
Shame Of Society Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shame-of-society" Showing 1-7 of 7
C. JoyBell C.
“The shame and the downfall of a modern materialistic society is her inability to treasure, care for, admire, adore, cherish, value, revere, respect, uphold, uplift, protect, shield, defend, safeguard, treasure and love her children. I praise all the cultures of this world that naturally harbor and actively manifest these instincts. If a nation or if a population of people fails to recognize the excellent value and distinction of the lives of her children and is defective enough to have lost the capability of expressing and acting upon these instincts then there is nothing that can save that nation or those people. The prosperity of a people is not measured in banks, financial markets, economy and the death of its humanity is evident not through the loss of life but in the loss of love for its children.”
C. JoyBell C.

Ralph Ellison
“You're a Black educated fool, son. These white folk have newspapers, magazines, radios, spokesmen to get their ideas across. If they want to tell the world a lie, they can tell it so well that it becomes the truth; and if I tell them you're lying, they'll tell the world even if you prove you're telling the truth. Because it's the kind of lie they want to hear.”
Ralph Ellison

“O [Roman] people be ashamed; be ashamed of your lives. Almost no cities are free of evil dens, are altogether free of impurities, except the cities in which the barbarians have begun to live...

Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us...

The Goths lie, but are chaste, the Franks lie, but are but are generous, the Saxons are savage in cruelty...but are admirable in chastity...what hope can there be [for the Romans] when the barbarians are more pure [than they]?"

William J Federer, Change to Chains-The 6,000 Year Quest for Control -Volume I-Rise of the Republic

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Society says "Don't talk about sex, just do it”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“If you want to know about sex don't ask your parents. They don't have any and know nothing about it. Find out yourself”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Jonathan Maberry
“It doesn't exactly fill me with pride."
"For what, being a white man?"
"For being a carbon based life-form.”
Jonathan Maberry, The Dragon Factory

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Sex is too sweet to speak about, you must only do it”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom