Speaking Out Quotes

Quotes tagged as "speaking-out" Showing 31-60 of 91
Charlena E. Jackson
“Children are supposed to be free spirits and dream chasers, thinking of limitless opportunities. They are supposed to be filled with light that shines with happiness and joy that shouldn’t be dimmed or filled with darkness and fear.”

Charlena E. Jackson
“Bullying is the "silent killer". Bullying shouldn’t be taken lightly. Our children deserves to be heard.”

Howard Thurman
“Do not be silent; there is no limit to the power that may be released through you.”
Howard Thurman, Deep Is the Hunger

Angie Thomas
“I have to think about that one for a minute. “Everybody’s pissed ’cause One-Fifteen hasn’t been charged,” I say, “but also because he’s not the first one to do something like this and get away with it. It’s been happening, and people will keep rioting until it changes. So I guess the system’s still giving hate, and everybody’s still getting fucked?”

Daddy laughs and gives me dap. “My girl. Watch your mouth, but yeah, that’s about right. And we won’t stop getting fucked till it changes. That’s the key. It’s gotta change.”

A lump forms in my throat as the truth hits me. Hard. “That’s why people are speaking out, huh? Because it won’t change if we don’t say something."

"Exactly. We can't be silent."

"So I can't be silent.”
Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give

Laurie Halse Anderson
“She snapped," they said.
"Couldn't take it anymore."
"Reached her breaking point."
We should teach our girls that snapping is okay instead of waiting for someone else to break them.”
Laurie Halse Anderson, Shout

Chanel Cleeton
“I told myself being a Perez meant more than being Cuban, that my responsibility to my family, to do what was expected, to be the woman my parents wanted me to be meant more than fighting for what I believed in, for speaking out against Batista's tyranny.

And the whole time we were pretending our way of life was fine, the "paradise" we'd created was really a fragile deal with a mercurial devil, and the ground beneath us shifted and cracked, destroying the world as we knew it.

Fidel has shown us the cost of our silence. The danger of waiting too long to speak, of another's voice being louder than ours because we were too busy living in the bubbles we'd created to realize the rest of Cuba had changed and left us behind.”
Chanel Cleeton, Next Year in Havana

“Scared of what people will think if you speak up?

Fear of being wrong is likely the fear of other people's judgement, which is actually your own self-judgement.

Can you love yourself even when you fail?
Can you have the courage to be wrong in the process of learning?”
Benjamin Brown

Okey Ndibe
“a story that must be told never forgives silence”
Okey Ndibe, Arrows of Rain

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Your voice is the most potent magic in existence.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Audre Lorde
“And I remind myself all the time now that if I were to have been born mute, or had maintained an oath of silence my whole life long for safety, I would still have suffered, and I would still die. It is very good for establishing perspective.”
Audre Lorde

“Women have been using their ‘womanly wiles’ to influence male’s behavior for thousands of years. Why are they suddenly crying foul after they receive favor from those same men, some even decades before? They knew what they were doing from the start but had no problem accepting the benefits from those influential men. Why do women feel like they have the right to make outrageous claims of sexual harassment against men while destroying careers, businesses, and families with no repercussions?”
Jane Whitaker

Lorenzo Dozier
“Not everyone will support you. If you take every insult or rude slur from people personally, you will always be offended for the rest of your life. So give up worrying about if people support you or not. If they do, it will show. If it doesn't, who cares.”
Lorenzo Dozier, 31 Days to Live

“Why solicit more assaults from critics, many in the highest parts of our government, who have deliberately attempted to distract attention from the real issue of a compromised president’s corrupt complicity in Russian interference? Especially when, aside from required testimony, I have stayed silent for years. First out of duty to the FBI’s rules and then to protect and respect an ongoing investigation. Because the Russians haven’t gone away.”
Peter Strzok, Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump

Rao Umar Javed
“There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge comes from books and wisdom from thinking. No doubt, knowledge might give you the power to speak, but wisdom helps you to know when one should not speak. They are two parallel things with different destinations.”
Rao Umar Javed, Distorted Denouement

Lindsay Currie
“Speaking up for people who don’t have a voice is important...It's the right thing to do, even if it's hard.”
Lindsay Currie, The Girl in White

Maureen Joyce Connolly
“Be BOLD like a cicada-pipe the heck up”
Maureen Joyce Connolly, Little Lovely Things

Ron Baratono
“Without any of us saying a word, righteousness will come from Jesus Christ.”
Ron Baratono

Catherine Ryan Hyde
“Right,” Raymond said, realizing he was in prison. That his inability to express what he was feeling had formed such a tight and inescapable box around his being that he could barely breathe.”
Catherine Ryan Hyde, Have You Seen Luis Velez?

Catherine Ryan Hyde
“Raymond opened his mouth to say something. But he was still unclear on what the something would be. Part of him wanted to express what a big deal it was. Bigger than her words had tried to make it out to be. But it seemed unlikely that he would say a thing like that. He never had before.”
Catherine Ryan Hyde, Have You Seen Luis Velez?

“Fighting and losing is sometimes politically preferable to surrendering in silence.”
Dan Pfeiffer, Un-Trumping America: A Plan to Make America a Democracy Again

Ilaria Tuti
“She suddenly realised that saying nothing at all only ever helps the executioner, never the victim. P. 106”
Ilaria Tuti, Flowers Over the Inferno

“Victime de la perversité. Pervertie, mais pas perverse, maman.”
Camille Kouchner, La familia grande

Rosie Hewlett
“One day, you will come to realise that people will always try and wriggle out of the uncomfortable truths, choosing instead to cushion their fragile egos with the lies they want to hear. Well, now I realise, it is our job to make them listen.”
Rosie Hewlett, Medusa

“Our playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so others won't feel insecure around us! As we become liberated from our fears, we are free to experience life as it is meant to be! If we are to be free from oppression and control, we must take charge of our own lives and in our magnificence, stand up and speak our truth. In our doing, we let our light shine...
(Stella: She was kicked out of the Religion because she objected to her 16 Year old daughter being given in marriage to a 39 yr old polygamist man.)”
Jenny Jessop Larson, From Brainwash to Hogwash: Escaping and Exposing Polygamy

Geetanjali Shree
“Nandu kyon bol kar bura bane? Unke nire dost baithe hain na, unke man kee bolne ko.

Why should Nandu speak and become bad? His friends are sitting there to speak what his heart wants.”
Geetanjali Shree

Najaha Nauf
“Sometimes, I have so much to say, I don't know where these words come from, or where they go.”
Najaha Nauf, Slow Dancing with The Stars

“I have friends who speak out – as is necessary –
with subtle and unsubtle force.
But I am from this place and a great deal
has been going wrong for some time now.”
M.L. Smoker, Another Attempt at Rescue