
Simplysood Quotes

Quotes tagged as "simplysood" Showing 1-30 of 50
“Overthinking is an outcome of unfavourable past experiences. One starts imagining the worst.. and then it is equally true that one is not aware of this... That's the first step...To observe yourself.. Starting with just 05 minutes every day can get you to a place where it will be possible for controlling this programmed behaviour and rewrite a better one..”
Ramesh Sood #SimplySood

“When something outside me goes wrong; I know that something inside me needs to change...”
Ramesh Sood

“Fear in its role as a protector is good when you have someone waiting at home and you don't want their lives disrupted because of your own adventurous spirit ..”
Ramesh Sood

“When I let it go;
joy of it stays forever ...”
Ramesh Sood, Carnival of Thoughts: A Book of Haiku and Poems

“You are a true leader if you know that things will continue even when you are not there..”
Ramesh Sood

“Personal Transformation is so much personal.
You shouldn't talk about it with anyone.
You must remain absent while remaining present till you are ready. Those around you will comment, criticize, and conspire to create
obstacles in the process, because, as I said in
Relashuns to Relashines, in your light their own shadows will Scare them. If they are not able to stop you, then they will go away. Have the strength to stay with yourself. You will achieve. It is not difficult. Trust yourself. Ah, it is such a beautiful journey without going anywhere else. Staying where you are, doing what you are required to do and do you must.”
Ramesh Sood

“We attract behaviour. Period.

A deep realisation which had made me apologise and seek forgiveness of the one who had thrown a glass of water on my face sometime in 1978. Imagine what I might have said to provoke such a reaction! I had found him after 17 years to ask for his forgiveness. I had embarked on a search of ten of such individuals from all across. One whom I was not able to locate, I had incidentally found traveling in train.

No, personal transformation is not easy. Don't indulge in it if you are not willing to make the efforts which would be essential. If that strong and intense desire is there, then trust me you will attract the right person, right voice and a right mentor or coach.

To listen to that top, nay, that deep and therefore, a little weak voice, will need you to be cautious and attentive before it gets snubbed by the noise around. If you are able to then know that your time has come.”
Ramesh Sood

“I am in love with myself," he looked in the mirror and said.
"When was the last time you even met yourself..? Did you?"
asked the mirror.

Ah, what a reflection”
Ramesh Sood

“When wrong things were happening to me constantly; something right was also happening silently. I was slowly becoming who I am today.”
Ramesh Sood

“AGE IS NOT A NUMBER! It’s a well-earned gift of experiences.”
Ramesh Sood

“Here’s sharing some true, realistic lessons I learnt in six decades of life after I took birth on this beautiful planet in 1960:

LESSON 1 1960-70
Identifying core values early strengthens one’s inner self and gives direction to “HOW” of living. Daily conversations with my father when I was about 08 got me to define right and wrong in a simple way: Never to harm yourself or any other person even in your thoughts in any way. It gave me a ‘burden-less’ living.

LESSON 2 1970-80
Don’t let your goodness be taken as your weakness by people and use you. Instead of being focused on “getting liked” by those in demand, better to spend time on self-development thro self-discipline, self-control and focus to be the best in what comes naturally to you.

LESSON 3 1980-90 
Whatever be the level of comfort in life, it can simply shift in one day. Life can change in the blink of an eye. Those are the moments when the work you have done on yourself will help you stand tall, confident and get to rebuild yourself. Clarity of the choice will be defining your life ahead.

LESSON 4 1990-00
Persistence, confidence, commitment, passion, hard-work, dedication and devotion are all beautiful terms. Unless you add ‘Strategy’, it works NOT. In pursuit of your goal you may have to be flexible about your values.

LESSON 5 2000-10
Doesn’t matter if you are MOON, if Sun doesn’t like you and stop giving you light, you are nowhere. Very important to develop lasting relationships on a “give and take” principle. Clear and candid. Period.

LESSON 6 2010-20
And if you continue to live with the basic first lesson that I got in early childhood and then what I learned later of being flexible, which I chose not to, as I wanted to pursue what I thought was right, then it is equally true that life slowly and steadily turns magical. For every one person who preys on you to cut your wings, you will find 10 angels willing to share theirs. You will learn LESS IS MORE. And you will find humility holding you tight and taking you through every storm and staying firmly rooted would also mean storms passing through you. Life will just keep flowing and you will be able to create your own small beautiful and happy world.

Whatever you know is only to the extent of how YOU have experienced life. More than that is a perception and an illusion what can also be termed as Your imagined reality
So finally, my lessons are MINE. May not be applicable to all. If even one person is able to relate with them and choose to restart by reconsidering any WHATSs , WHYs and HOWSs, I will be happy.

AGE IS NOT A NUMBER! It’s a well-earned gift of experiences.

Feeling blessed!”
Ramesh Sood

“I touch the tree and my roots get strengthened.”
Ramesh Sood

“Unless you open up in a relationship, somewhere the doubt or vacuum with linger. So, be a flower, open-up and enjoy a beautiful and blooming relationship.”
Ramesh Sood

“For me in coaching, context must decide the content. It's about the coachee. Yes, yet it's up to the coach to know what would work in a context. Sometimes questions and at others stories or advice or exercises too can be offered to bring home certain points and find solutions...”
Ramesh Sood

“In one's life, if one wants to reach the top, then , why one has to be what one is not! Being realistic helps me as a coach. It builds unflinching trust between me and my coachee..”
Ramesh Sood

“A bridge between two human beings always exists. It may not be visible because senses are not trained or keen to pick it up. You know what? No bridge between two individuals gets completely burnt. It keeps hanging in formlessness with the thin threads of past closeness..”
Ramesh Sood

“Spirituality for me is a way of living which makes you boundless in every which way and incapable of harming anyone or yourself even in your thoughts...”
Ramesh Sood

“Insights come when you deeply observe the outside.”
Ramesh Sood, Untitled: Life's Random Lessons

“A friend is some one who even if you have to part ways for whatever compulsions, and you have to stop interacting, will not ask any questions, will keep respecting and trusting and wishing for your well being. And if you ever return, will talk as if you had never left. Mere presence somewhere will be enough. Such a friend will be rich in understanding.”
Ramesh Sood

“Inhale means receive.
Exhale means give.
That's how we live.
Same rule applies.
From whom you receive,
to them must you give.
Imbalance won't help.”
Ramesh Sood , Untitled: Life's Random Lessons

“Everything said will be true from the perceived reality of the source. Even if it is opposite to what I think, it could be true in some context. I can stay calm and not lose balance and avoid judgment while sharing my thought which comes from my perceived reality.”
Ramesh Sood, Untitled Life’s Random Lessons : A tapestry of anecdotes on life, mindset, leadership, communication and relationships.

“If I shine in the light of sun then will I be visible after the sunset? One thing I learnt very early... Because life had decided to hit me hardest. I made a conscious choice to face my own darkness and deep dive because below there swam some dots of light..”
Ramesh Sood, Untitled Life’s Random Lessons : A tapestry of anecdotes on life, mindset, leadership, communication and relationships.

“To meet you somewhere; I must first meet myself here.”
Ramesh Sood

“Learning to endure rough weathers with an infectious calm without regrets is one essential aspect of leadership.”
Ramesh Sood, Untitled Life’s Random Lessons : A tapestry of anecdotes on life, mindset, leadership, communication and relationships.

“You are a leader only if your team says so.”
Ramesh Sood, Listening to Leading: Simplest Definition of Leadership Unveiled....

“I can't relate with young ? Is it? Till 64 I can be any age. Tell me what age you want... Because I have lived it and it's a part of me. Whereas you can't be mine.”
Ramesh Sood

“Self Awareness is a lot about identifying those little choices we make from our own darkness with a dark intent. Self Development is reducing those choices.”
Ramesh Sood

“I know that I don't know.
Does this confession make me someone who knows?
Life's essence lies in paradoxes.
I have heard wisest of people
telling me to live in the present
by drawing and telling stories
from their past. Am I different? No.
Because, in present it just is.
There are no comparisons. There are no stories. There is only simply experience which can't be explained. Because you can only
explain in the next moment when
the experience has become past.

OMG! yeh kaise likh diya. Flow mein aaya aur likh diya..”
Ramesh Sood

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