Teacher Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teacher" Showing 91-120 of 720
Cricket Rohman
“But I dog sit for those people. Once they notice he’s gone, they will ask me if I’ve seen him.”
“So what?”
“I pride myself in being an honest man. That’s what!”
Cricket Rohman, Wanted: An Honest Man

Cricket Rohman
“From her desk, she observed Willy demonstrating his ability to blow snot bubbles out of his slightly runny nose. Emma politely ignored him; Maggie’s face showed disgust at his grossness; Harley giggled; and competitive Joseph tried his best, with no luck, to make something, anything come out of his nose.”
Cricket Rohman, Wanted: An Honest Man

C.S. Lewis
“You must make your choice: either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”
C. S. Lewis

Mercy Celeste
“It's why I went into teaching in the first place. I like the sound of my own voice. Well that, and I am addicted to the smell of chalk and white-board markers.”
Mercy Celeste, Wicked Game

“Тарквиний Змейк ворвался в класс, как свежий ветер, и задал вопрос, неожиданный для учителя химии:
— Вы знаете, как выглядит китайский иероглиф «учиться»?
Никто не знал.
— Он составлен из трех элементов: ребенок под крышей, а сверху над ним — когти. Вопросы есть?
И Гвидион сразу понял, что у него в сердце всегда найдется место для предмета, который ведет Тарквиний Змейк.”
Анна Коростелева, Школа в Кармартене

“Love is all that awaits you.”
Howard Falco

Jarod Kintz
“They say those who can't do, teach. That's why today I'm pleased to announce I'm giving golfing lessons.”
Jarod Kintz, To be good at golf you must go full koala bear

Tanith Lee
“The kind of teacher who never learned anything herself. Or taught anything, except sarcasm or fear.”
Tanith Lee, Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure Upon the High Seas

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you are a student, try to be a teacher; if you are a teacher, try to be a student!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Meg Wolitzer
“The students lurked on the edges of their teachers' lives for years, and brought bulletins from their own lives, which over time began to include lovers, ambitions, an upward trajectory.”
Meg Wolitzer

Steve Maraboli
“There is no humility in calling yourself a Christian; placing Christ in the role of colleague. The humility lies in the truth of your imperfection and a more accurate description as a student of Christianity; placing Christ back in the role as head teacher.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

“As a Jew, I had no desire to challenge my childhood prejudice. But as a teacher, I could not do otherwise.”
Sondra Perl, On Austrian Soil: Teaching Those I Was Taught To Hate

Gordon Korman
“Even though I can’t stand the guy, at that moment, I actually relate to him a little bit. He may be the worst teacher in the world, but we have something in common.

He has anger management problems too.”
Gordon Korman, The Unteachables

Avijeet Das
“I have failed many times in my life. But I don't give up.

- Avijeet Rabindranath Das

Teaching is a noble profession just as the profession of a Doctor is. Don't belittle this noble profession for the sake of money, followers, and fame. To all the MBA Gurus/ Motivational Gurus/ Teachers/ Trainers - don't use students for your need to increase your followers or your need to earn more money. Give service and to those students who need it. You may live a life of poverty, but you will live an inspirational life.

- Avijeet Rabindranath Das

My Dad, Dr Rabindranath Das, is a doctor who never cheated any of the people just to become rich. He still lives in his old house in my hometown.”
Avijeet Das

Susan Cain
“This teacher was kind and well-intentioned, but I wonder whether students like the young safety officer would be better off if we appreciated that not everyone aspires to be a leader in the conventional sense of the word—that some people wish to fit harmoniously into the group, and others to be independent of it. Often the most highly creative people are in the latter category. As Janet Farrall and Leonie Kronborg write in Leadership Development for the Gifted and Talented: while extroverts tend to attain leadership in public domains, introverts tend to attain leadership in theoretical and aesthetic fields. Outstanding introverted leaders, such as Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Patrick White and Arthur Boyd, who have created either new fields of thought or rearranged existing knowledge, have spent long periods of their lives in solitude. Hence leadership does not only apply in social situations, but also occurs in more solitary situations such as developing new techniques in the arts, creating new philosophies, writing profound books and making scientific breakthroughs.”
Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is a bomb that is waiting to explode on innocent kids
Is a bullet that continues to think that it can make bids
Is a teacher that doesn’t want to do their job the right way
Is a loser that thinks that their attitude will make their day”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

Gordon Korman
“I thought Jake chose us because he wants to make up for the cheating scandal, not because of Miss Fountain.”
Gordon Korman, The Unteachables

“Integrity is a strong guide.”
Isaac A. Yowetu

“The great teacher not only teaches, but also weans off.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

東野圭吾, Malice

Marlen Haushofer
“My only teacher is as ignorant and untrained as I am, for my only teacher is myself.”
Marlen Haushofer, The Wall

“A great teacher gives you the freedom to do what is right and the intervention to keep you from doing what is wrong.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

“Pain can be a good teacher at times, while other times pain can be what holds us back. Knowing how to learn and let go is the way towards unburdened happiness.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

“Travel is the Ultimate Teacher”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

“The Master says to his student: 'When I look at you, I see my past; when you look at me, you see your future'.”
Paching Hoé Lambaiho, Words of the Shaman: 50 Quotes from Paching Hoé Lambaiho

“Teaching, in its noblest expression, transcends the mere transmission of knowledge. It is an act of selfless love, where the master, far from seeking to impose their greatness, becomes the bridge facilitating the student's growth. The teacher helps the student explore and realize their abilities, guiding and supporting their journey toward profound development.”
Marie Chieze, Words of the Shaman: 50 Quotes from Paching Hoé Lambaiho

Dana Gioia
“For thousands of years, poetry was taught badly, and consequently it was immensely popular.”
Dana Gioia, Poetry as Enchantment

“The greatest legacy a teacher can leave is a mind awakened to its own power.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Teaching is the quiet work of building tomorrow, one student at a time.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“A teacher’s ultimate fulfillment is not in the lessons they deliver, but in the growth they witness in their students.”
Aloo Denish Obiero