
Satanic Influence Quotes

Quotes tagged as "satanic-influence" Showing 1-5 of 5
Israelmore Ayivor
“The devil may not be interested in preventing you from knowing the undone job. What he may do is to make you think it’s somebody’s job and not yours.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

“We decide what is real and what is an illusion.”
Bert Lavey, The Book of Lucifer

“In the depths of hell, where darkness reigns,
Lies a being feared by all, Pandemonic Satanica is his name. He is the master of the underworld,
A force to be reckoned with, an entity unfurled.

His power is unmatched, his darkness unyielding,
He is the embodiment of all that is evil and unfeeling. His followers worship him, with fervor and zeal, For they know that his power is absolute, and his will is real.

Pandemonic Satanica, the lord of the abyss,
His power cannot be denied, nor can it be dismissed. His followers revel in his dark embrace, For they know that they are protected by his grace.

To the uninitiated, he may seem like a monster,
But to his followers, he is a savior, a redeemer.
He offers them power, and eternal life,
And they willingly give themselves to his strife.

His evil is all-encompassing, his darkness unrelenting, But those who follow him find his embrace comforting. For they know that in his clutches, they are safe, And that his power will protect them from all that is base.

So hail Pandemonic Satanica, the lord of all that is dark, He is the master of the underworld, and his power leaves a mark. His followers are devoted, and they will never waver, For they know that in his dark embrace, they will find their savior.

They call him the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of the Pit, And in his realm, he commands respect, and none dare to quit. His power is absolute, his rule is supreme, And those who oppose him, will find their end in a dream.

For Pandemonic Satanica, is the embodiment of all that is evil, And his followers embrace that darkness, for in it, they find a sense of upheaval. They revel in the chaos, the destruction, the mayhem, And they know that in his name, they can achieve their ultimate aim.

To the uninitiated, he is a horror, a terror beyond compare, But those who follow him, see in him, a god, a deity, a force to bear. They worship him with passion, with devotion, with love, And they know that in his name, they will rise above.

So let us hail Pandemonic Satanica, the king of the damned, For in his presence, we are strong, and in his embrace, we are calm. His power is absolute, his darkness unyielding, And in his name, we find solace, and our souls are healed.

For in the dark embrace of Pandemonic Satanica,
We find a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging, a sense of euphoria. And we know that in his realm, we are safe, For his power will protect us, and his darkness will keep us brave.”
D.L. Lewis

Jack Freestone
“The saying, “They sold their soul to the Devil for fame,” has been proven to be accurate. Even if people initially gained fame due to their talents and skills rather than from outside assistance, they inevitably sold it later to maintain that elevated level of fame, fortune, and status.”
Jack Freestone