
Shadow Of The Wind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shadow-of-the-wind" Showing 1-12 of 12
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Jacinta never told Penelope that she loved her. The nurse knew that those who really love, love in silence, with deeds and not with words.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Keep your dreams, you will never know when you need them”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Una historia no tiene principio ni fin, tan solo puertas de entrada.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, El laberinto de los espíritus

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Never before had I felt trapped, so seduced and caught up in a story,' Clara explained, 'the way I did with that book. Until then, reading was just a duty, a sort of fine one had to pay teachers and tutors without quite knowing why. I had never known the pleasure of reading, of exploring the recesses of the soul, of letting myself be carried away by imagination, beauty, and the mystery of fiction and language. For me all those things were born with that novel. This is a world of shadows, Daniel, and magic is a rare asset. That book taught me that by reading, I could live more intensely. It could give me back the sight I had lost. For that reason alone, a book that didn't matter to anyone, changed my life.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“... und in der schwärzesten Nacht meines Lebens sah ich Sterne.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Ich hatte das gefühl, er hat in der Vergangenheit gelebt, eingeschlossen in seinen Erinnerungen, ganz für sich, für seine Bücher und in ihnen drin, wie ein Luxusgefangener."
Sie sagen das, als beneiden sie ihn."
Es gibt schlimmere Gefängnisse als Worte, Daniel.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“When everyone is determined to present someone as a monster, there are two possibilities: either he is a saint or
they are not telling the whole story.”
Zafon Ruiz C.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Without further ado I left the place, finding my route by the marks I had made on the way in. As I walked in the dark through the tunnels and tunnels of books, I could not help being overcome by a sense of sadness. I couldn't help thinking that if I, by pure chance, had found a whole universe in a single unknown book, buried in that endless necropolis, tens of thousands more would remain unexplored, forgotten forever. I felt myself surrounded by millions of abandoned pages, by worlds and souls without an owner sinking in an ocean of darkness, while the world that throbbed outside the library seemed to be losing its memory, day after day, unknowingly, feeling all the wiser the more it forgot.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“I guessed she must be, at most, twenty, but there was something about her manner that made me think she could be ageless. She seemed trapped in that state of perpetual youth reserved for mannequins in shop windows.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Now, back in the reality that always lies in wait among the shadows of the Ensanche quarter, the enchantment was lifting, and all I had was painful desire and an indescribable restlessness.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“The day I die, all that was once mine will be yours, Julián, he would say. Except my dreams.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Una puerta no tiene principio ni fin, tan solo puertas de entrada.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, El laberinto de los espíritus