
Super Quotes

Quotes tagged as "super" Showing 1-24 of 24
Brandon Sanderson
“My name is David Charleston.
I kill people with super powers.”
Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

Brandon Sanderson
Reckoner Super Plan for Killing Regalia...

Step One: find Regalia, then totally explode her. Lots and Lots.

Step Two: put Val on decaf.

Step Three: Mizzy gets a cookie.

Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

“if you do a mistake, do that focusedly, after that you'll know what is the problem of your mistake.”
Mario Teguh
tags: super

Israelmore Ayivor
“In every dream you pursue, you attract its respective version of opposition. Going back will not solve any problem; Regrets will not change anything either; Feeling of Superiority over every obstacle should be your priority!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“Superiority complex does not mean "pride" although it appears to be so in the eyes of those who want to see it so. When you feel a higher esteem over the obstacles you desire to surmount, you highly overcome them and can still count a reserved energy to spare!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“There's something super special about December.”
Charmaine J. Forde

Dini Nuzulia Rahmah
“Setiap manusia mempunyai kemampuan untuk belajar dari kesalahan. Karena itu jangan pernah menganggap bahwa kesalahan yang terjadi tak bisa diperbaiki. Ingat bahwa dalam kesalahan terdapat banyak hikmah yang bisa dipetik.”
Dini Nuzulia Rahmah, From Baper to Super

Steven Magee
“I view everyone as a super-spreader.”
Steven Magee

Vishesh Panthi
“Every failure is a chance to make things better than ever”
Vishesh panthi

“Super !!!.”
Nareswar Raja
tags: super

“A broken vessel cannot hold anything within itself, therefore only something supernatural can hold itself within a broken vessel.”
TemitOpe Ibrahim

“I am proud to say that we started out as a family- owned business and have grown to a team of 10 professional cleaners ready to serve you. Our business is fully licensed and insured to ease your mind when hiring a new service. Call us today for your free quote.”
Mely's Super Clean

Israelmore Ayivor
“To become a better you, don’t dream of becoming a superior over other people. Dream of becoming a superior over your previous achievements.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

Steven Magee
“Are you a super-spreader?”
Steven Magee

Lidia Longorio
“Superman helps everyone, but who helps Superman?
What happens when he’s the one in need?
Does he have someone to call to save him?
Superman needs a hero too, but when he does will they still call him Superman?”
Lidia Longorio, Hey Humanity

“Their revolvers are drawn, but they won’t fire. They’re just here as backdrop. The fire department is here too, as are the ETMs, but there isn’t much they can do either. They know the rules. This is clearly out of their scope, and these guys are out of their league. They’re basically here for crowd control. Besides, have you ever seen an ETM jump into a pool of acid to rescue two costumed teenagers? Do you even know what those guys get paid?”
John David Anderson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The supernatural always makes it seem as though there is nothing super about the natural.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

“We can accept God becoming Man to save Man, but not Man becoming God to save himself.”
Vernon Linwood Howard

Vishesh Panthi
“Happiness cannot be the goal because you already have it”
Vishesh Panthi

Vishesh Panthi
“You can do everything, this is not useful for you. if you don't believe it”
Vishesh Panthi

Vishesh Panthi
“If you want to know the power of an idea just know, that it can change your whole life”
Vishesh Panthi

Vishesh Panthi
“The biggest problem is thinking about the problem and thinking about the solution the greatest solution”
Vishesh Panthi

Steven Magee
“18 Feet of storm surge is super scary and so dangerous!”
Steven Magee

“Centre point of every meeting that will attended almost dull, if the process of sharp eye remains there.”
KH Muawia Tariq