
Starving Artist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "starving-artist" Showing 1-10 of 10
Betty Edwards
“Over the last forty years, many educators, decision-makers, and even some parents have come to regard the arts as peripheral, and let’s face it, frivolous—especially the visual arts, with their connotation of ”the starving artist” and the mistaken concept of necessary talent”
Betty Edwards, The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Criss Jami
“From recovery to rags and rags to recovery symbolizes art - a perfect compilation of human imperfections.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

Dean Koontz
“She would have thought that working and living in continuous happiness, harmony, and security day after day would lead to mental lethargy, that her writing would suffer from too much happiness, that she needed a balanced life with down days and miseries to keep the sharp edge on her work. But the idea that an artist needed to suffer to do her best work was a conceit of the young and inexperienced. The happier she grew, the better she wrote.”
Dean Koontz, Lightning

Emily H. Sturgill
“ I was born, slipping on a symphony of broken melancholy; created of pencils and crayons; i was not supposed to be this way. i guess i am a "disappointment". i paint and draw. i like to write poetry. The things I excel at could fit inside my shoe." Excerpt from the poem,"Pain"written in 1995, by E.H. Cato(my maiden name) featured in Volume 2 of the Rantings & Ravings Series, 2013.”
Emily Sturgill

Hiroko Sakai
“The privilege of struggling artists is ... the life being buried in what we can't really afford of* what a gorgeous life!!”
Hiroko Sakai

Criss Jami
“I think that most artists scorned would prefer to be known as the one with the genius brain risking no career over the one with the good brain and great career.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“An empty stomach will teach you lessons a full stomach can’t.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Joyce Rachelle
“Sometimes the gap between what you are and what you want to be is a little piece of paper called your college degree. So jump.”
Joyce Rachelle

Richie Norton
“ART (in a business marketing context)

Richie Norton

Charlotte Eriksson
“I think I’ll be happier writing with no money than not writing with a lot of money.”
Charlotte Eriksson, He loved me some days. I'm sure he did: 99 essays on growth through loss