like that, You have your reason to even let that dream shape in, and mine has always been the most simplest and the most humblest of all. It doesn't matter how archaic or regressive it seems I would always imagine the most beautiful of all pathways is the route where two hearts connect and grow old together, when two souls find a Home together and that would always be my dearest prayer, and so I know that You know how that Prayer churns my Soul. I pray before You to give me Hope, to give me the heart to wait in Patience as You work on him and send him to my path in Your way for in You I trust blindly. I pray that You bless all lone hearts and give them courage and wisdom to learn the true meaning of Togetherness, to understand the true meaning of Companionship and above all the sanctity of Home, where children are born of Love, where hearts are united in Trust and Respect, so yes I pray with all my Heart that wherever he is, whoever he is, You bless him with my aura and make him grow in ways that only You can, that You paint his dreams and bless them in Your colour of Hope and Success, that You hold his hand and let him win in life in ways that You alone can. I know I would know my deepest Happiness in his smile, for I know whoever he is, wherever he is, his soul and mine are one, and soon in Your Timing, You will find Him in my Life, for Our Home would be Your Smile of Love.
Until then, I will stay in Faith, praying for Him every single moment in my Heart and Soul.
- an Old Soul trusting in God, always.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Debatrayee Banerjee
“When you don't know what is happening in your Life, Trust God.
The Being who created the Majestic Mountains would know how to shatter the rocks that come your way.
The Being who created the Unfathomable Oceans would know how to sooth the wounds of your Soul.
The Being who created all the Life forms and blessed consciousness in the Animate and Inanimate things all around you, would know how to mould your intellect and emotions in the aura of Stillness and Passion.
The Being who breathes Life in everything would know how to bring you back to life each time this World tries to deaden your spirit.
The Being who makes certain that the Sun shows up every morning to light up the world would know how to pull you out from the Darkest of hollows.
The Being who ensures the walk of the Moon every single night would now how to carve the path that leads you Home.
The Being who paints a bed of stars weaving a magic path of Stardust would know how to sprinkle the dust of the pixies in your Life just when you need it.
The Being who thrives on Love, who breathes in Love, who is the very Source of Love would know how to find you the Love that's always the sacred thread to your Soul.
The Being who Knows you Better than You do, would know what to do with Your Life even before you start to wonder about it.
The Being who is the Greatest Artist and Author has already painted your Soul and written the Story of your Life, so trust in Him, all while doing your bit knowing He knows it all, especially when you don't know what's happening in your Life.”
Debatrayee Banerjee, A Whispering Leaf. . .

Niedria D. Kenny
“GOD chooses according to your abilities and though he knows you and what you are capable of under certain circumstances, he protects you and provides provisions.”
Niedria D. Kenny

“The scars of broken trust often remind me to be cautious with whom to give my trust. At least from my mother's words, I learned this caveat: 'trust no one', even the devil was once an angel!”
Joseph Jacson K

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“Your trust issues come from your hope being broken. You have learned it is safer not to hope. It is safer to beat vulnerability to the punch and strive to control your surroundings.

It is safer to treat hope as a wish. Hope then becomes something ethereal that you wish upon a star and then you continue on controlling your outcome. Or holding steadfast to hope–which really is your version of that “supposed-to” you want to see happen–as a symbol of your faith.
This is not hope. Hope involves more of you and your soul than wishing it up to God. (Look out vulnerability!) It is easier to believe you can “easy button” this to God but a life of hope involves your guttiness.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

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