
Status Symbol Quotes

Quotes tagged as "status-symbol" Showing 1-11 of 11
Phyllis McGinley
“But the kitchen will not come into its own again until it ceases to be a status symbol and becomes again a workshop. It may be pastel. It may be ginghamed as to curtains and shining with copper like a picture in a woman's magazine. But you and I will know it chiefly by its fragrances and its clutter. At the back of the stove will sit a soup kettle, gently bubbling, one into which every day are popped leftover bones and vegetables to make stock for sauces or soup for the family. Carrots and leeks will sprawl on counters, greens in a basket. There will be something sweet-smelling twirling in a bowl and something savory baking in the oven. Cabinet doors will gape ajar and colored surfaces are likely to be littered with salt and pepper and flour and herbs and cheesecloth and pot holders and long-handled forks. It won't be neat. It won't even look efficient. but when you enter it you will feel the pulse of life throbbing from every corner. The heart of the home will have begun once again to beat.”
Phyllis McGinley

Anthon St. Maarten
“Purpose, joy and inner peace are the only status symbols worth having.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Martha C. Nussbaum
“Anger is about status injury.”
Martha Nussbaum

M.H. Rakib
“Listen, To be modernize it doesn't mean to be rich in wealth or by status but to be rich in wisdom......!”
M.H. Rakib

Emily Matchar
“[Joan C. Williams] Food has always been a class code, and since Alice Waters, the way to give an upper-middle class act is with food that is fresh and local...The class code of the upper-middle class literally links morality and political virtue with certain forms of high-intensity food-preparation activities.”
Emily Matchar, Homeward Bound: Why Women are Embracing the New Domesticity

Amit Kalantri
“Those who cannot win trophies and medals, they create status symbols for themselves.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Tressie McMillan Cottom
“What we forget, if we ever knew, is that what we know now about status and wealth creation and sacrifice are predicated on who we are — that is, not poor.

If you change the conditions of your not-poor status, you change everything you know as a result of being a not-poor. You have no idea what you would do if you were poor until you are poor. And not intermittently poor or formerly not-poor, but born poor, expected to be poor, and treated by bureaucracies, gatekeepers, and well-meaning respectability authorities as inherently poor. Then, and only then, will you understand the relative value of a ridiculous status symbol to someone who intuits that they cannot afford to not have it.”
Tressie McMillan Cottom, Thick: And Other Essays

Dean M. Schroeder
“From reserved parking places to separate bathrooms, the last things managers need are extravagant status symbols that tell them that they are better than the people who work for them.”
Dean M. Schroeder, The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-Up Ideas

“Open your eyes as wide as you can and take note of where you are, why you are, and who you are with?”
Qamar Rafiq

“The pursuit of status may bring temporary satisfaction, but the pursuit of purpose brings everlasting fulfillment.”
Henry Johnson Jr

“Your status symbol, fame, fortune, background, or origin are irrelevant to love, as love speaks its own language.”
Kenan Hudaverdi