
True Freedom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "true-freedom" Showing 1-20 of 20
C. JoyBell C.
“Freedom is not the absence of commitment, and to be committed to something or to someone does not mean the loss of freedom. But freedom exists in the realm of the unbound and to be free is to be committed to that which is a part of the unbound realm. Whatever sets your soul to flight is freedom. If someone sets your soul to flight, to stay with that person is not to lose freedom but to stay with that person is to retain freedom. Together you have what is unbound. Whatever will swell your spirit and give you wings, is freedom, and it is a fault if you let go of that for the very reason that you are afraid of losing your freedom and in doing so you have in fact let go of what will keep you unbound.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“I think that, generally, people of the world typify a "free and wild" person as someone who's uprooted, detached and uninhibited. But I don't believe in that kind of freedom. I think that's an infantile concept. Freedom means something when it has escaped something! Those people who escaped things— their inner cages, cages set by others around them— when those people are able to roam free and say, "This is who I am because this is who I choose to be", THAT is freedom. Freedom isn't being stupid; freedom is being so smart that you develop a strength strong enough to break free and become your own person. A better person than what your circumstances would like to define you as.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“Freedom is a place, an area. It's a higher place. There are some other people that are here, and things that are here which are unseen. But you first have to set yourself free and believe in what you cannot see, believe that there is something more out there. In freedom can be found many devotions: a devotion to love, a desire to believe, a willingness to be happy, a perseverance to have peace. All these unseen things breathe and grow in the unseen soul. A free person is not an uncommitted person, but in a free person you will find a deep devotion, and a desire to be devoted to even more.”
C. JoyBell C.

“I can get whatever I want, whenever I need, yet I am not free. I am confined. I am held captive. I am serving a life sentence in a Norwegian jail.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning

“One moment I want to be the most famous person in the world, the next, I desperately want to live a life of obscurity. True freedom is being completely unknown.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning

“Even though we are tied down, it doesn’t stop us from flying. In fact, sometimes we dare to fly for the very reason that we are tied. There can be no freedom without restraint. Only one who has restraints knows what it means to have freedom.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning

“I think true freedom is being yourself no matter what. True freedom is living authentically. As if there are no spectators. You are the subject, and you are the object under observation. Only you exist. Only you! And no one else. You live the way you live when you are alone in your room. You behave the way you behave when you are alone in your room. You are under the spotlight. It is you who switched it on. And it is you who is focusing the same on yourself.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning

“True freedom is solipsism. True freedom is believing that the world will cease to exist the moment you die. True freedom is realizing that only you have free will, while the others are mere puppets, hive minds. True freedom is, therefore, nothing less than insanity.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning

Criss Jami
“Many of us fight for and boast our freedom of what is ultimately the ability to prove ourselves to other people. It is unfortunate that only a few of us are so free in our joy, we no longer feel the need to prove ourselves to anyone.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Stasia Ward Kehoe
“The tips of my overgrown bangs
dip into the wet of my tears.
My fingers, forehead, moisten with sweat.
I fight the slipperiness, press the valves firmly,
play the love, the hate,
the misery, the hope,
the freedom that I wanted, never wanted, can't have;
that doesn't exist.”
Stasia Ward Kehoe, The Sound of Letting Go

Vivek Pereira
“I would take my beloved Najma to my country so that she would taste secularism and true freedom. How wrong I was! How wrong we all were! Unfortunately, you truly miss what you have had all along and taken for granted (in this case the spirit of secularism and true freedom) only once you actually lose it.”
Vivek Pereira, Indians in Pakistan

Dave Webb
“True freedom gives a man not only the right to make a right choice, but also the freedom to make a wrong choice.

~ Norma Ramsey, 1954”
Dave Webb, Ad Astra: 161 Adventurers, Astronauts, Discoverers, Explorers, Pilots, Pioneers, Scientists

“Understanding how your own mind operates frees you to become the person you truly are.
Your mind wants to keep you safe... but only according to the rules it has learned.
True freedom comes when you learn to choose to change your beliefs rather than running on default.”
Monty Ritchings

Albert Camus
“Le fameux discours de Saint-Just a ainsi tous les airs d'une étude théologique. "Louis [XVI] étranger parmis nous", voila la thèse de l'adolescent accusateur. Si un contrat, naturel ou civil, pouvait encore lier le roi et son peuple, il y aurait obligation mutuelle; la volonté du peuple ne pourrait s'ériger en juge absolu pour prononcer le jugement absolu. Il s'agit donc de démontrer qu'aucun rapport ne lie le peuple et le roi. Pour prouver que le peuple est en lui-même la vérité éternelle, il faut montrer que la royauté est en elle-même crime éternel.”
Albert Camus, The Rebel

Debasish Mridha
“None of us have true freedom because every one of us has to conform.”
Debasish Mridha

Gabriella Saab
“True freedom comes from bravery, strength, and goodness. The only one who can take those from you is you.

[Aleksander Florkowski]”
Gabriella Saab, The Last Checkmate

Shree Shambav
“It takes courage to let go of the past, but the ability to forget it is where true freedom is found.”
Shree Shambav, Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories - Series II

Dave Webb
“True freedom gives a man not only the right to make a right choice, but also the freedom to make a wrong choice.

~ Norman Ramsey, 1954”
Dave Webb, Ad Astra: 161 Adventurers, Astronauts, Discoverers, Explorers, Pilots, Pioneers, Scientists

“To find meaning in life, one need not search too far; for true freedom lies in accepting what is and who we are.”
Jo P. Helm, Life is Meaningless and That's Okay: Embracing Your Existential Freedom

Felisa Tan
“When we look up to the sky, we see distant spatial objects as small; has it ever crossed your mind that this is also how we may be perceived from other viewpoints in the multiverse?

Looking up to the sky, we get to experience our own scale, our insignificance in the face of the grand forces of nature and their indifference towards our personal conditions. Yet, strangely, this experience of insignificance is not that of diminishment; but of peace, liberation, and relief.”
Felisa Tan, In Search for Meaning