
Settlement Quotes

Quotes tagged as "settlement" Showing 1-13 of 13
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
“No settlement with the majority is possible as no Hindu leader speaking with any authority shows any concern or genuine desire for it.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Criss Jami
“Peace is more of an internal settlement rather than what is visible on the external.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

Israelmore Ayivor
“You didn't fail... You just didn't use the right method. It's neither hail nor storm... It's just a stir that precedes the settlement of your destiny. Believe that you will not remain on the ground. Wake up and try again!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Dream big!: See your bigger picture!

Anthony Liccione
“They throw rice at a new marriage, then give him beans in a divorcement.”
Anthony Liccione

Ernest Hemingway
“The moon was up now and the trees were dark against it, and he passed the frame houses with their narrow yards, light coming from the shuttered windows; the unpaved alleys, with their double rows of houses; Conch town, where all was starched, well-shuttered, virtue, failure, grit and boiled grunts, under-nourishment, prejudice, righteousness, inter-breeding and the comforts of religion; the open-doored, lighted Cuban boilto houses, shacks whose only romance was their names”
Ernest Hemingway, To Have and Have Not

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Your emotions will wander like a vagabond when you're indebted. Those happy moments with friends will soon be interrupted with a frowning creditor in your sub-conscious, and all your frenzy will be taken aback.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Kenneth Eade
“In any negotiation, the one who first gives a number is the loser.”
Kenneth Eade, Beyond All Recognition

Namrata Gupta
“Why is the word ‘settled’ synonymous with fixedness? Doesn’t settling down signify that you are content with your life? I’m content with my life at this point, and therefore, I feel settled.”
Namrata Gupta, The Full Circle

Human Rights Watch
“Some regard the settlement enterprise as vital for security. 189 Whatever the motive, it is unacceptable to pursue this aim through a strategy of seeking to dominate Palestinians, maintaining a discriminatory system, and engaging in tactics that either have an insufficient security justification or otherwise violate international law. An intent to ensure security neither negates an intent to dominate, nor grants a carte blanche to undertake policies that go beyond what international law permits. While security grounds can justify a range of restrictive measures under international humanitarian and human rights law, a strategy that seeks to promote security by ensuring the demographic advantage of one group of people through discrimination or oppression has no basis under international law.”
Human Rights Watch, A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution

W.G. Sebald
“A strikingly large number of our settlements are oriented to the west and, where circumstances permit, relocate in a westward direction. The east stands for lost causes. Especially at the time that the continent of America was being colonized, it was noticeable that the townships spread to the west even was their eastern districts were falling apart.”
W.G. Sebald, The Rings of Saturn

Christina Thompson
“There is a reason the remote Pacific was the last place on Earth to be settled by humans: it was the most difficult, more daunting even than the deserts or the ice.”
Christina Thompson, Sea People: The Puzzle of Polynesia

“God’s word is settled in heaven forever; it takes faith to settle yours”
Daniel ANIKOR, Wells of inspiration: Sage's Secret

Jane Washington
“Her mate had a girlfriend. Or at least he was sexually active. Or … just really into people swinging from the ceiling? She didn’t understand what the weird text was about. Maybe it was a settlement thing. Maybe the ceiling-swinging was a settlement thing too.”
Jane Washington, Tourner