
Trespass Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trespass" Showing 1-7 of 7
Michael Bassey Johnson
“To believers, the bible is a holy book, to unbelievers, it is a story book.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Tarif Naaz
“She never knew when she trespassed and when she fell in love with Huzaf. Perhaps this is the beauty of love, it doesn't knock. It just creeps in slowly and steadily.”
Tarif Naaz, Mayhem In Paradise

Vironika Tugaleva
“Government property.
Trespassers will be prosecuted."
The sweetest poetry
is written on the signs
you walk up to
from the back,
and the best photos
are taken alone with
your own dirty hand.”
Vironika Tugaleva

John Ruskin
“Of all the mean and wicked things a landlord can do, shutting up his footpath is the nastiest.”
John Ruskin

Benjamin Hale
“There is a . . . position that considers the moral complications of pollution not in terms of doing harm, but in terms of trespassing ["Poisoning the Well," High Country News, January 19, 2015].”
Benjamin Hale

Benjamin Hale
“Pollution, by its nature, engenders a kind of trespass: It violates the moral space of people without their authorization or good reason ["Poisoning the Well," High Country News, January 19, 2015].”
Benjamin Hale

“It is long settled in California that a landlord who resorts to self-help [such as removing a tenant's personal belongings and changing the locks, even though the tenant is still in legal possession of the property] instead of invoking the unlawful detainer procedure commits a forcible entry and detainer, and is liable for actual and, sometimes, punitive damages (see Jordan v Talbot (1961) 55 C2d 597), regardless of any lease provision giving the landlord the right to reenter on default (55 C2d at 604) or any lien the landlord may wish to exercise (55 C2d at 609).”
Myron Moskovitz, California Eviction Defense Manual