
Shannon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shannon" Showing 1-10 of 10
Richard Hamming
“When you are famous it is hard to work on small problems. This is what did Shannon in. After information theory, what do you do for an encore? The great scientists often make this error. They fail to continue to plant the little acorns from which the mighty oak trees grow. They try to get the big thing right off. And that isn't the way things go. So that is another reason why you find that when you get early recognition it seems to sterilize you.”
Richard Hamming

Nora Roberts
“Shannon: Only the living suffered. Only they were riddled with guilt and regret and unanswered questions.”
Nora Roberts, Born in Shame

P.C. Cast
“I remember you as the wind that breathes upon the forest
The murmur of leaves rustling
The rays of the sun.
I remember you as the power of trees growing
And the bud breaking into bloosom.
You are in my thoughts whenever i praise
All that is noble and true.”
P. C. Cast

Alicia Howard
“Nobody told you to shoot her!” Dallas barked.

“You said death was the only way out and from the looks of things she was on her way out.” Shannon hunched her shoulders.

“Go home Shannon.” Dallas knew this hell demon needed rest.

“Cool I am sleepy anyways. Roc you coming?” Shannon waved the gun.

“No boo I will take a cab. I don’t trust you.” He was serious as hell.

“I understand. I don’t trust me either.” She smiled and when home.”
Alicia howard, Duffle Bag Bitches 2

Debra Anastasia
“Vhat is your nom?” Preston had a lazy eye, and the alcohol added to the lopsided effect of his gaze.

“Shannon Tinker, and I watch you like you’re a TV show.” Shannon added a bop to her stance, unconsciously dancing to the beat of the song constantly playing in her head.”
Debra Anastasia, Fire in the Hole

Debra Anastasia
“Nobody wanted to ride bitch to his own testicle festival.”
Debra Anastasia, Fire in the Hole

Debra Anastasia
“Shannon looked at the dumpy ruins around her. It was expansive and disgusting, but like a dog dump with a lace doily draped over it, there was beauty to be found”
Debra Anastasia, Fire in the Hole

Debra Anastasia
“There, that’s better. I want to do this with you looking as God made you. Shannon whatever-your-middle-name-is Tinker, I’ve never been normal. Not one single day on this planet. But last night? When you clapped for joy at my newfound, piss-soaked balls? My heart stopped. I couldn’t even think—my mind stalled. I have never seen anything more beautiful than your face in the moonlight as you clapped for my crazy. Please, let’s be stupid together, stupid for each other, stupid for the rest of our lives. Be my queen, officially. With you here, even this tremendous dung pile looks like a kingdom to me.”
Debra Anastasia, Fire in the Hole

Lacy Silk
“He was hard and soft at the same time and she wanted to know how hard and how soft he could be about other things. He was a fire to her long cold embers. He led and she followed.”
Lacy Silk, Fantasies and Realities

Christof Koch
“The cause-effect information is defined as the smaller (minimum) of the cause-information and the effect-information. If either one is zero, the cause-effect information is likewise zero. That is, the mechanism's past must be able to determine its present, which, in turn, must be able to determine its future. The more the past and the future are specified by the present state, the higher the mechanism's cause-effect power.
Note that this usage of 'information' is very different from its customary meaning in engineering and science introduced by Claude Shannon. Shannon information, which is always assessed from the external perspective of an observer, quantifies how accurately signals transmitted over some noisy communication channel, such as a radio link or an optical cable, can be decoded. Data that distinguishes between two possibilities, OFF and ON, carries 1 bit of information. What that information is, though - the result of a critical blood test or the least significant bit in a pixel in the corner of a holiday photo - completely depends on the context. The meaning of Shannon information is in the eye of the beholder, not in the signals themselves. Shannon information is observational and extrinsic.
Information in the sense of integrated information theory reflects a much older Aristotelian usage, derived from the Latin in-formare, 'to give form or shape to.' Integrated information gives rise to the cause-effect structure, a form. Integrated information is causal, intrinsic, and qualitative: it is assessed from the inner perspective of a system, based on how its mechanisms and its present state shape its own past and future. How the system constrains its past and future states determines whether the experience feels like azure blue or the smell of wet dog.”
Christof Koch, The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can't Be Computed