
The Other Side Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-other-side" Showing 1-14 of 14
Alexandra Kleeman
“She said that everything that disappeared from our side went over to theirs, where they kept living normal lives, waiting for the things still lingering with us to join them, and make the world whole once more.”
Alexandra Kleeman, Intimations: Stories

J.R. Rim
“What you think may change what you do, but what is also true is, what you do will change what you think.”
J.R. Rim

Margaret Atwood
“I even spent a certain amount of time worrying about the Spiritualist doctrines: If The Other Side was so wonderful, why did the spirits devote most of their messages to warnings? Instead of telling their loved ones to avoid slippery stairs and unsafe cars and starchy foods, they should have been luring them over cliffs and bridges and into lakes, spurring them on to greater feats of intemperance and gluttony, in order to hasten their passage to the brighter shore.”
Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle

“You left too soon. I wasn’t ready to live my life without you.
Time has taken me out of shock and nudged me into acceptance.
I know now that there is a place in my heart where I can always find you.”
Jodi Livon

“Crossed-over spirits were all once someone's significant someone and they still are. Love never dies.”
Jodi Livon

Kiersten White
“I felt certain that once again I was on the edge of it. On one side: Victor, Justine, Henry. The life I had built with such vicious determination. On the other: the unknown. But the unknown beckoned, promising rest from pain. Rest from sickness. Rest from the endless striving and manipulating and working, working, working, working just to keep my place in the world”
Kiersten White, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein

Enock Maregesi
“Ndoto za wachawi ni tofauti kidogo na ndoto takatifu. Wachawi wanapokuwa hawahitaji kusafiri kutoka sehemu moja kwenda nyingine, lakini wana hamu ya kuona wenzao wanafanya nini au wanasema nini, huwa wanalala ubavu mmoja upande wa kushoto kwa jina la mungu wao na la mashetani wote. Kisha wanatoa mvuke wa bluu midomoni mwao. Kupitia mvuke huo, kwa nguvu za Shetani na kwa ruhusa ya Mwenyezi Mungu, wataona na watasikia kila kinachofanyika upande wa pili. Kile wanachotaka kukiona na kukisikia hujifunua katika ufahamu wao kama taswira au maono, kutoka katika akili isiyotambua, ya watu wakifanya au wakisema kitu. Kama wanataka kujua siri za watu wengine, hata wale ambao si wachawi, watazijua kupitia ndoto hizo; kwa sababu ya makubaliano ya wazi, si ya siri, waliyoingia na Shetani. Makubaliano hayo si ya lelemama; yaani yale ambayo hufanywa kwa kutoa kafara ya mnyama, au kufuru ya aina yoyote ile kwa Mwenyezi Mungu, au kwa kuabudu dini za kichawi. Lakini ni kwa sadaka halisi ya wao wenyewe ya mwili na roho kwa Shetani na kwa kufuru ya kuikana kabisa, imani ya Mwenyezi Mungu. Lakini hiyo ni kwa wale wanaotumia uchawi wa kishetani. Wale wanaotumia uchawi wa asili, kama vile kutumia risasi kumroga mtu kwa sababu risasi mungu wake ni sayari ya Zohali, au wale walioingia mkataba wa siri na Shetani, hawana uwezo wa kuota hivyo. Hivyo, si kila mchawi anaweza kuota ndoto za namna hiyo, ni kwa wale tu walioingia mkataba wa wazi na Shetani.”
Enock Maregesi

“If we're sweeping up the station with a dustpan and brush, just when we've finished, someone will flick a cigarette butt or a piece of litter right on the spot where we've cleaned. There are too many self-assertive people out there.”
No One

Alex Shearer
“But that's always the way, isn't it? It's easy to be sensible for other people, but you can't always be sensible for yourself.”
Alex Shearer, The Great Blue Yonder

“Your loved ones in-spirit are gone yet everywhere. You will find them in the place in your heart where joy lives.”
Jodi Livon

Kiersten White
“There's a saying where I come from: Hold hands with the devil until you're both over the bridge. I haven't found the other side of the bridge yet.”
Kiersten White, Slayer

Wendy     Webb
“It was almost as if, the nearer people are to the other side, whether they've just come into the world or are close to leaving it, the more sleep they need. And she wondered, too, if it was really sleep at all. If it wasn't simply their way of touching what was behind the veil. Infants reaching back to where they had been. Seniors reaching forward to where they were soon going.”
Wendy Webb, The Stroke of Winter

“If ever I should disappear, may your sweet memory of me act as wings that fly your spirit straight to mine.”
Jodi Livon

Sylvia Browne
“As soon as we’d arrived as close to the house as we were allowed to get, a brief Latin phrase came to me. I pronounced it as best I could, and when I saw him staring at me, I explained, “It’s in the tiles above the entryway. It means something like ‘Everyone is welcome here.’”
He asked how I knew about that, since I’d never been to the house before, and I told him. “Marilyn’s telling me.”
It was a nice surprise. She was definitely on the Other Side, she definitely had a lot to say, and she was ready to say it to me without preferring to talk through Francine. I can’t judge or comment on its accuracy. I’ll just report what she passed along and leave the rest to you.
She was adamant about the fact that she did not commit suicide. She described being alone in her bedroom that night, taking too many pills and making some blurry phone calls. But she had a clear memory of a man coming in and sticking a needle of what she believed to be Nembutol into her heart.”
Sylvia Browne, Afterlives Of The Rich And Famous Featuring over 40 stars we have loved and lost