
Stella Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stella" Showing 1-30 of 33
Michelle Hodkin
“Names?' the receptionist asked us.
“Jesus,” Jamie answered.
“Mary,” said Stella.
“Satan,” I said as I walked past her and pushed open the door to Ira Ginsberg’s office.”
Michelle Hodkin, The Retribution of Mara Dyer

Rachael Lippincott
“I’m tired of living without really living.”
Rachael Lippincott, Five Feet Apart

Rachael Lippincott
“...I want to be fearless and free. It's just life, Will. It'II be over before we know it.”
Rachael Lippincott, Five Feet Apart

Anaïs Nin
“Coming near him like a ballet dancer she took a leap towards him, and he, frightened by her vehemence, and fearing that she would crash against him, instinctively became absolutely rigid, and she felt herself embracing a statue.”
anais nin

Michelle Hodkin
“How are we supposed to get in?”
Stella kicked the metal shutter.
“Fool of a Took!” Jamie hissed through his teeth. “If someone’s in there, they probably heard that.”
Michelle Hodkin, The Retribution of Mara Dyer

Helen Hoang
“This goes two ways, Stella. You like the feel of me. I like the feel of you.”
Helen Hoang, The Kiss Quotient

Michelle Hodkin
“My chest, Stella’s hip, Jamie’s left ass cheek.”
Michelle Hodkin, The Retribution of Mara Dyer

Helen Hoang
“You’re wet already, Stella. You’re like a Lamborghini. Zero to sixty in two point seven seconds.”
Helen Hoang, The Kiss Quotient

Becca Fitzpatrick
“Did you happen to see what time slot they gave me?'
'Eight o'clock. All eyes, er, lips will be on you.'
I dug into my purse for a tube of lip balm and tucked it into the front pocket of his tee. ' A friendly deed for a friend in need. Halfway through your shift, you'll thank me.'
He dug out the tube and read the label - creme de menthe flavored. 'For real? This is as close as I'm getting to touching your lips tonight?”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Dangerous Lies

“But I love YOU, Edweird. Sure, I'll probably hook up with Yakob in Eclipse. After all, you're going to leave me for roughly three hundred pages. But that's neither here nor there. You and I were meant to be together. I mean you, me and sometimes Yakob...and sometimes just Yakob and me, but mostly you and me. That's just the way I always dreamed it should be, you want to marry me. We'll marry."
"Hmmm," said Edweird thoughtfully after a long pause. "You know, I'm actually getting kind of tired of Yakob, if you want to know the truth. I mean, seriously, going steady with the same guy for half a century can make a stale relationship. Maybe it's time we see other people. You really set me straight on this, Stella. I want to thank you for makin me see this whole vampire-werewolf relationship thing more clearly."
Edweird then turned to Yakob, who had remained silent throughout. "It's over between us, toots.”
Stephen Jenner, Twilite: A Parody

Kristen Ashley
“Last night you sat there singing to me 'nothing to hide, believe what I say' and not ten hours later you're standin' in front of me lyin”
Kristen Ashley, Rock Chick Reckoning

“As you wish. But I'd like to change the pace a little. You know, my throat is sore from talking so much. So, what would you think if I tell you about the Sullens through interpretive dance? Honestly, I'm quite good at it, and I usually charge admission, or at the very least ask for a box of treats. But for you, tonight's performance it's on the house.”
Stephen Jenner, Twilite: A Parody

Stella Payton
“In the effort to reach the stars and change the world, make sure you touch a heart and change a life.”
Stella Payton

Crystal King
Today I saw the most beautiful girl in the world...

She is the most beautiful girl in the world, Bartolomeo Scappi thought. Never have I seen a woman so perfect, so angelic, so impossible for me to attain.
"Bella," he breathed when air filled his lungs once again.
Even Ippolito d'Este's presence at the dining table could not mar his giddiness. The girl was so beautiful she glowed like a painting of the Madonna, making everyone around her seem colorless in comparison. She was clearly a principessa of a grand house, sitting between Ippolito's father, the Duke of Ferrara, on one side, and a woman most likely to be her mother on the right.
Bartolomeo sought to memorize every feature of this goddess with golden hair that shone with glints of red in the last rays of the day's sunlight. Her eyes were dark chestnut, rich and deep, while her lips were pink, like the inside of a seashell. Her hair was braided, but much of it flowed loose over shoulders, teasing her pale skin. She wore a dress of red, with sleeves billowing white. Rubies and pearls spilled across her delicate collarbone toward her beautiful breasts. Scappi painted her picture in his mind and stored it deep within the frame of his heart.
That evening, while staring at the sky, his thoughts lost in the memory of the signorina, a shooting star passed across his vision. "Stella," he said under his breath. I will call her Stella. My shining star.
Crystal King, The Chef's Secret

“Essere diversi. Essere originale. Nessuno si ricorderà di una specifica fiore in giardino caricati con migliaia di lo stesso fiore giallo, ma si ricorderanno quello che è riuscito a cambiare il suo colore viola.

Essere diversi e di pensare in modo diverso rende una persona indimenticabile. La storia non ricorda il dimenticabile. Si onora la unica minoranza la maggioranza non può dimenticare.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Katie McGarry
“Thank you Jonah."
He lowers his head at the break in my voice. I ignore the moisture in his eyes and pretend that mine don't sting.
"For what?" he whispers.
" For showing me that people can change. Even if it is one person out of a million.”
Katie McGarry, Red at Night

Neil Gaiman
“La stella rimase seduta accanto a quell'uomo addormentato che un tempo l'aveva fatta prigioniera, ma che poi era diventato suo compagno di viaggio. Si domandò che fine avesse fatto il suo odio.”
Neil Gaiman, Stardust

Neil Gaiman
“La stella lasciò andare la catena. - Una volta lui mi ha catturato con una catena simile, ma poi mi ha liberato e io sono scappata via. Quando mi ha ritrovata mi ha legata a sé con un vincolo più forte di qualunque catena.”
Neil Gaiman, Stardust

Kristen Ashley
“I’m not broken, just scarred.”
Kristen Ashley, Rock Chick Reckoning

Crystal King
Stella. I cannot wait to see her and hold her in my arms once more. I long for my stellina. I worry that the distance between us will someday create cracks in our love that cannot be mended. Our time together sometimes seems thin, like a spice or other flavor is missing. I need to think of something I can do more to seal our love together, to rekindle our fire so we will always long for each other.”
Crystal King, The Chef's Secret

Kristen Callihan
“People have been stockpiling necessities such as toilet paper, bread, water, and junk food.
I never understood the whole bread thing, because no one ever seems to purchase anything to go with the bread. Peanut butter is still stocked, as jelly. What do these people do with their bread in the event of an emergency? Huddle down beside their piles of toilet paper and eat plain slices of bread until help arrives?”
Kristen Callihan, Fall

Chiara Cilli
“«E tu ami lui» aggiunge dopo quella che mi pare un’eternità. «Ti deve importare.»”
Chiara Cilli, Radioactive Storm
tags: stella

Jacqueline Carey
“Orgoglio, desiderio, compassione, intelligenza, belligeranza, fecondità, lealtà... e colpa. Ma al di sopra di tutto c'è l'amore. E se desideriamo essere più che umani, è quella la stella che dobbiamo seguire. Non possiamo fare altro che tentare. È sufficiente.”
Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Avatar

Mila Fois
“Aldebaran brillava sopra l’avanzata dell’Armata sovietica, che portava il suo stesso colore, e sopra una Berlino che percepiva chiaramente di essere ormai allo stremo.”
Mila Fois, Black Camelot - La Camelot Nera

Giovanni Pascoli
“O tu, stella randagia, astro disperso,
che forse cerchi, nel tuo folle andare,
la porta onde fuggir dall’universo!”
Giovanni Pascoli

Crystal King
“A woman I didn't recognize tapped my arm. She was elderly, but still stood tall, her dark eyes bright with sadness. She wore a black brocade gown edged with red. She held out a bouquet of red carnations and white narcissus. She stepped forward and placed the flowers on Bartolomeo's headstone, then stepped back and slipped into the crowd so fast I could not see where she went.
I stared down at the flowers. Narcissus was a common spring flower at funerals, but red carnations meant only love, deep abiding love. I had never seen her before. Who was she?”
Crystal King, The Chef's Secret

Crystal King
“, Bartolomeo Scappi thought. Never have I seen a woman so perfect, so angelic, so impossible for me to attain.
"Bella," he breathed when air filled his lungs once again.
Even Ippolito d'Este's presence at the dining table could not mar his giddiness. The girl was so beautiful she glowed like a painting of the Madonna, making everyone around her seem colorless in comparison. She was clearly a principessa of a grand house, sitting between Ippolito's father, the Duke of Ferrara, on one side, and a woman most likely to be her mother on the right.
Bartolomeo sought to memorize every feature of this goddess with golden hair that shone with glints of red in the last rays of the day's sunlight. Her eyes were dark chestnut, rich and deep, while her lips were pink, like the inside of a seashell. Her hair was braided, but much of it flowed loose over shoulders, teasing her pale skin. She wore a dress of red, with sleeves billowing white. Rubies and pearls spilled across her delicate collarbone toward her beautiful breasts. Scappi painted her picture in his mind and stored it deep within the frame of his heart.
That evening, while staring at the sky, his thoughts lost in the memory of the signorina, a shooting star passed across his vision. "Stella," he said under his breath. I will call her Stella. My shining star.
Crystal King, The Chef's Secret

Crystal King
“Bartolomeo watched her bring a forkful of pheasant to her lips. She closed her eyes and savored the flavors. He himself had studded the birds with cloves and stuffed them with fennel, then wrapped them in pork fat and roasted them until crisp. He had spooned the pomegranate sauce over their wings, the little seeds falling onto the plate like tiny jewels.”
Crystal King, The Chef's Secret

Crystal King
“She was a paragon of good health and didn't need to worry herself about the advice of doctors. She should instead worry about love. Love of the crumble of a lavender tourte against her tongue. Love of the delicate flavor of sole in a tarragon sauce. Love of the flaky crust of a prune and cherry crostata. Or love of the wine mingling with the taste of a pig freshly roasted on the spit.”
Crystal King, The Chef's Secret

Nicola Davidson
“Because I love you, you clodhopping cold-bathing, gin-swilling twit!”
Nicola Davidson, Villain I'd Like to F...

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